Disappear into thin air nghĩa là gì

into thin air Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

into thin air

Completely gone or disappeared; entirely out of sight or reach; without a trace. [Usually preceded by "vanish" or some similar verb.] The brutal dictatorship was so mercilessly efficient that anyone who stood up against it soon vanished into thin air. I have no idea where my keys have gone. They seem to have disappeared into thin air!See also: air, thin

into thin air

Also, into the blue. Completely disappeared, as in The report was here on my desk and now it's gone, vanished into thin air, or I don't know where they've gone-into the blue, for all I know. Both of these hyperbolic expressions, often preceded by vanish as in the first example, use the rarefied atmosphere far above the earth as a metaphor for an unknown location. Shakespeare wrote of ghosts that "melted . . . into thin air" [ The Tempest, 4:1]. An antonym for both is out of thin air, meaning "from an unknown place or source." For example, She made up this excuse out of thin air, or The car appeared out of thin air. However, out of the blue is not precisely an antonym [see under out of a clear blue sky]. See also: air, thin

into thin air

COMMON If someone or something disappears or vanishes into thin air, they disappear completely and nobody knows where they have gone. Her husband snatched their two children and disappeared into thin air for years. Needless worry can vanish into thin air once you accept the things you cannot change.See also: air, thin

into [or out of] thin air

into [or out of] a state of being invisible or nonexistent.See also: air, thin
See also:
  • into the blue
  • disappear off the face of the earth
  • disappear/vanish off the face of the earth
  • off the face of the earth
  • take a chainsaw to [something]
  • chainsaw
  • from the face of the earth
  • suffer under
  • suffer under [one]
  • trace out

disappear into thin air|air|disappear|evaporate|ev

v. phr. To disappear quickly, without leaving a trace. Money seems to disappear into thin air these days. Jack just vanished into thin air before the meeting had started.

into thin air

completely, without anything left The group of hikers vanished into thin air and were never heard of again.

into thin air|air|thin air

adv. phr. Without anything left; completely. When Bob returned to the room, he was surprised to find that his books had vanished into thin air.

vanish into thin air

Idiom[s]: vanish into thin air


to disappear without leaving a trace.
My money gets spent so fast. It seems to vanish into thin air.
When I came back, my car was gone. I had locked it, and it couldn't have vanished into thin air!

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