encyclopedia dramaticas là gì - Nghĩa của từ encyclopedia dramaticas

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

Where facts die, and stereotypes lie.


Encyclopedia Dramatica.

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

A wiki-based collaborative site humour cataloguing internet culture, memes and internet drama, especially relating to livejournal, 4chan, wikipedia and troll activites lampooning virtually all popular subcultures taking a crude and ill-restrained approach. It shouldn't be taken too seriously.


encyclopedia dramatica; i did it for the lulz.

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

A website that is home to many trolls many of which are self righteous assholes where little to nothing can meet up to their prissy standards. No internet culture can have a forum, imageboard, or website without one or more of these guys complegtely losing it all over and start meaningless, whiney complaints all over the fandom or interest of others.

Not a single one will tell you, but they are all the weeaboos, furries, emos, and gangstas they all flame and burn. They all claim what they all bitch about is all is so horrible that they have no choice but to watch it all and then go bat shit when something doesn't quite tickle the log shoved firmly up their clenched asses. To stare at things they don't like, bitch and gripe about it on the internet, and then do it again is all these no-life slimeballs can think about doing. It is not uncommon to find some nerd there who can name 101 emos who commited suicide or recite 2, the Ranting Gryphon's rants by heart. It is plain common sense, however, that no one hooks up their internet, turns on their computer, logs in and opens up a broswer, slips on a fucking banana peel, and ends up watching girls eat their own shit and not want to.

They're even reading this webpage too, and in the next month or two, their going to post it on EA, and then go on and on about how every detail of it is BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Overall, it is an idiotic, shitty website that is now virus infested, so you can go see how much these teenage losers hate Christianity, brown people, and all those furfags.


"You see what five of us wrote on Encyclopedia Dramatica about that one girl with terminal cancer, no legs, and permanant dysentery? What a hoot!"

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

Basically the even more uncivilized version of Urban Dictionary. It is hidden in the deep dark evil depths of the internet. God have mercy if you stumble upon this evil.


Encyclopedia Dramatica proves how terrible the human race is.

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

If /b/ is where scum of the earth gathers, Encyclopedia Dramatica is where their manure agregates. The playground of twisted minds with no auto-censoreship. This is a warning - don't go there [and I'm not remotely kidding as anyone who's been there will tell you].


On the surface, Encyclopedia Dramatica looks like a nice way to find meme origins, but click on any other link, and you risk any innocence you might have - you may soon become unable to regain your humanity or sanity again.

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

The most worthless, rock bottom place on the entire internet. An awful parody of wikipedia written by a bunch of homophobic 14 year olds who live in their parents' basement. Full of socially retarded 4chan crap, ED trully epitomizes the lowest form of life. The frequently use the term "basement dweller" even though that they themselves don't have any thing remotely resembling a life. Apparently, they think that using the word "lulz" somehow prevents you from looking like a gigantic loser who never steps outside of the internet long enough to meet real people. The site exhibits every thing you'de expect from a people who's entire lives revolve around internet memes, most of which is it's crudeness.


Encyclopedia dramatica really need to learn what real comedy is.

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

Encyclopedia Dramatica was a website meant to chronicle memes, LiveJournal bullshit and 4chan related events. In the years following its founding in 2004, the site became a notorious cesspit of admin brown nosing, childish name calling, racism, and spiteful, obsessive trolling that often spilled into real life, and ruined many people's lives [deserved or not] in the name of "lulz". EDiots [members of the site] were whiny /b/tard wannabes, they saw themselves as Internet Police, enforcing their vision of conformity [being a 16 year old L33T EP1C W1N H4XX0R!!11eleven] with the threat of being made fun of [this, ironically, under the guise of "free speech"]. Their idiotic quest for "LULZ" and "GRAET JUSTICE!!1" only served to ruin all those hilarious, weird and disgusting things that ED was supposedly meant to celebrate. Hilariously stupid people would see the ED page about themselves, get offended, close up shop and leave their Deviantart/Youtube/Facebook forever, where's the fun in that? In 2011, the site collapsed from a lack of money [because nobody wanted to fund it]. Now pages from ED redirect to a SFW Tumblr based blog. It sucks, but at least it isn't pure cancer like ED.


Encyclopedia Dramatica dead? And nothing of value was lost...

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

Basically the asshole of the Internet. Right between 4chan [the left butt cheek] and Omegle [the right butt cheek]


The average Encyclopedia Dramatica article:
likes sucking dicks and eating shit for breakfast.

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

Quite possibly the dumbest website ever. The editors over there think they're cool because they hate everything, when really, they're just pissed cause they got kicked off of /b/. Is never taken seriously, and is mocked by the people who read it. Unfortunately, the writers take it VERY seriously, and it's SERIOUS BUSINESS if you dare insult them.


Encyclopedia Dramatica is for the very people they claim to hate: thirteen year old boys. How do you get kicked off of /b/? Seriously?

encyclopedia dramaticas có nghĩa là

A website that uses the term "satire" to get away with paedophilia. The users of Encyclopedia Dramatica often consist of fat autistic weeaboos making fun of...fat autistic weeaboos . [They are like animals who eat their young] Like the users of 4chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica users actually do not have human rights . If a user were to die in the street you can legally throw the body away in a trash can.


Encyclopedia Dramatica user: Hello, I'm a Encyclopedia Dramatica user. Other Encyclopedia Dramatica user: KILL URSELF FAGGET. STUPID AUTISTIC WEEABOO #BRONY FURFAG. First Encyclopedia Dramatica user: Shoots Encyclopedia Dramatica user 2 because he has no basic human rights.

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