Dart list select

The following snippet demonstrates how to access the iteration index when using List.map. It is a common need in Flutter when looping over or mapping a list of values to widgets.


Unlike JavaScript, one cannot simply access the index of a list during a List.map operation in Dart.

List myList = ['a', 'b', 'c']; myList.map[ [val, index] { // This does not work! // Which index am I on? }]


There are several ways to access the index when looping over a List.

Use Map Entries

Convert the List to a Map, then map the entries containing the key/value pairs. Each key in the map is the index of the original list.

myList.asMap[].entries.map[[entry] { int idx = entry.key; String val = entry.value; return something; }

Generate a Fixed Range List

If you are looping over many lists that have a fixed length, it may be more efficient to generate a single list once. For example, the we create a ranged list that is the same length as the original, i.e. [0, 1, 2, ..., n]

final List fixedList = Iterable.generate[myList.length].toList[]; fixedList.map[[idx] { String val = myList[idx]; return something; }

Grab the Index of Unique Values

You can access the index of a specific value by searching for it with List.indexOf, which returns the index of the first match. This approach is most predictable when all values are unique. A Set can ensure uniqueness throughout the list.

final List uniqueList = Set.from[myList].toList[]; uniqueList.map[[val] { String idx = uniqueList.indexOf[val]; return something; }

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