Find 3 largest numbers in an array python

Given an array with all distinct elements, find the largest three elements. Expected time complexity is O[n] and extra space is O[1]. 

Examples :

Input: arr[] = {10, 4, 3, 50, 23, 90}
Output: 90, 50, 23

Method 1:


1] Initialize the largest three elements as minus infinite.
    first = second = third = -∞

2] Iterate through all elements of array.
   a] Let current array element be x.
   b] If [x > first]
          // This order of assignment is important
          third = second
          second = first
          first = x   
   c]  Else if [x > second and x != first]
          third = second
          second = x 
   d]  Else if [x > third and x != second]
          third = x  

3] Print first, second and third.

Below is the implementation of the above algorithm.



using namespace std;

void print3largest[int arr[], int arr_size]


    int first, second, third;

    if [arr_size < 3]


        cout first]


            third = second;

            second = first;

            first = arr[i];


        else if [arr[i] > second && arr[i] != first]


            third = second;

            second = arr[i];


        else if [arr[i] > third && arr[i] != second]

            third = arr[i];


    cout first]:

            third = second

            second = first

            first = arr[i]

        elif [arr[i] > second]:

            third = second

            second = arr[i]

        elif [arr[i] > third]:

            third = arr[i]

    print["Three largest elements are",

                  first, second, third]

arr = [12, 13, 1, 10, 34, 1]

n = len[arr]

print3largest[arr, n]


using System;

class PrintLargest {

    static void print3largest[int[] arr,

                              int arr_size]


        int i, first, second, third;

        if [arr_size < 3] {

            Console.WriteLine["Invalid Input"];



        third = first = second = 000;

        for [i = 0; i < arr_size; i++] {

            if [arr[i] > first] {

                third = second;

                second = first;

                first = arr[i];


            else if [arr[i] > second && arr[i] != first] {

                third = second;

                second = arr[i];


            else if [arr[i] > third && arr[i]!=second]

                third = arr[i];


        Console.WriteLine["Three largest elements are " + first + " " + second + " " + third];


    public static void Main[]


        int[] arr = new int[] { 12, 13, 1, 10, 34, 1 };

        int n = arr.Length;

        print3largest[arr, n];





function print3largest[arr, arr_size]


    let first, second, third;

    if [arr_size < 3]


        document.write[" Invalid Input "];



    third = first = second = Number.MIN_VALUE;

    for[let i = 0; i < arr_size; i++]


        if [arr[i] > first]


            third = second;

            second = first;

            first = arr[i];


        else if [arr[i] > second]


            third = second;

            second = arr[i];


        else if [arr[i] > third]

            third = arr[i];


    document.write["Three largest elements are "

        + first + " " + second + " "

        + third + "


    let arr = [ 12, 13, 1, 10, 34, 1 ];

    let n = arr.length;

    print3largest[arr, n];


Three largest elements are 34 13 12

Time Complexity: O[n]
Auxiliary Space: O[1]

Method 2:

An efficient way to solve this problem is to use any O[nLogn] sorting algorithm & simply returning the last 3 largest elements.



using namespace std;

void find3largest[int arr[], int n]


    sort[arr, arr + n];

    int check = 0, count = 1;

    for [int i = 1; i

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