How many bytes is a list in python?

"It depends." Python allocates space for lists in such a way as to achieve amortized constant time for appending elements to the list.

In practice, what this means with the current implementation is... the list always has space allocated for a power-of-two number of elements. So range[1000000] will actually allocate a list big enough to hold 2^20 elements [~ 1.045 million].

This is only the space required to store the list structure itself [which is an array of pointers to the Python objects for each element]. A 32-bit system will require 4 bytes per element, a 64-bit system will use 8 bytes per element.

Furthermore, you need space to store the actual elements. This varies widely. For small integers [-5 to 256 currently], no additional space is needed, but for larger numbers Python allocates a new object for each integer, which takes 10-100 bytes and tends to fragment memory.

Bottom line: it's complicated and Python lists are not a good way to store large homogeneous data structures. For that, use the array module or, if you need to do vectorized math, use NumPy.

PS- Tuples, unlike lists, are not designed to have elements progressively appended to them. I don't know how the allocator works, but don't even think about using it for large data structures :-]

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    In Python, a list is a collection data type that can store elements in an ordered manner and can also have duplicate elements. The size of a list means the amount of memory [in bytes] occupied by a list object. In this article, we will learn various ways to get the size of a python list.

    1.Using getsizeof[] function:

    The getsizeof[] function belongs to the python’s sys module. It has been implemented in the below example.

    Example 1:

    import sys

    list1 = [1, 2, 3, 5]

    list2 = ["GeeksForGeeks", "Data Structure", "Algorithms"]

    list3 = [1, "Geeks", 2, "For", 3, "Geeks"]

    print["Size of list1: " + str[sys.getsizeof[list1]] + "bytes"]

    print["Size of list2: " + str[sys.getsizeof[list2]] + "bytes"]

    print["Size of list3: " + str[sys.getsizeof[list3]] + "bytes"]


    Size of list1: 96bytes
    Size of list1: 88bytes
    Size of list1: 112bytes

    Note:The sys.getsizeof[] function includes the marginal space usage, which includes the garbage collection overhead for the object. Meaning it returns the total space occupied by the object in addition to the garbage collection overhead for the spaces being used.

    1.Using inbuilt __sizeof__[] method:

    Python also has an inbuilt __sizeof__[] method to determine the space allocation of an object without any additional garbage value. It has been implemented in the below example.
    Example 2:

    list1 = [1, 2, 3, 5]

    list2 = ["GeeksForGeeks", "Data Structure", "Algorithms"]

    list3 = [1, "Geeks", 2, "For", 3, "Geeks"]

    print["Size of list1: " + str[list1.__sizeof__[]] + "bytes"]

    print["Size of list2: " + str[list2.__sizeof__[]] + "bytes"]

    print["Size of list3: " + str[list3.__sizeof__[]] + "bytes"]


    Size of list1: 72bytes
    Size of list1: 64bytes
    Size of list1: 88bytes

    What is the size of list in Python?

    A list is identifiable by the square brackets that surround it, and individual values are separated by a comma. To get the length of a list in Python, you can use the built-in len[] function. Apart from the len[] function, you can also use a for loop and the length_hint[] function to get the length of a list.

    How do I check memory list size?

    In order to determine the size of the list, we have passed the list object to the getsizeof[] function which on execution return the sizes of list1 and list2 in bytes along with garbage collector overhead. List1 and list2 are occupying 112 bytes and 104 bytes in the memory.

    How many bytes is a tuple?

    A 32-bit system will require 4 bytes per element, a 64-bit system will use 8 bytes per element.

    How many bytes is a number in Python?

    To be safe, Python allocates a fixed number of bytes of space in memory for each variable of a normal integer type, which is known as int in Python. Typically, an integer occupies four bytes, or 32 bits.

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