Can you convert python to html?

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Can I convert Python Code into HTML code?
I've been wanting to turn my python code into HTML so it can run on a website without actually opening the code when I download it as embed code from the website.
If anyone could find out how to convert the exact code into an HTML code while only showing the output, that would be much appreciated!!

Here is the code I want to convert:

2 years ago

I'm learning the Python and the HTML programming languages right now and I just learned how to make a hello world function. I want to now print this function on my website.

However, putting the python function inside my HTML program didn't work. Is there some sort of process to convert my python program into an HTML program so I can show it on my website?

Also, my website only seems to work on my computer. I was trying to show a friend my website, but it wouldn't load on his computer. My website URL is "C:\Users\Nathan\Website\website.html"

20 Python code examples are found related to " convert to html". You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

Example 1

def convertHtmlToPdf[self,sourceHtml, outputFilename]:
         Open output file for writing [truncated binary] and
         converts HTML code into pdf file format

        :param sourceHtml: The html source to be converted to pdf
        :param outputFilename: Name of the output file as pdf
        :return: Error if pdf not generated successfully
        resultFile = open[outputFilename, "w+b"]

        # convert HTML to PDF
        pisaStatus = pisa.CreatePDF[sourceHtml, dest=resultFile]

        # close output file

        # return True on success and False on errors
        return pisaStatus.err 

Example 2

def convert_field_to_html[cr, table, field_name, html_field_name]:
    Convert field value to HTML value.

    .. versionadded:: 7.0
    if version_info[0] < 7:
        logger.error["You cannot use this method in an OpenUpgrade version "
                     "prior to 7.0."]
        "SELECT id, %[field]s FROM %[table]s WHERE %[field]s IS NOT NULL" % {
            'field': field_name,
            'table': table,
    for row in cr.fetchall[]:
            cr, "UPDATE %[table]s SET %[field]s = %%s WHERE id = %%s" % {
                'field': html_field_name,
                'table': table,
            }, [plaintext2html[row[1]], row[0]]

Example 3

def convert_to_html[filename]:
    # Do the conversion with pandoc
    output = pypandoc.convert[filename, 'html']

    # Clean up with tidy...
    output, errors = tidy_document[output,  options={
        'numeric-entities': 1,
        'wrap': 80,

    # replace smart quotes.
    output = output.replace[u"\u2018", '‘'].replace[u"\u2019", '’']
    output = output.replace[u"\u201c", "“"].replace[u"\u201d", "”"]

    # write the output
    filename, ext = os.path.splitext[filename]
    filename = "{0}.html".format[filename]
    with open[filename, 'w'] as f:
        # Python 2 "fix". If this isn't a string, encode it.
        if type[output] is not str:
            output = output.encode['utf-8']

    print["Done! Output written to: {}\n".format[filename]] 

Example 4

def convert_link_to_html[s, l, t]:
    link_text, url = t._skipped
    t["link_text"] = wiki_markup.transformString[link_text]
    t["url"] = url
    return '{link_text}'.format_map[t] 

Example 5

def convertToHTML[opening, closing]:
    def conversionParseAction[s, l, t]:
        return opening + t[0] + closing

    return conversionParseAction 

Example 6

def convert_file_contents_to_html[normalized_output_file]:
    # This is the part that reads the contents of each output file
    linecount = 0
    # file_html_string = file_html_string + "        
    file_html_string = "        
" try: with open[normalized_output_file, "r"] as scan_file: for line in scan_file: line = unicode[line, errors='ignore'] try: sanitized = bleach.clean[line] except: print[ "[!] Could not output santize the following line [Not including it in report to be safe]:"] print[" " + line] sanitized = "" if linecount < 300: file_html_string = file_html_string + sanitized + "
" linecount = linecount + 1 if linecount > 300: file_html_string = file_html_string + "\nSnip... Only displaying first 300 of the total " + str[ linecount] + " lines...\n" except IOError, e: # dont tell the user at the concole that file didnt exist. pass

Example 7

def convert_view_to_html[self]:
        """Begin conversion of the view to HTML."""

