How to get id from one table to another in mysql

Do can do this in one query:

INSERT INTO students [student_id, first_name, last_name, teacher_id]
    SELECT $student_id,, t.first_name, t.last_name
    FROM teachers t
    WHERE first_name = '$teacher_first_name' AND last_name = '$teacher_last_name';

First note: Don't use variables stuffed into the string. Learn how to use parameters in your query. You are using mysqli_, so that is the right approach.

Second note: You should be including the student's name as well. You can do that using an update.

Third note: Don't repeat the teachers' names in the students table. A key reason for normalizing the database and having separate entities is to avoid storing the same data in multiple places. So, your query should look like:

INSERT INTO students [student_id, teacher_id]
    SELECT ?,
    FROM teachers t
    WHERE first_name = ? AND last_name = ?;

Then you can fetch the teacher's names using a JOIN.

To get username using ID from two tables, you need to use JOIN and join the tables.

Let us create a table −


mysql> create table demo77
   -> [
   -> userid int not null primary key,
   -> username varchar[20]
   -> ];
Query OK, 0 rows affected [2.63

Insert some records into the table with the help of insert command −


mysql> insert into demo77 values[1,'John'];
Query OK, 1 row affected [0.19

mysql> insert into demo77 values[2,'Bob'];
Query OK, 1 row affected [0.36

Display records from the table using select statement −


mysql> select *from demo77;

This will produce the following output −



| userid | username |


|      1 | John     |

|      2 | Bob      |

|      3 | Mike     |


Following is the query to create second table −


mysql> create table demo78
   -> [
   -> id int not null primary key,
   -> countryname varchar[20],
   -> constraint fk_id foreign key[id] references demo77[userid]
   -> ];
Query OK, 0 rows affected [0.75

Insert some records into the second table with the help of insert command −


mysql> insert into demo78 values[1,'US'];
Query OK, 1 row affected [0.14

mysql> insert into demo78 values[2,'AUS'];
Query OK, 1 row affected [0.15

Display records from the second table using select statement −


mysql> select *from demo78
   -> ;

This will produce the following output −



| id | countryname |


|  1 | US          |

|  2 | AUS         |


2 rows in set [0.00 sec]

Following is the query to get username by using id by joining both the tables −


mysql> select username from demo77
   -> join demo78
   -> on;

This will produce the following output −



| username |


| John     |

| Bob      |


2 rows in set [0.05 sec]

Updated on 11-Dec-2020 05:33:37

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so as text is saying I need to grab user id by name from one table and then select count from another table by that ID. is it possible?

users table

ID | User

online table


asked Sep 29, 2014 at 22:47


How about something more like:

FROM users
    INNER JOIN online
        ON online.ID = users.ID
WHERE = 'myuser';

Paul White

73.8k26 gold badges381 silver badges596 bronze badges

answered Sep 30, 2014 at 1:13


1,3101 gold badge7 silver badges24 bronze badges


Here it is:

SELECT COUNT[*] FROM online WHERE ID = [SELECT ID FROM users WHERE name = 'myuser']

answered Sep 29, 2014 at 23:14


611 gold badge1 silver badge3 bronze badges

How can I get data from one table to another table in MySQL?

If you want to copy data from one table to another in the same database, use INSERT INTO SELECT statement in MySQL. It's a very quick process to copy large amount data from a table and insert into the another table in same MySQL database.

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FROM table1 t1..
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t2. name = t1. name..
WHERE t2. name IS NULL..

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$get_teacher = mysqli_query[$link, "SELECT id FROM teachers WHERE first_name = '$teacher_first_name' AND last_name = '$teacher_last_name'"]; $get_teacher_arr = mysqli_fetch_array[$get_teacher]; $result = mysqli_query[$link, "INSERT INTO students [student_id, first_name, last_name, teacher_id] VALUES ['$student_id', '$ ...

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1 Answer.
SELECT Clause you select the columns you need in your result set..
FROM you Mention table[s] name[s].
ON Clause you define the relationship between the tables Say Projects table had a Column id_Country which refers to id_Country in Countries table defines the relationship between these two tables..

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