How do you transform an image in python?

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    PIL is the Python Imaging Library which provides the python interpreter with image editing capabilities. The Image module provides a class with the same name which is used to represent a PIL image. The module also provides a number of factory functions, including functions to load images from files, and to create new images.

    Image.transform[] Transforms this image. This method creates a new image with the given size, and the same mode as the original, and copies data to the new image using the given transform.

    Syntax: Image.transform[size, method, data=None, resample=0, fill=1]

    size – The output size.
    method – The transformation method.
    data – Extra data to the transformation method.
    resample – Optional resampling filter.

    Returns: An Image object.

    Image Used:

    from PIL import Image

    img =[r"C:\Users\System-Pc\Desktop\tree.jpg"]

    img1 = img.transform[[300, 300], Image.EXTENT, 

           data =[10, 0, 10 + img.width // 4, img.height // 3 ]][]


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    In this article, let’s see how to rotate an Image using Python. By Image Rotation, the image is rotated about its center by a specified number of degrees. The rotation of an image is a geometric transformation. It can be done either by Forward Transformation [or] Inverse Transformation.

    Here Image Processing Library with Pillow uses Inverse Transformation. If the Number Of Degrees Specified for Image Rotation is Not an Integer Multiple of 90 Degrees, then some Pixel Values Beyond Image Boundaries i.e Pixel values lying outside the Dimension of the image. Such Values will not be displayed in the output image. 

    Method:1 Using Image Processing Library Pillow


    from PIL import Image

    Original_Image =["./gfgrotate.jpg"]

    rotated_image1 = Original_Image.rotate[180]

    rotated_image2 = Original_Image.transpose[Image.ROTATE_90]

    rotated_image3 = Original_Image.rotate[60][][][]


    This is Image is Rotated By 180 Degree

    This Image Is Rotated By 60 Degree

    This Image Is Rotated By 90 Degree

    The rotate[] method of Python Image Processing Library Pillow Takes the number of degrees as a parameter and rotates the image in Counter Clockwise Direction to the number of degrees specified.

    Method 2: Using Open-CV to rotate an image by an angle in Python

    This is common that everyone knows that Python Open-CV is a module that will handle real-time applications related to computer vision. Open-CV works with image processing library imutilswhich deals with images. The imutils.rotate[] function is used to rotate an image by an angle in Python.


    import cv2 

    import imutils

    image = cv2.imread[r".\gfgrotate.jpg"]

    Rotated_image = imutils.rotate[image, angle=45]

    Rotated1_image = imutils.rotate[image, angle=90]

    cv2.imshow["Rotated", Rotated_image]

    cv2.imshow["Rotated", Rotated1_image]



    Image Rotated Using Open-CV in 45 Degree

    Image Rotated Using Open-CV in 90 Degree

    Even this Open-CV Rotates the image in Counter Clockwise direction to the number of degrees specified

    How do you convert an image to Python?

    Steps to Convert JPG to PNG using Python.
    Step 1: Install the PIL Package. If you haven't already done so, install the PIL package using the command below: pip install Pillow. ... .
    Step 2: Capture the Path where the JPG is Stored. Next, capture the path where your JPG file is stored. ... .
    Step 3: Convert the JPG to PNG using Python..

    How do you reshape an image in Python?

    resize[] Returns a resized copy of this image..
    Syntax: Image.resize[size, resample=0].
    size – The requested size in pixels, as a 2-tuple: [width, height]..
    resample – An optional resampling filter. This can be one of PIL. Image. NEAREST [use nearest neighbour], PIL. Image. ... .
    Returns type: An Image object..

    Can you resize an image in Python?

    To resize an image, you call the resize[] method on it, passing in a two-integer tuple argument representing the width and height of the resized image. The function doesn't modify the used image; it instead returns another Image with the new dimensions.

    How do I turn an image into OpenCV?

    You can resize an input image with either of following methods:.
    import numpy as np..
    import cv2 as cv..
    img = cv.imread['messi5.jpg'].
    res = cv.resize[img,None,fx=2, fy=2, interpolation = cv.INTER_CUBIC].

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