a jenny là gì - Nghĩa của từ a jenny

a jenny có nghĩa là

She is sweet and kind.Her beauty is natural and is also smart.She treats you well and wants you to be happy.She can't express her feelings well.She isn't that innocent as you may think.WHAT EVER YOU DO DONT GET ON THEIR BAD SIDE!!Over all they are ok and good trustworthy friend but remember to treat them nicely because they can be sensitive and emotional at sometimes.


Woah Jenny is amazing and kind such an angel! Yeah but don't get in her bad side...terrible idea

a jenny có nghĩa là

A girl who acts like a true sister. She may not be blood line relatives, but she will care for you no matter what, even when hated she will love you. She tends to fall for the wrong type, but in the end she will never give up on someone she loves. She's socially active but naughty at times. She's got a big booty too! She gets very intimate with people and she will play around. She will trust you very easily and she will do anything to bring you happiness. She loves everyone and can have her depressed moments, but she will always overcome them for the right of others. She sacrifices her own to let someone else be happy, and she will always be there for you. She is a dork and a nerd, but everyone will love that quality about her. She is fairly beautiful but will never believe it. She is out going and active and enjoys the oddest things as well as being crazy. She is lovable and adorable and will always be your true friend.


Chris: Woah did you see that girl?
Dylan: Yup thats Jenny and look at the big booty!!
Chris: She's damn perfect!
Dylan: Back off bro she's mine!

a jenny có nghĩa là

Jenny is one of the coolest broke people you'll meet. She'll catch your eyes with hers, as they change from dark brown to black match her mood. Something just feels right about her straight hair that matches her eyes, and her heart of gold. She is a true beauty, though she never realizes it and dislikes her appearance. She makes for the most amazing friend you can find, and will never leave your side. She loves her friends with a passion but is sometimes afraid no one feels the same about her. She does her best to push you out of your comfort zone while also respecting anything you really don't want to do. Jenny is one of the funniest people you'll meet and never fails to give you a laugh when you need it the most, or attempt an encouraging speech in her own, sometimes weird way to boost your confidence. She loves with so much of herself, that makes her get easily attached, trust too fast and overall hurt. She has a very creative mind and loves writing, drawing, photographing the world, and expressing herself in as many ways as possible. She is smart, observant, and anything she sets her mind to gets done. If you ever meet her, you do NOT want to lose her because she is the best thing that will happen to you. Jenny is a very straightforward person and will tell you if she doesn't like something you've done, but also, she will tell you how much you mean to her and exactly how much she loves you when she does. She will never leave unless you ask her to.


person: Aww, I miss Jenny :[
Jenny, overhearing person say that: Lol, no you don't.

a jenny có nghĩa là

Cute Name and actually the best Girlfriend you can have. Jenny is always there for you. She smiles every second in her life. Is the most beautiful Girl in the World. Every Boy dreams to have a Jenny for himself. She always knows how to make you smile, even when you're mad. As you can see, she is a pretty awesome Girl.


A: Hey man your Girl is cute! What's her name?
B: Thanks! That's Jenny, she is just the most amazing Girl ever!

a jenny có nghĩa là

You're a cute, sexy, awesome, hardworking, beautiful[on the inside as well], ethereal, goddess, amazing, wonderful, angelic, badass, hot, confident, stylish and an independent woman, or you aspire to be. Periadt!


One day, i wanna be like Jennie Kim. She's amazing,

a jenny có nghĩa là

She's a person who knows who she is and enjoys being herself. Often misunderstood as being flirty or flighty. Really they just enjoy being around all kinds of people. Most Jenni's are kind hearted and loving. They tend to be people pleasers which can get then onto situations they never intended to be in. You will know where you stand with them. Even if they try to hide how the feel about you, thier emotions are all over their faces.


"Man, Jenni lookes pissed at me. She probably is." "I'm glad I have a Jenni as a friend! She's always here for me!"

a jenny có nghĩa là

The most cutest, adorable, funny, nicest, hottest, sweetest, caring, gorgeous, and most beautiful girl you’ll ever meet. There’s no one else like Jenny.


OMG I can’t wait to see Jenny again!!!

a jenny có nghĩa là

A phrase coined by Rob Dyrdek that refers to contact between your own pee pee parts with that of the opposite sex or a rather large male mannequin.


We were spooning and myjunk was Jenny to Jenny.

a jenny có nghĩa là

A Jenny - in other words a marijuana cigarette, a spliff, a joint. A Jenny consists of tobacco and marijuana rolled in a rizla, whether that be an L plate or a single skin.


“Hey Alyss, what you up to?”
“Oh me? Me Alyss? Why I, I be puffing on a phat Jenny dude!”
“oh for serious? Mann I was about to roll me up A Jenny too!”

a jenny có nghĩa là

A Jenni is a beautiful majestic beast. A Jenni is very sweet and kind but also will kick your butt. Dont challenge her to arcade basketball cause you'll lose. A Jenni also typically has a big butt and a bigger heart. Great smile and laugh. Comfortable in her own skin. All around good person. When she walks in a room accidents tend to happen. People start walking into things and people become more prone to neck injuries due to quick head turns.


Guy #1: Don't stare but this girl just walked in shes beautiful.
Guy #2: *stares*
Guy #1: I said don't stare
Guy #2: You didn't say it was a Jenni

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