global là gì - Nghĩa của từ global

global có nghĩa là

In a nutshell, the integration and exchange of ideas and goods globally. Hence the name, globalization. It benefits the middle class and especially the rich and powerful, but has hurt the poor and powerless.


Question: What Is The Truest Definition Of Globalization?

Answer: Princess Diana's death.

Question: How come?

Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, while in a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi on Japanese motorcycles; treated by an American doctor using Brazilian medicines.

This is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gates's technology, and you're probably reading this on a computer that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.

global có nghĩa là

Globalization is the inter-dependence of nations on one anothers' goods, resulting in a global economy. One may argue that such has occurred since civilization began, with the thing we know as commerce, but that is more wrong than right.

There are perks of globalization, such as:
- The ability to travel internationally easier.
- A wide variety of goods, differing in quality and price dramatically.
- Forced peace between inter-dependent nations, which results in less war.
- More universal measurement, arithmetic, and language, making it easier for people to communicate internationally.

Of course, globalization has serious draw-backs, too:
- If one economy declines, the rest do, too. This is much like a farmer using one variant of one crop, which will result in the destruction of most of his crop, if a bad disease hits.
- If a universal currency is not used, some, smaller nations will have disadvantages in trade.
- If one nation so chooses to withdraw from the global economy, the entire thing could collapse.
- Those countries that offer less valuable products than others will get fucked over.
- The richer nations profit more than the smaller ones.


I, personally, do not advocate globalization.

global có nghĩa là

synonym for dank. something that is way bomb.


Just picked up some global kicks. I can't wait to shred to the new gervais beat.

global có nghĩa là

Buzz word used by today's large American employers in years 2009+, where jobs and industry are being offshored or moved overseas. Basically this is an early warning to employees, and it stands for Gonna Lay Off Buttloads And Lie Make preparations in advance after hearing this word! There will soon be alot less people working at the company, and likely one of them is YOU.


Manager: "ComTech is moving toward becoming a GLOBAL corporation." Manager: "We have started a new GLOBAL hiring initiative."

global có nghĩa là

A nomadic political ideology used by elites to perpetrate a new world order Globalism typically aligns with progressivism despite the fact followers of this ideology share little views with progressives. It can already be seen throughout all major social media and news agencies. Aims to "lift people out of poverty" at the expense of 1st world countries. However, all that happens is the plundering of 1st world countries while people continue to die around the world. Where the money goes from globalist operations is truly unknown. What is certain is that Globalism increases awareness of events in faraway parts of the world. Albeit to create disinformation campaigns and manage the general populace of 3rd world countries.


They ushered in a new era of Globalism placing thousands out of work

global có nghĩa là

Global is a television network in Canada and it is the biggest horseshit opperation I have ever seen in my life. I am A canadian but I am fortunate enough to live in a place as nice as Windsor Ontario where I have access to Detroit TV which is only one mile away.

Global is that main reason why Canada has no sense of identity and is another example of people from Toronto trying to act like they are a world class American city like New York. The only thing Global produces is news and in that all they try to focus on is bullshit about how they love their diversity. All for primetime they do is re-broadcast american shows like the simpsons, family guy, american dad and malcomb in the middle. They even show scummy brainrotting shit like fear factor and american idol. It is no wonder that the young people from the Toronto area and Ottawa are just a bunch of ignorant maple suckers that think they are smarter than americans.

The gayest thing they do is they put Canadian commercials into the superbowl and they bluescreen in blue screen images of adds into the stadiums when they brodcast football games.

Support qulity television and watch CBC, TVO, BBC or PBS.


Stupid prep from Richmond Hill: Like lets so totally watch fear factor on global. Then i'll enroll in pyschology at McGill because i'm a empty headed moron and I think psychology is a real science.

Ottawa idiot: Wow I am so original for watching family guy even though it was introduced in the United States in 1998.

Educated Canadian: Man oh man. I wish my fellow Canadians wern't such morons. I guess i'll have to move to England or the USA so I can recieve my fix of stimulation.

global có nghĩa là

This term comes from the video game World of Warcraft. To "global" someone means to kill them almost instantly, in the space of one global cooldown [about 1 to 1.5 seconds].



global có nghĩa là

Descriptive of a once quality product or respected brand which has been outsourced to low-wage suppliers that now produce inferior copies of the original.


Levi's were great before they were globalized.

global có nghĩa là

This is another term for the internet.


"You will find it on global"
"Upload it onto global"

global có nghĩa là

an adjective to describe a hoe, someone who gets around


She sucked Michael, Joe, and Jeff all in one weekend. She’s so global.

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