Best partition program in python

Python String partition[] method splits the string at the first occurrence of the separator and returns a tuple containing the part before the separator, separator and the part after the separator. Here, the separator is a string that is given as the argument.

Python String partition[] Method Syntax:

Syntax: string.partition[separator]


  • separator: a substring that separates the string

Return: Returns a tuple of 3 elements. The substring before the separator, the separator, the part after the separator.

Python String partition[] Method Example:


string = "geeks for geeks"

print[string, "after partition", string.partition["for"]]


geeks for geeks after partition ['geeks ', 'for', ' geeks']

Example 1: Working of Python String partition[] Method


string = "light attracts bug"


string = "gold is heavy"



['light ', 'attracts', ' bug']
['gold ', 'is', ' heavy']

Example 2: partition[] Method only partitions on first occurrence of separator

Python String partition[] Method only considers the first occurrence of the separator in the string.


string = "b follows a, c follows b"


string = "I am happy, I am proud"



['b ', 'follows', ' a, c follows b']
['I ', 'am', ' happy, I am proud']

Example 3: Result of partition[] Method when separator is missing from String

Python String partition[] Method returns the original string as the first element of the tuple, and the remaining two elements are empty.


string = "geeks for geeks"



['geeks for geeks', '', '']

How do I create a partition in Python?

Python String partition[] Method The partition[] method searches for a specified string, and splits the string into a tuple containing three elements. The first element contains the part before the specified string. The second element contains the specified string. The third element contains the part after the string.

How do you partition an array in Python?

partition[] in Python. numpy. partition[] function is used to create a partitioned copy of input array with its elements rearranged in such a way that the value of the element in k-th position is in the position it would be in a sorted array.

Which of the following datatype is returned using partition [] method?

Implementing the partition[] Method The method will return a tuple — immutable, ordered data type — with three values.

What is the difference between partition [] and split [] functions?

Now what's the main difference between these two? They both function in a similar manner. The only difference is that the partition[] method splits the string from the first occurrence of the separator, while the rpartition[] separates the string from the last occurrence of the separator.

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