        for line in self.view.split_by_newlines[sublime.Region[, self.size]]:
            self.char_count = 0
            self.size = line.end[]
            empty = not bool[line.size[]]
            line = self.convert_line_to_html[empty]
            self.html.append[self.print_line[line, self.curr_row]]
            self.curr_row += 1 

Example 8

def convert_markup_to_html[opening, closing]:
    def conversionParseAction[s, l, t]:
        return opening + wiki_markup.transformString[t[1][1:-1]] + closing

    return conversionParseAction

# use a nestedExpr with originalTextFor to parse nested braces, but return the
# parsed text as a single string containing the outermost nested braces instead
# of a nested list of parsed tokens 

Example 9

def convert_html_to_markdown[html: str] -> str:
    parser = html2text.HTML2Text[]
    markdown = parser.handle[html].strip[]

    # We want images to get linked and inline previewed, but html2text will turn
    # them into links of the form `![][//]`, which is
    # ugly. Run a regex over the resulting description, turning links of the
    # form `![][//]` into
    # `[image.png][//]`.
    return re.sub["!\\[\\]\\[[\\S*]/[\\S*]\\?[\\S*]\\]",
                  "[\\2][\\1/\\2]", markdown] 

Example 10

def convert_html_to_pdf[self]:
        html = self._render_to_string[].encode['utf-8']
        result = BytesIO[]
        pdf = pisa.pisaDocument[BytesIO[html], result, encoding='UTF-8']
        if not pdf.err:
            return result.getvalue[] 

Example 11

def convert_to_html[nb]:
    """Converts notebook dict to HTML with included CSS"""
    exporter = HTMLExporter[]
    body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node[nb]

    return body, resources 

Example 12

def convert_to_html[ctx, ipynb_file_path]:
    html_exporter = gen_exporter[]
    ipynb_data, metadata = extract_main_and_meta[ctx, ipynb_file_path]
    nb = nbformat.reads[ipynb_data, as_version=4]
    [body, __] = html_exporter.from_notebook_node[nb]
    return body, metadata 

Example 13

def convert_docs_to_html[self, xml]:
        root = ET.fromstring[xml]

        for el in root.iter[]:
            el.tag = self.xml_to_html_tags.get[el.tag, el.tag]

            if el.tag == "a":
                if "url" in el.attrib:
                    el.attrib["href"] = el.attrib["url"]
                    del el.attrib["url"]

        return ET.tostring[root, encoding="utf-8"] 

Example 14

def convert_html_to_pdf[html_file,pdf_file]:
    """ Converts html file to pdf file
    options = {
        'page-size': 'A4',
        'margin-top': '0.1in',
        'margin-right': '0.1in',
        'margin-bottom': '0.1in',
        'margin-left': '0.1in',
        'encoding': "UTF-8",
        'no-outline': None
    BuiltIn[].log["Converted `%s` to `%s`" % [html_file,pdf_file]] 

Example 15

def convert_json_to_html[elements]:
    content = html.fragment_fromstring['
'] for element in elements: content.append[_recursive_convert_json[element]] content.make_links_absolute[base_url=base_url] for x in content.xpath['.//span']: x.drop_tag[] html_string = html.tostring[content, encoding='unicode'] html_string = replace_line_breaks_except_pre[html_string, '
'] html_string = html_string[5:-6] return html_string

Example 16

def convert_html_to_telegraph_format[html_string, clean_html=True, output_format="json_string"]:
    if clean_html:
        html_string = clean_article_html[html_string]

        body = preprocess_fragments[
        if body is not None:
            desc = [x for x in body.iterdescendants[]]
            for tag in desc:
        fragments = _fragments_from_string[html_string]
        body = fragments[0].getparent[] if len[fragments] else None

    content = []
    if body is not None:
        content = [_recursive_convert[x] for x in body.iterchildren[]]

    if output_format == 'json_string':
        return json.dumps[content, ensure_ascii=False]
    elif output_format == 'python_list':
        return content
    elif output_format == 'html_string':
        return html.tostring[body, encoding='unicode'] 

Example 17

def convert_ipynb_to_html[notebook_file, html_file]:
        Convert the given Jupyter notebook file [``.ipynb``]
        to HTML and write it out as the given ``.html`` file.

        notebook_file : str
            Path to input Jupyter notebook file.
        html_file : str
            Path to output HTML file.

