A survey on IoT security: application areas, security threats and solution architectures

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A Survey on IoT Security: Application Areas, Security Threats, and Solution Architectures

Vikas Hassija;Vinay Chamola;Vikas Saxena;Divyansh Jain;Pranav Goyal;Biplab Sikdar

URI: ${sadil.baseUrl}/handle/123456789/3389

Date: 2019

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Research Area:  Internet of Things


The Internet of Things [IoT] is the next era of communication. Using the IoT, physical objects can be empowered to create, receive, and exchange data in a seamless manner. Various IoT applications focus on automating different tasks and are trying to empower the inanimate physical objects to act without any human intervention. The existing and upcoming IoT applications are highly promising to increase the level of comfort, efficiency, and automation for the users. To be able to implement such a world in an ever-growing fashion requires high security, privacy, authentication, and recovery from attacks. In this regard, it is imperative to make the required changes in the architecture of the IoT applications for achieving end-to-end secure IoT environments. In this paper, a detailed review of the security-related challenges and sources of threat in the IoT applications is presented. After discussing the security issues, various emerging and existing technologies focused on achieving a high degree of trust in the IoT applications are discussed. Four different technologies, blockchain, fog computing, edge computing, and machine learning, to increase the level of security in IoT are discussed.

Author[s] Name:  Vikas Hassija; Vinay Chamola; Vikas Saxena; Divyansh Jain; Pranav Goyal; Biplab Sikdar

DOI:  10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924045

Volume Information:  [ Volume: 7] Page[s]: 82721 - 82743

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What are the security threats in IoT?

IoT devices are also particularly vulnerable to botnet attacks. Botnets are networks of devices that are used to run malicious bots and transfer malware. Botnets can infiltrate IoT networks to put ransomware, spyware, or other forms of malware on secure devices, compromising your financial and personal security.

What is IoT security architecture?

Many IoT attacks have used actuators, such as printers, as launch points into a business's network. An IoT security architecture is a blueprint that illustrates all components of the IoT infrastructure for all IoT projects and details how to secure each component.

What are the security solutions for the most common IoT security issues?

Here are top 10 IoT Security Solutions for the most common IoT security issues.
1 – Secure the IoT Network. ... .
2 – Authenticate the IoT Devices. ... .
3 – Use IoT Data Encryption. ... .
4 – Use IoT PKI Security Methods. ... .
6 – Use IoT API Security Methods. ... .
7 – Test the IoT Hardware. ... .
8 – Develop Secured IoT Apps..

What are the 3 major factors affecting IoT security?

There are three major factors affecting IoT security:.
Lack of IoT regulations..
Lack of embedded features..
Lack of manufacturer concern over data privacy..

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