How do you print a diamond pattern in python?

Here is a solution base on height equals to top to the middle, or half of the height. For example, height is entered as 4[7] or 5[9] below. This method will yield odd number actual height

h = int[input["please enter diamond's height:"]]

for i in range[h]:
    print[" "*[h-i], "*"*[i*2+1]]
for i in range[h-2, -1, -1]:
    print[" "*[h-i], "*"*[i*2+1]]

# please enter diamond's height:4
#      *
#     ***
#    *****
#   *******
#    *****
#     ***
#      *
# 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3  space
# 1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1  star

# please enter diamond's height:5
#       *
#      ***
#     *****
#    *******
#   *********
#    *******
#     *****
#      ***
#       *
# 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4  space
# 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1  star

Here is another solution base on height equals to top to the bottom, or the actual total height. For example, height is entered as 7 or 9 below. When the user enters an even number for height, the diamond will be slightly slanted.

h = int[input["please enter diamond's height:"]]

for i in range[1, h, 2]:
    print[" "*[h//2-i//2], "*"*i]
for i in range[h, 0, -2]:
    print[" "*[h//2-i//2], "*"*i]

# please enter diamond's height:7
#      *
#     ***
#    *****
#   *******
#    *****
#     ***
#      *
# 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3  space
# 1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1  star
# please enter diamond's height:9
#       *
#      ***
#     *****
#    *******
#   *********
#    *******
#     *****
#      ***
#       *
# 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4  space
# 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1  star

This python program prints Diamond pattern made up of stars up to n lines.

In this python program we first read row from user. Here row indicates number of rows that will be printed in one triangle pattern of Diamond pattern. Given row value of 5, total numbers of line in pattern will be 9.

Python Source Code: Diamond Pattern

# Diamond pattern

# Reading number of row
row = int[input['Enter number of row: ']]

# Upper part of diamond
for i in range[1, row+1]:
    for j in range[1,row-i+1]:
        print[" ", end=""]
    for j in range[1, 2*i]:
        print["*", end=""]

# Lower part of diamond
for i in range[row-1,0, -1]:
    for j in range[1,row-i+1]:
        print[" ", end=""]
    for j in range[1, 2*i]:
        print["*", end=""]


Enter number of row: 8


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    Given a number n, write a program to print a diamond shape with 2n rows.
    Examples : 



    using namespace std;

    void printDiamond[int n]


        int space = n - 1;

        for [int i = 0; i < n; i++]


            for [int j = 0;j < space; j++]



          function printDiamond[n] {

            var space = n - 1;

            for [var i = 0; i < n; i++] {

              for [var j = 0; j < space; j++] document.write["  "];

              for [var j = 0; j 0; i--]


              for [var j = 0; j < space; j++] document.write["  "];

              for [var j = 0; j < i; j++] document.write["*" + "  "];








       * * 
      * * * 
     * * * * 
    * * * * * 
    * * * * * 
     * * * * 
      * * * 
       * * 

    Time Complexity: O[n*n] since we are traversing rows and columns of a grid for printing spaces ‘ ‘ and star ‘*’.

    Auxiliary Space: O[1], No extra Space used.

    Approach2: Solving the problem using Recursion




    using namespace std;

    void gotonextLine[int k, int i, int z]


        if [k == i]


        cout row]


        addblankSpaceInDiamond[0, i, 1];

        gotonextLine[row, i, -1];


        lowerDiamond[row, i + 1];


    public static void main[String[] args]


        int row;

        row = 5;

        upperDiamond[row, 0];

        lowerDiamond[row, 1];




    def gotonextLine[k, i, z]:

        if [k == i]:


        print["* ", end=""],

        gotonextLine[k + z, i, z]

    def addblankSpaceInDiamond[j,i,z]:

        if [j == i]:


        print[" ",end=""],

        addblankSpaceInDiamond[j + z, i, z]

    def upperDiamond[row,i]:

        if [i > row]:


        addblankSpaceInDiamond[row, i, -1]

        gotonextLine[0, i, 1]


        upperDiamond[row, i + 1]

    def lowerDiamond[row,i]:

        if [i > row]:


        addblankSpaceInDiamond[0, i, 1]

        gotonextLine[row, i, -1]


        lowerDiamond[row, i + 1]

    row = 5

    upperDiamond[row, 0]

    lowerDiamond[row, 1]


    using System;

    public class GFG{

      public static void gotonextLine[int k, int i, int z]


        if [k == i]


        Console.Write["* "];

        gotonextLine[k + z, i, z];


      public static void addblankSpaceInDiamond[

        int j, int i, int z]


        if [j == i]


        Console.Write[" "];

        addblankSpaceInDiamond[j + z, i, z];


      public static void upperDiamond[int row, int i]


        if [i > row]


        addblankSpaceInDiamond[row, i, -1];

        gotonextLine[0, i, 1];


        upperDiamond[row, i + 1];


      public static void lowerDiamond[int row,

                                      int i]


        if [i > row]


        addblankSpaceInDiamond[0, i, 1];

        gotonextLine[row, i, -1];


        lowerDiamond[row, i + 1];


      public static void Main []


        int row;

        row = 5;

        upperDiamond[row, 0];

        lowerDiamond[row, 1];




       * * 
      * * * 
     * * * * 
    * * * * * 
     * * * * 
      * * * 
       * * 

    This article is contributed by Rahul Singh[Nit KKR] and improved by Himanshu Patel[@prophet1999]. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to . See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks.
    Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.

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    How do you print a diamond number in Python?

    Python diamond pattern program[using for loop].
    Input the number of row that is needed to develop a diamond shape pattern..
    Use for loop with range[n].
    Use another for loop with range[1,int[[n/2]]-i+3].
    Print[sep=” “,end=” “].
    Loop[3] ends..
    Using for loop for range[1,i+2].
    Print[“*”, end=” “].
    Loop[6] ends..

    How do you print a diamond pattern?

    The program output is also shown below..
    * C Program to Print Diamond Pattern using For Loop..
    #include .
    int main[].
    int number, i, k, count = 1;.
    printf["Enter number of rows: \n"];.
    scanf["%d", &number];.

    How do you print a rhombus pattern in Python?

    To create a rhombus in Python, we use two nested for loops inside an outer loop: An outer loop: To loop through the number of rows. Inner loops: One to print the trailing spaces and the other to print the pattern.

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