Examples of insulated listening

  1. The nature of listening is complex.
    1. Listening is the most frequent and important form of communication and is often considered a more valued skill than speaking.
    2. Listening is the process of making sense of others' spoken messages.
      1. Hearing is the physical process of receiving the message and is automatic, unlike listening.
      2. Mindless listening occurs when we react automatically and routinely, without mental investment, to messages.
      3. Mindful listening occurs when careful and thoughtful attention is paid to messages received.
    3. Reasons for listening vary, and each reason requires a different set of attitudes and skills.
      1. The most obvious reason to listen is to understand and retain information. Listening fidelity is a term used to describe the degree of congruence between what a listener understands and what the message-sender was attempting to communicate.
      2. Listening is used to evaluate, that is, it is a means to judge the quality of the message.
      3. Building and maintaining relationships occurs through effective listening, according to research.
      4. When people listen to others with understanding and concern, they can gain different and useful perspectives for solving problems.
  2. Listening is a challenge. There are obstacles to overcome when listening carefully is the objective.
    1. Listening is not easy, and there are several barriers to listening.
      1. Information overload is a result of a barrage of messages; people often choose to listen mindlessly instead of mindfully.
      2. Personal concerns can hinder listening; people are often distracted by matters of more immediate concern than the messages others are sending.
      3. Rapid thought can get in the way of careful listening because our minds are active; the brain works faster than a person can speak.
      4. Noise presents both physical and psychological distractions.
    2. Not all listeners receive the same message; people bring personal perspectives and experiences into every interaction, and people can never completely understand each other.
    3. Poor listening habits exist; most people possess one or more bad habits that keep them from understanding others' messages.
      1. Pseudolistening is an imitation of actual listening.
      2. Stage hogging is when listeners are interested only in expressing their ideas and don't care about what anyone else has to say.
      3. Selective listening is when listeners respond only to the parts of a message that interest them.
      4. Filling in gaps is what people do when they like to think that they remember a whole story and manufacture information to complete the picture.
      5. Insulated listening is when someone fails to hear or acknowledge something in a message.
      6. Defensive listening is when someone takes innocent comments as personal attacks.
      7. Ambushing is listening carefully but only to gather information to later use it against the speaker.
  3. Listening consists of five elements.
    1. Hearing is the physiological aspect of listening.
    2. Attending is the psychological process of listening and is part of the process of selection.
    3. Understanding is composed of several elements: awareness of the rules of the language, knowledge of the source of the message, and mental ability.
    4. Remembering is the ability to recall information.
    5. Responding is the final step of the listening process and involves offering feedback to the speaker.
  4. There are eight types of listening responses.
    1. Silent listening is staying attentive and responsive nonverbally.
    2. Questioning occurs when the listener asks the speaker for additional information. Some questions are sincere, that is, aimed at understanding others, whereas counterfeit questions are disguised attempts to send a message rather than receive one.
    3. Paraphrasing is feedback that restates the message the speaker sent.
      1. Paraphrasing factual information includes summarizing facts, data, and details during personal or professional conversation.
      2. Paraphrasing personal information includes thoughts, feelings and wants.
    4. Empathizing is a response style used to show that the listener is identifying with the speaker.
    5. Supporting responses reveal the listener's solidarity with the speaker and reflect the listener's feelings about the speaker; they consist of the following types: agreement, offers to help, praise, reassurance, and diversion.
    6. Analyzing is when the listener offers an interpretation of the speaker's message.
    7. Evaluating responses are when the listener appraises the speaker's thoughts or behaviors.
    8. Advising is the most common reaction to another's problem and may be helpful or harmful.
    9. The appropriate listening style to use depends upon the situation, taking into consideration the situation, the other person, and yourself.

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