Express-handlebars nodejs set views folder

Hello, I am unable to set default views directory.

OS: Ubuntu 15.04
Node: 4.0.0

I am in app directory [...].
When running node server/server.js, it ignores
app.set['views', path.join[__dirname, 'views']]; from server.js and tries to load
.../views/layouts/main.handlebars instead .../server/views/layouts/main.handlebars

└── server
    ├── server.js
    └── views
        ├── home.handlebars
        └── layouts
            └── main.handlebars


'use strict';

var path = require['path'];
var express = require['express'];
var exphbs  = require['express-handlebars'];
var app = express[];

// Rendering engine setup
app.engine['handlebars', exphbs[{defaultLayout: 'main'}]];
app.set['view engine', 'handlebars'];
app.set['views', path.join[__dirname, 'views']];
console.log[path.join[__dirname, 'views']];

// Routes
app.get['/', function [req, res] {


EDIT: it works when i am in [.../server/ directory] and node server.js, it is wierd, becouse it should get right path from app.locals.setting.views variable.

This is my nodejs express setup for view and directories using handlebars:

- server.js
- routes
    |-- index.js
    |-- config.js
- client
    |-- public
    |     | -- js
    |     | -- css
    |     | -- font
    |-- views
         |-- index.html
         |-- layout
              |-- layout.handlebars
    | ... other directories

And here is my node.js code:

// Set static folder
app.use[express.static[path.join[__dirname, '/client/public']]];
// Views and view engine
app.set['views', path.join[__dirname, '/client/views']];
app.set['view engine', 'ejs'];
app.engine['html', handlebars[{ defaultLayout: 'layout' }]];

Handlebars is not being able to find my layout. Its looking at the app/views/layouts/layout.handlebars, but it should be looking at app/client/views/layouts/layout.handlebars

What am I missing here ?

asked Dec 20, 2016 at 22:15


Seems like you are using express-handlebars

You need to point the directories while creating an instance of it.

const hbs = exphbs.create[{
    extname      :'hbs',
    layoutsDir   : 'path/to/layout/directory',
    defaultLayout: 'main',
    helpers      : 'path/to/helpers/directory',
    partialsDir  : [

If you don't initiate it with custom folder locations, it looks up for the files in the default locations.

Also, the view engine needs to be set as hbs.engine not ejs

app.engine['hbs', hbs.engine];
app.set['view engine', 'hbs'];


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answered Dec 21, 2016 at 3:40

Swaraj GiriSwaraj Giri

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