Does python enumerate start with 0?

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Python enumerate[] method with the help of examples.

The enumerate[] method adds a counter to an iterable and returns it [the enumerate object].


languages = ['Python', 'Java', 'JavaScript']

enumerate_prime = enumerate[languages]

# convert enumerate object to list print[list[enumerate_prime]] # Output: [[0, 'Python'], [1, 'Java'], [2, 'JavaScript']]

Syntax of enumerate[]

The syntax of enumerate[] is:

enumerate[iterable, start=0]

enumerate[] Parameters

enumerate[] method takes two parameters:

  • iterable - a sequence, an iterator, or objects that supports iteration
  • start [optional] - enumerate[] starts counting from this number. If start is omitted, 0 is taken as start.

enumerate[] Return Value

enumerate[] method adds counter to an iterable and returns it. The returned object is an enumerate object.

You can convert enumerate objects to list and tuple using list[] and tuple[] method respectively.

Example 1: How enumerate[] works in Python?

grocery = ['bread', 'milk', 'butter']

enumerateGrocery = enumerate[grocery]

print[type[enumerateGrocery]] # converting to list print[list[enumerateGrocery]] # changing the default counter

enumerateGrocery = enumerate[grocery, 10]



[[0, 'bread'], [1, 'milk'], [2, 'butter']]
[[10, 'bread'], [11, 'milk'], [12, 'butter']]

Example 2: Looping Over an Enumerate object

grocery = ['bread', 'milk', 'butter']

for item in enumerate[grocery]: print[item]


for count, item in enumerate[grocery]: print[count, item]

print['\n'] # changing default start value for count, item in enumerate[grocery, 100]: print[count, item]


[0, 'bread']
[1, 'milk']
[2, 'butter']

0 bread
1 milk
2 butter

100 bread
101 milk
102 butter

In Python, you can get the element and index [count] from iterable objects such as list and tuple in for loop with the built-in function enumerate[].

  • Built-in Functions - enumerate[] — Python 3.8.5 documentation

This article describes the following contents.

  • How to use enumerate[]
    • Normal for loop
    • for loop with enumerate[]
  • Start index at 1 with enumerate[]
  • Set step with enumerate[]

See the following articles for more information about for loop and how to use enumerate[] and zip[] together.

  • for loop in Python [with range, enumerate, zip, etc.]
  • Use enumerate[] and zip[] together in Python

How to use enumerate[]

Normal for loop

l = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie']

for name in l:
# Alice
# Bob
# Charlie

for loop with enumerate[]

By passing an iterable object to enumerate[], you can get index, element.

for i, name in enumerate[l]:
    print[i, name]
# 0 Alice
# 1 Bob
# 2 Charlie

Start index at 1 with enumerate[]

As in the example above, by default, the index of enumerate[] starts at 0.

If you want to start from another number, pass the number to the second argument of enumerate[].

Start at 1:

for i, name in enumerate[l, 1]:
    print[i, name]
# 1 Alice
# 2 Bob
# 3 Charlie

Start at the other number:

for i, name in enumerate[l, 42]:
    print[i, name]
# 42 Alice
# 43 Bob
# 44 Charlie

For example, this is useful when generating sequential number strings starting from 1. It is smarter to pass the starting number to the second argument of enumerate[] than to calculate i + 1.

for i, name in enumerate[l, 1]:
    print['{:03}_{}'.format[i, name]]
# 001_Alice
# 002_Bob
# 003_Charlie

Set step with enumerate[]

There is no argument like step to specify increment to enumerate[], but it can be done as follows.

step = 3
for i, name in enumerate[l]:
    print[i * step, name]
# 0 Alice
# 3 Bob
# 6 Charlie

Does enumerate in Python start at 0?

As in the example above, by default, the index of enumerate[] starts at 0. If you want to start from another number, pass the number to the second argument of enumerate[] .

Does Python enumerate start at 1?

Enumerate Start at 1 in Python In Python, enumerate[] takes an iterable and an optional start , as arguments. The value provided to start parameter acts as a starting point for the counter. To enumerate with a start of 1 , pass start=1 to enumerate[] function.

What does enumerate [] do in Python?

Python enumerate[] Function The enumerate[] function takes a collection [e.g. a tuple] and returns it as an enumerate object. The enumerate[] function adds a counter as the key of the enumerate object.

What is the output of enumerate?

The output object includes a counter like so: [0, thing[0]], [1, thing[1]], [2, thing[2]], As input it takes a sequence like a list, tuple or iterator.

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