How do i add space to a list in python?

I'm a Python noob and I need some help for a simple problem.

What I need to do is create a list with 3 items and add spaces before and after every item.

For example: l1 = ['a', 'bb', 'c']
should be transformed into: [' a ',' bb ',' c ']

I was trying to write something like this:

lst = ['a', 'bb', 'c']
for a in lst:
    print '  a  '

...and so on for the other elements, but I get a syntax error. Can anyone suggest me a working way to do this? Thanks.

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    Given list of Strings, task is to add a space before sequence which begin with capital letters.

    Input : test_list = [“gfgBest”, “forGeeks”, “andComputerScienceStudents”] 
    Output : [‘gfg Best’, ‘for Geeks’, ‘and Computer Science Students’] 
    Explanation : Words segregated by Capitals.

    Input : test_list = [“ComputerScienceStudentsLoveGfg”] 
    Output : [‘Computer Science Students Love Gfg’] 
    Explanation : Words segregated by Capitals. 

    Method #1 : Using loop + join[]

     This is one of the ways in which this task can be performed. In this, we perform the task of iterating all the stings and then all the characters before adding space using loop in brute force manner. The isupper[] is used to check for capital character.


    test_list = ["gfgBest", "forGeeks", "andComputerScience"]

    print["The original list : " + str[test_list]]

    res = []

    for ele in test_list:

        temp = [[]]

        for char in ele:

            if char.isupper[]:



        res.append[' '.join[''.join[ele] for ele in temp]]

    print["The space added list of strings : " + str[res]]


    The original list : ['gfgBest', 'forGeeks', 'andComputerScience']
    The space added list of strings : ['gfg Best', 'for Geeks', 'and Computer Science']

    Method #2 : Using regex[] + list comprehension

    The combination of above functions can also be used to solve this problem. In this we employ regex code to check for upper case letters and perform space addition and joining using list comprehension.


    import re

    test_list = ["gfgBest", "forGeeks", "andComputerScience"]

    print["The original list : " + str[test_list]]

    res = [re.sub[r"[\w][[A-Z]]", r"\1 \2", ele] for ele in test_list]

    print["The space added list of strings : " + str[res]]


    The original list : ['gfgBest', 'forGeeks', 'andComputerScience']
    The space added list of strings : ['gfg Best', 'for Geeks', 'and Computer Science']

    In this post, we will see how to add space in Python. Specifically, we will cover the following topics:

    • Add a space between variables in print[]
    • Add spaces to the left and right sides of a string
    • Add spaces at the beginning of a string
    • Add spaces at the end of a string
    • Add spaces between characters in a string
    • Add a space between string items

    So, without further ado, let’s get started.

    Add a space between variables in print[]

    Often, when we print variables, we want to separate them by a space to make them more readable. If variables in print[] are separated by a comma, a space gets automatically added between them. Let’s take an example.

    a = 4
    b = 3
    print[a, b]
    fname = "ashton"
    lname = "agar"
    print["His name is", fname, lname]


    4 3
    His name is ashton agar

    Next, we will see how to add spaces at different places in a string.

    Add spaces to the left and right sides of a string

    To add space to the left and right sides, we can use the center[] method. It takes the length of the returned string. Moreover, it is invoked on a string and outputs a new one. Consider the following example.

    name = "ashton"
    format =[len[name]+8]



    In the above example, the new string’s length is 14, i.e., 8 for spaces and 6 for name length. 4 spaces get added to the left and 4 to the right.

    Add spaces at the beginning of a string

    To add spaces at the beginning only, we can use the rjust[] method. It right aligns the given string. It takes the length of the formatted string like the center[] method does. Let’s see.

    name = "ashton"
    format = name.rjust[len[name]+4] #add four spaces at the beginning



    Add spaces at the end of a string

    The ljust[] method, on the other hand, can be used to add spaces to the end. Let’s see.

    name = "ashton"
    format = name.ljust[len[name]+4] #add four spaces to the end



    Add spaces between characters in a string

    Let’s see how to separate each character in a string by a space. For that, we can use the join[] method.

    The join[] method takes an iterable [list, string] and returns a string in which all items of an iterable are joined by a separator.

    Here, we will pass our input string to join[] and use space as a separator. Let’s see.

    string = "cricket"
    formatted = " ".join[string] #separate each character by a space


    c r i c k e t

    As you can see, we add space between each character of the string.

    Add a space between string items

    Using the join[] method, we can also add space between two or more string items. Let’s see.

    str1 = "cricket"
    str2 = "football"
    str3 = "hockey"
    string = " ".join[[str1, str2, str3]]


    cricket football hockey

    In the above example, we pass a list containing string items to the join[] method. It returns a new string having the list items joined by a space.

    If you only want to display [print] strings in such a way, you can use the print[] method and separate them using a comma.

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    How do you create a space in a list?

    If you want to increase or decrease the amount of space between items in a bulleted or numbered list, do this: Select the entire bulleted list. Click Home, and then click Paragraph>Line Spacing.

    How do you show spaces in a list in Python?

    Python isspace[] method is used to check space in the string. It returna true if there are only whitespace characters in the string. Otherwise it returns false. Space, newline, and tabs etc are known as whitespace characters and are defined in the Unicode character database as Other or Separator.

    What does \t do in Python?

    In Python strings, the backslash "\" is a special character, also called the "escape" character. It is used in representing certain whitespace characters: "\t" is a tab, "\n" is a newline, and "\r" is a carriage return. Conversely, prefixing a special character with "\" turns it into an ordinary character.

    How do I add a space between prints in Python?

    Use print[] to add a space between two variables Call print[variable1, variable2] to print variable1 and variable2 with a space between them.

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