Control and looping structure in javascript

1. If  Statement

  • IF statement is a conditional branching statement.
  • In 'IF' statement, if the condition is true a group of statement is executed. And if the condition is false, the following statement is skipped.

Syntax : If statement

     //Statement 1;
     //Statement 2;

Example : Simple Program for IF Statement

          var num = prompt["Enter Number"];
          if [num > 0]
               alert["Given number is Positive!!!"];


2. If – Else Statement

  • If – Else is a two-way decision statement.
  • It is used to make decisions and execute statements conditionally.

Flow Diagram of If – Else Statement

Syntax : If-Else statement

if [condition]
     //Statement 1;
else if[condition]
     //Statement 2;
     //Statement 3;

Example : Simple Program for If-Else Statement

          var no = prompt["Enter a Number to find Odd or Even"];
          no = parseInt[no];
          if [isNaN[no]]
               alert["Please Enter a Number"];
          else if [no == 0]
               alert["The Number is Zero"];
          else if [no % 2]
               alert["The Number is Odd"];
               alert["The Number is Even"];


3. Switch Statement

  • Switch is used to perform different actions on different conditions.
  • It is used to compare the same expression to several different values.

Flow Diagram of Switch Statement


     case condition 1:
     case condition 2:
     case condition 3:
     case condition n:

Example : Simple Program for Switch Statement

     var day = prompt["Enter a number between 1 and 7"];
     switch [day]
          case [day="1"]:
          case [day="2"]:
          case [day="3"]:
          case [day="4"]:
          case [day="5"]:
          case [day="6"]:
          case [day="7"]:
               document.write["Invalid Weekday"];


4. For Loop

  • For loop is a compact form of looping.

  • It includes three important parts:
    1. Loop Initialization
    2. Test Condition
    3. Iteration
  • All these three parts come in a single line separated by semicolons[;].

Flow Diagram of 'For' Loop


for[initialization; test-condition; increment/decrement]

Example : Palindrome Program using For Loop

     function palindrome[]
          var revstr = " ";
          var strr = document.getElementById["strr"].value;
          var i = strr.length;
          for[var j=i; j>=0; j--]
               revstr = revstr+strr.charAt[j];
          if[strr == revstr]
               alert[strr+" - is Palindrome"];
               alert[strr+" - is not a Palindrome"];
          Enter a String or Number:



5. For-in Loop

  • For-in loop is used to traverse all the properties of an object.
  • It is designed for looping through arrays.


for [variable_name in Object]

6. While Loop

  • While loop is an entry-controlled loop statement.
  • It is the most basic loop in JavaScript.
  • It executes a statement repeatedly as long as expression is true.
  • Once the expression becomes false, the loop terminates.

Flow Diagram of While Loop


while [condition]

Example : Fibonacci Series Program using While Loop

          var no1=0,no2=1,no3=0;
          document.write["Fibonacci Series:"+"
          while [no2

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