Export json to excel reactjs

I have an endpoint that retrieves a json object like the following:

"data": [
"id": 1,
"temaIndicador": "Indian",
"codigo": "001",
"observaciones": "Interactions Specialist tertiary Regional Tennessee",
"activo": "SI",
"urlImagen": "//placeimg.com/640/480",
"color": "cyan",
"createdAt": "2022-01-26T18:48:36.002Z"

And I want to implement a button that will allow the user to export the data to multiple formats, including Excel [.xlsx] but I don't really know were to start. I've already seen libraries that realize this, but I don't feel comfortable because they usually have less than 1.5k downloads per week.

My purpose is to export an Excel document with a simple table where the headers are going to be the attributes of the objects.

asked Jan 26 at 22:52


Use xlsx third-party library.

npm install xlsx

Using Library:

import XLSX from "xlsx";

Download function trigger at button click[pass data as argument]:

downloadExcel = [data] => {
    const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet[data];
    const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new[];
    XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet[workbook, worksheet, "Sheet1"];
    //let buffer = XLSX.write[workbook, { bookType: "xlsx", type: "buffer" }];
    //XLSX.write[workbook, { bookType: "xlsx", type: "binary" }];
    XLSX.writeFile[workbook, "DataSheet.xlsx"];

Download Button: [function call: you should modify it as per your requirement, below one is React Class Component implementation, that's why I used this ]

    Download As Excel

answered Jan 27 at 0:04


3543 silver badges5 bronze badges


Based on the accepted answer, in case someone is getting the "Attempted import error: 'xlsx' does not contain a default export [imported as 'XLSX']" error, try importing using the following:

import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';

Hope it helps.

answered May 4 at 23:35

1.0.4 • Public • Published a year ago

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React json to excel




npm install react-json-to-excel --save


Add the script file in index.html

import { JsonToExcel } from "react-json-to-excel";

class SmapleComponent extends Component {
  render[] {
    return [


import { JsonToExcel } from "react-json-to-excel";
const samplejson1 = [
  { label: "C" },
  { label: "Java" },
  { label: "Go" },
  { label: "Javascript" },
  { label: "HTML" },
  { label: "CSS" },
  { label: "REACT" },
  { label: "JQUERY" }

const samplejson2 = [
  { name: "name01" , age:"20",sex:"M" },
  { name: "name02" , age:"22",sex:"F" }
  { name: "name03" , age:"20",sex:"M" }

class SmapleComponent2 extends Component {
  render[] {
    return [



title String name of the button
btnClassName String class name added to the the button for css customization
data Array array of objects
fileName String download file name
btnColor String color of button defatlt to #4CAF50



  • react
  • json
  • excel
  • download excel
  • download json
  • react json to excel
  • json to excel

How do I export JSON data to Excel in react?

React.Js Code.
import React, { Component } from 'react';.
import exportFromJSON from 'export-from-json'.
const data = [{ foo: 'foo' }, { bar: 'bar' }].
const fileName = 'download'.
const exportType = 'xls'.
class App extends Component {.
ExportToExcel = [] => {.
exportFromJSON[{ data, fileName, exportType }].

How do I pull JSON into Excel?

File: JSON.
Select Data > Get Data > From File > From JSON. The Import Data dialog box appears..
Locate the JSON file, and then select Open..

How do I export from react to excel?

Getting Started.
Install kendo-react-excel-export package. ... .
Import the ExcelExport component in your React Application. ... .
Wrap the Grid in the ExcelExport component and use the ExcelExport save function to export the Grid and save it to excel file..

How do I export JSON data to Excel in node JS?

Node. js has multiple packages to export JSON to excel format..
Step 1: Creating the user list. We create the user list. ... .
Step 2: Defining the logic in the user controller. Next, we will write the logic for downloading excel in the User controller. ... .
Step 3: Creating a new workbook object..

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