Access private method in php

I'm learning OO stuff, and came across this:

class n{

    private function f[$v]{
        return $v*7;

    function c[]{
       return $this->f[5];

$o = new n;
echo $o->c[]; //returns 35

Doesn't that beat the purpose of declaring functions private if I can access it still from outside the class? Shouldn't this be blocked altogether? Am I missing something? Please help clear up. Thanks

Ariful Islam

7,5357 gold badges34 silver badges54 bronze badges

asked Nov 15, 2011 at 8:49


Public functions are meant to perform operations on an instance of that class. Say, Save[].

The internal workings of Save[] are not interesting for the caller; he simply wants to save it and doesn't care how that happens.

As a matter of style, you might or might not want to actually perform the saving in that method. It might depend on design choices, or on properties of the object. See:

class FooObject

    private $_source;

    public function Save[]

        if [$this->_source == "textfile"]
        elseif [$this->_source == "database"]

    private function saveToTextfile[]
        // Magic

    private function saveToDatabase[]
        // Magic

You don't want anyone to call the private methods directly, because they are for internal use only. However, a public method may indirectly call a private method.

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 8:55


142k22 gold badges210 silver badges256 bronze badges


You missed the point, that you don't call a private method from outside. You call a public method [missing visibility modifier = public] from outside and from there you call a private method from inside the class.

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 8:52


126k20 gold badges147 silver badges171 bronze badges

Declaring things private just hides them from the public interface. You are perfectly entitled to do things like in your code snippet; i.e. implement the public interface in terms of the "hidden" private internal methods.

If you were writing a library, you would probably leave your public interface well-defined, and try to minimise changes between releases [so that users don't have to maintain their code]. But you would be free to modify internal stuff any way you like, without any cost to the user.

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 8:51

You can't call your function even from your code, you call


via a call to


You wouldn't be able to call f[] with a different parameter, at least in the code you posted.

But no, calling private methods from public ones isn't a code smell.

I mean, where else would you expect them to be called from if not from public methods?

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 8:53

Luchian GrigoreLuchian Grigore

248k63 gold badges447 silver badges613 bronze badges

The private method means that it does internal stuff that does not concern the external world [outside the class].

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 8:54


4,3651 gold badge17 silver badges26 bronze badges

You cannot call $o->f[] directly from outside, which is all private is supposed to protect. If you couldn't call a private method if any public method is involved anywhere in the call stack, you couldn't call it at all. Some method of your class needs to be called from outside; and may then make calls internally.

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 8:55


497k81 gold badges719 silver badges867 bronze badges

Your code is correct, however if you don't specify the method permission [ie: public, private or protected] the default behaviour of public be assigned to it. So your function c[] is actually public at this point which is why you can call it from outside of the class.

If you switch it to private or protected you will then receive the error you are expecting.

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 8:58

Joseph WoodwardJoseph Woodward

9,1115 gold badges43 silver badges62 bronze badges


answered Oct 28, 2017 at 11:48

If your class is not the only one [which contain a main[] method called by the startup mechanism], there's must be an outside-of-the class caller somewhere in tha calling "chain", otherwise its methods should be never called.

answered Nov 15, 2011 at 9:00


3,11024 silver badges35 bronze badges


How can I access private properties in PHP?

Private properties can only be accessed by the class that defines the property….
For public properties, only the property name is used as the key..
Protected properties get * as their visibility scope..
Private properties are prefixed by a fully qualified class name..

Can we access private method from outside class PHP?

Private: The class members declared as private can be accessed only by the functions inside the class. They are not allowed to be accessed directly by any object or function outside the class.

How can I access a method in PHP?

Once you have an object, you can use the -> notation to access methods and properties of the object:.
PHP does not have the concept of private and public methods or properties. ... .
You can use variable variables with property names:.

How can use private function in class in PHP?

Definition and Usage The private keyword is an access modifier. It marks a property or method as private. Private properties and methods can only be used by the class in which the property or method was defined. Derived classes and outside code cannot use them.

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