How do positive and negative approach affect our daily life?

A positive attitude is not just about sporting that smile on your face every time, it is more than that. It is about maintaining that optimistic mindset and attitude even when things are in utter chaos. It is often said that what good or bad diet does to your body, positive and negative thoughts do the same to your mind! Feed your mind with positive thoughts and you will see amazing changes around you.

When you start thinking optimistically, your mind becomes clear of any negative thoughts and you will see the world in a new light. You will stop blaming yourself or others. You will be in total control of your emotions and try to seek a valuable lesson in every setback you experience.

Here are a few more reasons why should develop a positive attitude in life:
Happiness: A positive attitude is known to be linked with the feeling of happiness. Happiness is a state of mind; it comes from within and not dependent on external factors. When you think positively, you will be in harmony and feel happy. To put it simply, with a positive attitude, you can be happy right now … irrespective of any situations you are in.

Self-confidence: When you develop a positive attitude, you will start feeling better about yourself. You will treat yourself with more respect and love, and this in turn will boost your confidence levels and inner strength. You will take on new challenges and come out of your self-limiting beliefs.

Stronger immune system: People with a positive attitude are lively, energetic and healthy. Positive thinking renders a positive effect on health as well; it lowers stress and improves your overall wellbeing. Even when you fall sick, your body recuperates faster.

More focused: With positive thinking, you achieve emotional balance, which actually helps the brain to execute functions properly. You learn to stay focused and as a result, you can come up with the right decisions in challenging situations.

Training your mind to develop positive attitude: Repeating positive affirmations is a great way to train your mind to think positively. Reading inspirational and motivational quotes on a daily basis will help you overcome negative thoughts and instill a sense of optimism in you.
When any unpleasant event occurs, approach it with a positive mindset and try to learn an optimistic lesson out of it.
Remember, your thoughts determine your feelings and actions. So whenever any negative thought comes to your mind, immediately replace it with a positive one. Even if you are in a dire state of affairs, a positive mindset will help you sail through the difficult phase easily.
Resolve to be cheerful, no matter how the situation is. If things are not working in your favour, instead of fretting, work towards your goals with a positive attitude and you will see amazing results soon!

By Marisa Spano [Columnist] There is no greater joy in life than being positive. However, living a busy and hectic life can make that a little hard, especially as a college student. I have had my own ups and downs with negative and positive thoughts and I have learned first hand that mastering the positive ones can make your life much greater.  

I am sure you have heard the idea that our mind controls our body.  But what does this mean? Taking charge of your mind is a vital factor in keeping your body healthy. A positive attitude helps to cope with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking.

Adopting positive thoughts for your way of living will bring constructive changes into your days and make you happier and more successful. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that brings the mind thoughts, words and images that bring you to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results.

A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful result. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

It is very common to hear people say, “think positive” when feeling down and worried. But how do we use this? We should stop and think what the power of positive thinking really means.

All of us affect the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through our thoughts and feelings. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts. This is why we enjoy being around positive people and prefer to avoid the negative ones. Nobody likes a Debby Downer.

Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and more negativity.

In order to turn the mind toward the positive even as a completely negative person, some work inside your inner self is needed. Your Attitude and thoughts will not change overnight; it takes time and practice. These affirmations are called self-suggestions. It is a powerful tool for transforming your inner self into an amazing health generating, self-healing entity.

Start by:

-       Ignoring what other people might say or think about you.

-       Using Imagination to visualize only happy and beneficial situations.

-       Using positive words in your inner dialogues, or when talking with others.

-       Smiling more; it helps the positive thoughts flow.

-       Expecting success.

-       Getting inspired

-       Displaying confidence

-       Not giving up

-       Start saving quotes

Finding quotes and posting them all over my room was one way I was able to create a more optimistic mindset; you never know how much a quote can affect you. Finding some that fit you can make you feel better and think more positively.

Positive attitudes lead to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life will become more optimistic. According to medical research optimists are sick less and live longer than pessimists. Positive outlooks on life strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular system and the body’s ability to handle stress.

Optimistic, happy people believe that their own actions result in positive things happening and that they are responsible for their own happiness. They never blame themselves when bad things happen.

So next time instead of dwelling on the bad, analyze it to figure out what good can come of it.

How does being positive affect others?

Researchers have found that when subjects "catch" positive emotions from others, they're more likely to be viewed by others and view themselves as more cooperative and competent. They also perceive themselves as more collegial [see the research of Sigal Barsade].

What do you think are the effects of positive thoughts on your feelings and behavior?

Positive emotions build our resilience [the emotional resources needed for coping]. They broaden our awareness, letting us see more options for problem solving. Studies show that people feel and do their best when they have at least three times as many positive emotions as negative emotions.

What is negative affect in psychology?

Negative affect is a broad concept that can be summarized as feelings of emotional distress [Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988]; more specifically, it is a construct that is defined by the common variance between anxiety, sadness, fear, anger, guilt and shame, irritability, and other unpleasant emotions.

What is the meaning of positive effect?

"Positive affect" refers to one's propensity to experience positive emotions and interact with others and with life's challenges in a positive way. Conversely, "negative affect" involves experiencing the world in a more negative way, feeling negative emotions and more negativity in relationships and surroundings.

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