apd là gì - Nghĩa của từ apd

apd có nghĩa là

Abbreviation for "Actually Pretty Dece". Used when describing something that is surprisingly decent. Found on Facebook under "Actually Pretty Dece"


Broski 1 "Bros did you see that new hottie at school?"
Broski 2 "Ya bro she waved at me lnb."
Broski 3 "She's APD"

apd có nghĩa là

Acronym for Awkward Phrase of the Day

Derived from utter nonsense; this phrase originated in 2004 and was coined by Sir the Asian, also known as Sir.

It is widely used among silly, yet cool, if not intellectual, teenagers referring to the abnormalities of the present life and past days of hilarious recollection.

APDs [plural form] are found within a book [The APD book], generally a durable hardcover edition of a blank journal in which its entries are kept and maintained daily.

APDs are selected, let's just say, subliminally by the mind of her majesty. See Sir.

If the normal mind is exposed to said APD book, they might not find the next morning bearable, for the plain fact that they will realize how miserable and depressing their lives are, unfortunately, and how few friends they have.

When in the process of recording and APD, after it is painstakingly selected out of a 50/50 chance system [for the slower of the crowd, yes or no], it is only appropriate to recommend, with the most qualified of judgments, exactly how the given APD should be recorded.

Not only is there a process of selection, there are also rigorous formulated tests that are designed to determine the bearer of the secretarial duties of each APD. Being the apd [lowercase] scribe most definitely ranks among the highest honors known to man, on par with winning the Nobel Peace Prize and being the World Hot Dog Eating Champion. Such a coveted position entitles him/her/it the instantaneous jealousy of those in the immediate vicinity.

This method ensures the accuracy of the written assessment of the awkwardness and also is a necessary part of the whole concept of being "APD worthy".

It was once said by a great guru of APD worthiness that The APD book is "for those who need a laugh, and those who have not yet seen a giraffe." Whatever that means...

Contributions and amendments to The APD book are still being made today, cementing the insanity of life to every single day that we live it. As Thoreau once said "I will weave baskets, it is a thing I can do."


Exhibit A:"Beautiful Bald Bums"

Exhibit B and 1/2:"Dude that was so funny!!!*snorts* We should make that an APD man!"

apd có nghĩa là

an amazing restaurant in downtown Arcata, CA that has the best pizza in the world. The fries are fucking awesome and all the food is delicious. Everyone likes it. The service is awesome and the atmosphere is great to eat in. Always plays great music. just a fucking great place to chill with friends over a fucking dank pizza, burger, salad, stack of fries, sandwich, and/or bacon. fucking bacon. gotta love that shit.


Anybody: "Dude! Let's APD it up at lunch today!" Smart Person: "Fuck yeah! I love that place!" Stupid Person: "Naw, man. I'm not feelin' it today." Smart Person: "Fuck you! Let's roll. I'm ready for some fucking pizza from Arcata Pizza and Deli [APD]."

apd có nghĩa là

Away Possibly Dead


Janet: " i haven't seen tina in a while, where has she been? "
Megan: "oh she's probably APD. who knows where she is. "

apd có nghĩa là

Automatic Pantie Dropper


That song is an APD!!!

apd có nghĩa là

Adrian "Panochitas" De La Garza


"That guy's such a pussy he's APD dawg!"

apd có nghĩa là

APT stands for an Act of Parental Defiance or somethign that you would do to make your parents very upset and/or extremely pissed possibly to get revenge or make a large statement


such as:

"Hey man can i stay at your place tonight? I totally pulled an APD and was out past curfew, when my mom got pissed she kicked me out"


"Man your mom was totally mad, we should pull that APD again sometime"

apd có nghĩa là

A device that consists of a fork with the centre two prongs broken off. It is used to defend against the prostitutes of Magaluf. To use it you simply arm yourself with it and lunge at the prossies eyes, this allows for a quick getaway. The device can be purchased with several attachments such as harpoon spear with rope, laser sight, explosive prong ammunition, prossy net, taser stunning prongs, long range scope, boomerang return prongs, armoured piercing prongs [for the prossies wearing protective eyewear]. It also comes in a male or female version, the difference being the colour.


APD [Anti Prossy Device] Person 1: "There's a prossy, get the APD." Person 1: "Watch out there's prossies down there!"
Person 2: "It's OK I've got my APD"

apd có nghĩa là

Auditory processing disorder is a hearing problem. Kids and adults with this condition can't process what they hear in the same way other people do because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate. An individual with this disorder may experience hearing certain things muffled while other things perfectly fine. For example, a person with APD is in a restaurant, in the restaurant there's music playing, waiters walking and other people a few tables away talking. Beside the person with APD is their friend talking to them however, the individual with APD can hear that their friend is talking but it's muffled, the individual can hear the people talking, the music and the walking, almost as if those sounds were right next to them. It can be best described as watching tv with the volume turning up and down and off at random times and you can't control it. Symtoms of APD: You are easily distracted or unusually bothered by loud or sudden noises.
Noisy environments are upsetting to you.
Your behavior and performance improve in quieter settings.
You have difficulty following directions, whether simple or complicated.
You have reading, spelling, writing, or other speech-language difficulties.
Verbal [word] math problems are difficult.
You're disorganized and forgetful.
Conversations are hard for you to follow. .


"Auditory Processing Disorder [APD] "

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