How do you compare two alphanumeric strings in python?

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    Given two strings that can contain lower and uppercase alphabets, numbers and special characters like dots, blank spaces, commas, etc. Compare both strings considering only alphanumeric characters[[a-b], [A-B] and [0-9]] if they are equal or not. For example, strings “Ram, Shyam” and “Ram-Shyam” both are the same and also “/.’;[]” and “@# >” are same.


    Input: str1 = "Ram, Shyam", str2 = " Ram - Shyam."
    Output: Equal
    if we ignore all characters 
    except alphanumeric characters 
    then strings will be, 
    str1 = "RamShyam" and str2 = "RamShyam". 
    Therefore both strings are equal.
    Input : str1 = "aaa123", str2 = "@aaa-12-3"
    Output : Equal
    Input : str1 = "abc123", str2 = "123abc"
    Output : Unequal
    In this, str1 = "abc123" and str2 = "123abc". 
    Therefore both strings are not equal.

    Since we have to compare only alphanumeric characters therefore whenever any other character is found simply ignore it by increasing iterator pointer. For doing it simply take two integer variables i and j and initialize them by 0. Now run a loop to compare each and every character of both strings. Compare one by one if the character is alphanumeric otherwise increase the value of i or j by one.

    Below is the implementation of the above approach:  



    using namespace std;

    bool CompareAlphanumeric[string& str1, string& str2]


        int i, j;

        i = 0;

        j = 0;

        int len1 = str1.size[];

        int len2 = str2.size[];

        while [i

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