How do I stop Netflix from minimizing credits?

At the end of a movie, Netflix quickly shrinks the final credits into a tiny, unreadable corner of the television screenand replaces it with a large movie suggestion.

This prevents the viewer from segueing out of the movie, or from being able to bask in the glow of the movie they just devoted 1-3 hours of their time watching.

It also prevents movie lovers from reading through the movie credits to see who worked on the movie, where it was filmed, what companies helped produced it, etc.

Netflix is primarily a movie company, catering to movie lovers, but it seems like they don't even understand their own consumer. Movie lovers enjoy reading through the credits. It's time that Netflix starts putting its subscriber and viewer experience ahead of its own marketing concerns.

This petition is to get Netflix to stop this obnoxious practice of ripping the movie credits away from the movie lover and minimizing them into a tiny corner of the screen.

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