        This function is also exposed as the
        :ref:`render_notebook ` command-line utility.

        # set a high timeout for datasets with a large number of features
        report_config = Config[{'ExecutePreprocessor': {'enabled': True,
                                                        'timeout': 3600},
                                'HTMLExporter': {'template_path': [template_path],
                                                 'template_file': 'report.tpl'}}]

        exportHtml = HTMLExporter[config=report_config]
        output, _ = exportHtml.from_filename[notebook_file]
        open[html_file, mode='w', encoding='utf-8'].write[output] 

Example 18

def convert_line_to_html[self, empty]:
        """Convert the line to its HTML representation."""

        line = []
        do_highlight = self.curr_row in self.hl_lines

        while self.end >> convert_html_to_text[
    ...     '''
    ...         I'm here, 
click ... me ... '''] "I'm here,\nclick me" >>> convert_html_to_text[ ... ''' ... ...

I'm here!


Click me

... ''', preserve_urls=True] "I'm here!\nClick me [//]\n" >>> convert_html_to_text[ ... ''' ... ... ... I'm here ... ... ...

I'm here!


Click me

... ... ''', preserve_urls=True] "I'm here!\nClick me [//]\n" """ stripper = MLStripper[preserve_urls=preserve_urls] stripper.feed[value] stripper.close[] return stripper.get_data[]

Example 20

def convert_to_html[component]:
    if component is None:
        return ''
    if not isinstance[component, Component]:
        # likely a str, int, float
        return str[component]
    component_dict = component.to_plotly_json[]
    if component_dict['type'] == 'Link':
        component_dict['namespace'] = 'dash_html_components'
        component_dict['type'] = 'A'

    if component_dict['namespace'] != 'dash_html_components':
        component = dcc_to_html[component]
        component_dict = component.to_plotly_json[]
    tag = component_dict['type'].lower[]
    attrib_str = ['='.join[[_translate_attrib[k].lower[],
                  for k, v in component_dict['props'].items[]
                  if _translate_attrib[k].lower[]
                  not in ['style', 'children'] + bool_html_attrs]
    attrib_str = ' '.join[attrib_str]
    bool_str, style_str = '', ''
    bool_attrs = []
    for bool_attr in component_dict['props']:
        if _translate_attrib[bool_attr].lower[] in bool_html_attrs:
            if bool[component_dict['props'][bool_attr]]:
        bool_str = ' '.join[bool_attrs]
    if 'style' in component_dict['props']:
        style_str = 'style=' + _style_to_attrib[component_dict['props']['style']]
    attrib_str = ' '.join[[attrib_str, style_str, bool_str]].strip[]
    initial_indent = 0

    comp_children = component_dict['props'].get['children', None]
    if comp_children:
        if isinstance[comp_children, [tuple, list]]:
            children = '\n' + '\n'.join[[re.sub['^', '\g' + [' ' * i if tag not in list_tags else ' ' * 2],
                                            for i, child in enumerate[comp_children]]]
            children = convert_to_html[comp_children]
        # e.g. html.Img doesn't have any children
        children = ''

    initial_indent += 2
    closing_tag = '\n'.format[tag] if tag not in empty_tags else ''
    attrib_str = ' ' + attrib_str if attrib_str else ''
    return '{}{}'.format[tag, attrib_str, children, closing_tag] 

Can you turn Python into HTML?

Add a library reference [import the library] to your Python project. Open the source text file in Python. Call the 'save[]' method, passing an output filename with HTML extension. Get the result of text conversion as HTML.

How do I convert Python code to my website?

Turning a Python script into a website.
Step 1: extract the processing into a function..
Step 2: create a website..
Step 3: make the processing code available to the web app..
Step 4: Accepting input..
Step 5: validating input..
Step 6: doing the calculation!.

How do I show Python output in HTML?

In order to display the HTML file as a python output, we will be using the codecs library. This library is used to open files which have a certain encoding. It takes a parameter encoding which makes it different from the built-in open[] function.

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