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meher có nghĩa là

Meher...what to say about her? She's a person any guy would take a bullet for. Meher is the coolest girl you'll ever come across, and her sass is so much to take in for anyone. She's straight forward, and if she doesn't like you, she won't talk to you, it's that simple for her. She is decent, fragile and a little blunt at times. But if you take, "She cheer captain there, I'm on the bleachers." She is definitely the cheer captain. She is extremely nice to people who are nice to her, and she'd always be there and give you a shoulder to cry on, even if they Meher is not your friend. She is the prettiest girl, and her smile can take a breath away. Many people do hate her secretly, but that's just cause she is different. A very good student, a responsible family member and honestly the best friend anyone can ever have. If you've met a person who'sname is Meher, just never let go, they are exceptionally ordinary but the best people you can ask for. Everyone should look in to a Meher because she isn't as bad as she seems.


Me: Wow you're so good
Meher: Katy Perry is impressed too thanks

meher có nghĩa là

Probably the best friend you'll ever know. Mehers are always extremely lovely, and loyal. They are very rational and tend to hide there emotions, usually relying on their high intelligence to work out problems. They are generally control freaks, but still have alot of fun. They are usually very pretty, but this is overlooked because of their lack of flirtatiousness. They are very talented culturally, but mostly in academics. They will go far.


Person 1: Did you see Meher got 100percent in her test??!!
Person 2: Yeah, I'd hate her if she wasn't so lovely.

meher có nghĩa là

Meher. The name Meher is one of the most beautiful names you may come across. Meher is a passionate person. He or she take pride in what they do. All of the boys DIE for Meher. He or she is pretty, funny, smart, and friendly. Meher can be sassy and very straightforward at times, but if you are good to them they are good to you. Meher is also a great friend. They will always give you food and answers to your test. Meher loves people who are taller than him or her and also are nice to her. A little teasing is also good. Find a Meher the next time you are looking for a friend. He or she will always have your back.


“Meher is a one in a kind.”

meher có nghĩa là

A word only the very best people in the world can use. Mehers is a noncommittal shrug, but in the form of a word. To use the word must be awesome. Absolutely awesome.


Person 1 : Hey, how'd you do on the Physics test? I got a hundred! Person 2 : Mehers. Person 3 : Wow. You are fucking awesome, man. And STFU person 1.

meher có nghĩa là

Literally translates into victory unto Avatar Meher Baba. Used to greet other baba lovers and an expression of happiness and an end to prayer in India.


until the very end.... Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai

meher có nghĩa là

a fun loving curry eater


hey do you know meher?
yea i heard she eats a lot of curry!

meher có nghĩa là

A girl that is indian, and smiles a lot, and laughs at every little thing but it's fine because it makes you think you're funny. Very short, but acts like she isn't short. Always overthinks her feelings and what she wants to do so she never gets the chance to do them. She also really cares about her friends a lot and would do anything in order for them to feel happier, even if it means ruining her day a little. She likes the pretend she's really bad at relationships or doesn't know what to do but in reality, she has thought about everything in her mind she's just too scared to actually do or say them. Overall she's a pretty solid female human being and is always reliable in times of need. If you don't have yourself a Meher you are not capable of successful things in life. I'm sorry about that. Just yea just give up.


Boy #1: Broooooo who do I see the new Aladdin with? Boy#1: Hmm probably Meher

meher có nghĩa là

A meher is someone who is very talented and loving of everyone, they are very funny and like to joke around about random things a lot. Everyone wants to be friends with a meher


Wow meher is pretty cool

meher có nghĩa là

meher never shows it, but she is incredible to be completely honest. she's the kinda girl that will make you laugh without even trying. she's independent but isn't a loner, she leans on her friends but isn't afraid to fend for herself. that's another thing - she's mysterious, but somehow so many people gravitate towards her. nobody can ever say anything bad about her because she's friendly, charismatic, and smart. another thing about meher is she plays her accomplishments off like it's no big deal. sometimes it might be because she doesn't know her worth, but other times, meher doesn't want to rub it in your face that she's that much cooler than you. meher's the kinda girl who you can sit and talk to for hours too. she's witty, sensitive, and empathetic, and always knows what kind of thing to say to you when you're down. if you ask meher for advice, she's gonna know how to give it. that's just the thing about meher. she's a secret genius. meher is also incredibly talented. she's a musician, but she'll never admit to it. she's a writer, but she'll never admit to it. she's the kinda girl who can conjure up any form of art and it'll be amazing, but she'll just brush it off. when she sings the world stops. she'll say she's nervous but you would never be able to know because her voice moves so effortlessly and carries so much emotion. meher is a very powerful girl, but she doesn't let it show. meher's the kinda girl you have to figure out yourself.


person 1: "hey what's the deal with that girl? she's so cool, but kinda quiet"
person 2: "oh, that's meher. one you figure her out your mind will be BLOWN"

meher có nghĩa là

Meher is literally the most sincere, obedient and loyal guy you would ever see. He is a little shy but once you get close you get to see his other side which is WiLd. Never fights and always plays the role of peacemaker but miserably fails to put a pause to a find. If you wanna share secrets then he should be the right person to go to. He is only concerned about his hair cuz Me-her.


Wow! Since when does Meher knows to dance this well ?

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