Can a laptop work without a screen

Can a laptop work without a screen
Find the screw covers and remove them with your hobby knife or box cutter. Laptop screens have rubber screw covers along the front bezel of the screen assembly. Sometimes, however, the rubber covers do not have any screw under them, so it would be wise to only partially remove the them to see if there are any screws hidden beneath.
  • The front bezel is the protective material around the edges of your laptop's screen, typically made of plastic. The screen assembly is the top half of your laptop that houses the screen.
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      Things You'll Need

      • A Phillips screwdriver
      • A small hobby knife or box cutter
      • A soft cloth or paper towel
      • A computer

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    Updated: September 6, 2019
    Categories: Laptop Maintenance and Repair
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    Can a laptop work without a screen