FCE Listening Test 4 Part 2 answers

FCE Listening Part 4 [for schools]

FCE Listening: Part 4

Practise your Listening skills with this First Certificate test from Cambridge English, level B2 with questions and corrections.

You will hear an interview with someone who has started a news service called Childrens Express. For questions 24-30 choose the best answer; A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice.

My advice:

  • Before the listening starts, quickly note or underline the important words and differences between the answers [Think in an ADULT way is not the same as consider IMPORTANT matters; HELP the reporters IN the interviews is different to TALK to the reporters ABOUT the interviews].
  • The first time you listen, if you are not able to choose the correct answer, at least try to eliminate one option.


NOTEPAD: Your ideas

These are the questions. Write your answers in the box below.

1.The purpose of Chldrens Express is to encourage children to:
A] Think in a more adult way.
B] Consider important matters.
C] Train as journalists.

2.Bob says that the children who work on Childrens Express:
A] Are carefully chosen.
B] Learn from each other.
C] Get on well together.

3. What success has Childrens Express had?
A] TV programmes have been made about it.
B] Adults read some of the articles it produces.
C] It has affected the opinions of some adults.

4. What did the survey in the Indianapolis Star show about the page they write?
A] It is read by a lot of adults.
B] It is the most popular page in the newspaper.
C] It interests adults more than children.

5. Important public figures agree to be interviewed by the children because:
A] Childrens Express has a good reputation.
B] They like the questions childrens ask.
C] They want children to like them.

6. When an article is being prepared, the editors:
A] Help the reporters in the interviews.
B] Change what the reporters have written.
C] Talk to the reporters about the interview.

7. What is unique about their type of journalism?
A] Nothing in their articles is invented.
B] Everything that is recorded appears in the articles.
C] It is particulary suitable for children.

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ProProfs Cambridge first listening part 4


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