asymptoting là gì - Nghĩa của từ asymptoting

asymptoting có nghĩa là

A line that approaches a function's graph more and more closely, but never touches it. Asymptote are the limits of a graph.



asymptoting có nghĩa là

Asymptote is basically the friendzone. You're really close but you can never touch.


Sorry, but you are just an Asymptote. Asympzone!

asymptoting có nghĩa là

A boy who you are making out with, who approaches the state of boyfriend - without ever reaching it.


"My asymptotic boyfriend Matt continued to introduce me as his friend whenever we ran into people he knew while we were out, despite having been dating for a couple of months."

asymptoting có nghĩa là

-noun: a guy/girl that has a crush on someone and shows it but never does anything about it, just keeps his/her distance.


That guy is an asymptote because he likes me yet never intends to ask me on a date.

asymptoting có nghĩa là

A straight line that is the limiting value of a curve. It can have many different equations and is the most important factor in curve sketches and other similar mathematical sectors.


The 4th order polynomial approaches the asymptote at y = x on the cartesian number plane.

asymptoting có nghĩa là

The asymptote is a sexual maneuver wherein the object is to get as close to the vagina/anus without actually entering.

It is a difficult position, though, as approaching the event horizon may result in prejaculation.


The easiest way to preform the asymptote is to, every few seconds or so [depending on how quickly you want to approach], move the tip of the penis half the remaining distance closer.

asymptoting có nghĩa là

A mathematical term. It describes a line or equation of a line that would approach a certain point never go all the way. Taught to algebra or pre-calc students. It can also be a term that describes a person who wishes to be in a relationship with another person, gets close to that person as time goes on but never actually ask her/him out for some reason
Usually they quit after the person gets into a relationship but in some cases they extend to infinity
can become stalkers
in some cases the other person realize their affection, which is their goal, and result in happy ending


example: y=1/x Person A: Al is always hanging out with Christina these days
Person B: yeah Al is definitely into her
Person A: Did he tell her yet?
Person B: no he is too shy
Person A: man that is tough. how long is he going to keep this up?
-ten years later at Allison's wedding
Person A: how's Al doing these days
Person B: pretty good. look he's best man
Person A: wow he is one tough asymptote

asymptoting có nghĩa là

The school of thought in which a movie may approach the level of Braveheart, but may never reach it, only head towards the theoretical infinity where Braveheart resides.

It should be noted that the x-axis on which the Braveheart Asymptote exists does not necessarily refer to a single idea [i.e. quality, awesomeness, number of bagpipes] but rather everything that Braveheart is and all other movies aspire to be.


Dude 1: Independance Day was a fantastic movie, maybe better than Braveheart.
Dude 2: Unfortuntaly, that is impossible
Dude 1: Why's that?
Dude 2: Because of the Braveheart Asymptote.
Dude 1: Oh, yeah, ok I get it.

asymptoting có nghĩa là

An asymptote is a person who you get closer and closer to you but never touches you. Derived from the term in analytic geometry.


Roo Roo came over last night and had her in the bed for ages and got absolutely nothing. She's such an asymptote.

asymptoting có nghĩa là

In mathematics, an asymptote is a line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance. In other words, though it curves towards zero, it approaches it indefinitely and never actually reaches it. Asymptoting describes the phenomenon in which despite the regular passage of time, your relative perception of time appears to slow as you get closer to an event, date, time, etc. Because the line never reaches zero, but travels towards it for infinity, you too feel as if you will infinitely travel towards something that you will never reach. Much like the phenomenon of running towards a door in a dream, but never quite reaching it even though you are covering ground.


Rocko couldn't believe his luck! He had just won an all-expenses paid trip to visit Paris, where he could finally meet the girl of his dreams, Claudette! The only problem was that the trip was a whole month away! Poor Rocko. He was so excited to go, that one month felt like six. Time dragged on. Rocko was asymptoting. HARD. "Why is this year asymptoting?!" Filburt lamented. "I can't wait for it to be over! Oh fishsticks!" Heffer hated weekly team meetings at the Chokey Chicken. "I'm getting hungry!" Heffer thought to himself. "Surely thirty minutes must have passed." He looked at the clock. To his dismay, only six minutes had gone by. Heffer heard his stomach growl. "Even my stomach is asymptoting!" he thought. Ed Bighead dutifully went to work every day, dreaming of a day in which he could finally get "the big office." In his younger days, Ed felt a sense of accomplishment with his work at Conglom-O. But now that Ed was pushing 55, he instead felt himself asymptoting; working endlessly towards a goal he would never meet. .

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