doesnt nghĩa là gì

Almost doesnt count nghĩa là suýt làm hay gần như làm thì vẫn là chưa làm, đều không tính.

Ví dụ

I almost hit a parked car.

Almost doesnt count, Lester said.

A: Leave the Catholic Church! How could we do that? You were almost a priest [linh mục]. I was almost a nun [ni cô], she added after a moment.

B: Almost doesnt count.

But when it comes to obedience, no one ever has gotten, or ever will get, points for coming close. Achan only took a little of the spoil at Jericho, but it brought severe punishment. Trying doesnt count. Almost doesnt count.

Mer: I gues you could say, Im a product of a long-held secret. A secret that almost destroyed me.

Cindy: Mer, almost doesnt count.

Mer: Youre right, only counts in horseshoes.

Tags: almost

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