anoint là gì - Nghĩa của từ anoint

anoint có nghĩa là

Blessed and called to be great, made with a purpose, honest and pure, set aside for a unique reason. Unshakable and strong. Predestined to be awesome.


Anointed since birth, we knew she would contribute amazing things to the world.

anoint có nghĩa là

To naturally be born with the holy spirit of God


You have been anointed since you were 3 years old

anoint có nghĩa là

Flogged. This term commonly used in the criminal underworld in the days when flogging was still a legal punishment in this country, it is still occasionaly used in gay and straight SM circles.


I was anointed in the Tombs after I got fresh wid de turnscrew.

anoint có nghĩa là

To touch or rub your coch head against things,objects,persons,food,like to anoint or mark ownership


cock anointing is a vain atempth to take ownership of an object or sexual joy, knowing your cock touched someone elses property or entered their personal space

anoint có nghĩa là

A girl who is determined, who loves God and is willing to do anything for her friends. She might not talk much but she’s definitely there when people need her.
She bold, she outstanding, she smart, she can be lazy at times and be a great procrastinator. She’s a good cook, she loves to read and she loves writing


Wow you need to get yourself an anointed
She went all anointed to on me this evening

anoint có nghĩa là

to spread seminal fluid. some interpretations of hebrew lead to this as the true meaning of the" anointed one".


if i were god i would anoint her right now.

anoint có nghĩa là

Having to do with spiritual matters. Referring to the glory of the Lord on a particular individual or in a place.


The Lord moved mightily in our midst last night! His anointing was surely with us!

anoint có nghĩa là

The change in attitude presented by any member of the african-american community who switches from being a normal person to being a super Obama liberal.
1.] Since the 2008 election, suddenly acts like being "BLACK" means they are superior to others.
2.] Flips out when anybody says anything about how Obama is running things.
3.] Thinks that Obama is the manifestation of Jesus come to give them their heavenly rewards for the suffering they have personaly endured at the hands of the "white devils."
4.] Belives that the duty of all "Black" people is to subjegate "WHITE" people into the same state of submision as their ancestors endured as slaves.
5.] Should recieve monetary compensation from people living to day to recompence for the loss of earnings by enslaved ancestors hundreds of years ago.
6.] Thinks that "wellfair" is part of that entitlement and should be a "right."
7.] Beats people verbaly over the head about their "RIGHTS" when things don't go their way or don't get what they want.
8.] Start using words and lables like "RACIST" or "DISCRIMINATION" or "civil rights violation" as a weapon to silence others of differing opinion.
9.] Thinks they are masters of the current political environment but reveal they are ignorant of the reality of events in government when they open their mouth and speak.[Also are ofter painfuly ignorant of what "civil rights" are or what affirmative action is or does to companies.
10.] Totaly buys the current administrations claims that they are going to fix everything, hook, lie, and stinker.


Worker to other co-worker:
[WHISPERING] "Hey joe! There goes Jamal! What an ass he has turned into lately."
[CHUCKLING] "Yeah, ever since Obama won, er..stole the election he has been going around like the BLACK-ANOINTED! Nobody likes being around him. He's so hostle now!"
"Yeah, just give him the silent treatment or he'll scream racist and get you in trouble with the boss."
"Let's boogie outta' here before he sees us and trys to school us by spouting more of his lib crap."

anoint có nghĩa là

Euphemism for masturbation.

Inspired by news story titled: "'Don’t strangle the anointed one,' wife pleaded in row over Mel Gibson film".

The article describes a theological argument that broke out between a religious couple over the movie "Passion of the Christ" which resulted in the husband attempting to strangle his wife.


"...He was late to the party because he was busy 'strangling the anointed one'."

"...It's been said that 'strangling the anointed one' can make you go blind."

anoint có nghĩa là

1. An ordinance most mormons don't know exists. 2. An ordinance given to those mormon couples deemed worthy, by the upper mormon hierarchy [the prophets and apostles], of guaranteed salvation if you will. In the first anointing, and mormon endowment, and sealing, they were promised they would be made Gods and Goddesses if they were faithful in this life to the church. Now they have proven themselves worthy and are anointed a second time, and sealed up unto godhood, i.e., they are now guaranteed to become a God and Goddess, because they have been so righteous. It consists of two parts - the first one in the temple, and the second one by the couple in their own home.


mormon, mormon temple, ordinance, second anointing, endowment

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