How to input percentage in python

print ["How much does your meal cost"]

meal = 0
tip = 0
tax = 0.0675

action = input[ "Type amount of meal "]

if action.isdigit[]:
    meal = [action]
    print [meal]

tips = input[" type the perentage of tip you want to give "]

if tips.isdigit[]:
    tip = tips 

I have written this but I do not know how to get


to be a percentage when someone types a number in.


68.7k41 gold badges188 silver badges311 bronze badges

asked Jan 25, 2015 at 23:11


>>> "{:.1%}".format[0.88]

answered Sep 22, 2015 at 23:49


382k180 gold badges946 silver badges1617 bronze badges

Based on your usage of input[] rather than raw_input[], I assume you are using python3.

You just need to convert the user input into a floating point number, and divide by 100.

print ["How much does your meal cost"]

meal = 0
tip = 0
tax = 0.0675

action = input[ "Type amount of meal "]

if action.isdigit[]:
    meal = float[action]

tips = input[" type the perentage of tip you want to give "]

if tips.isdigit[]:
    tip = float[tips]  / 100 * meal

answered Jan 25, 2015 at 23:16


68.7k41 gold badges188 silver badges311 bronze badges


It will be

print "Tip = %.2f%%" % [100*float[tip]/meal]

The end %% prints the percent sign. The number [100*float[tip]/meal] is what you are looking for.

answered Jan 25, 2015 at 23:21


We're assuming that it's a number the user is putting in. We want to make sure that the number is a valid percentage that the program can work with. I would recommend anticipating both expressions of a percentage from the user. So the user might type in .155 or 15.5 to represent 15.5%. A run-of-the-mill if statement is one way to see to that. [assuming you've already converted to float]

if tip > 1:
    tip = tip / 100

Alternatively, you could use what's called a ternary expression to handle this case. In your case, it would look something like this:

tip = [tip / 100] if tip > 1 else tip

There's another question here you could check out to find out more about ternary syntax.

answered Jan 25, 2015 at 23:48

Phil CotePhil Cote

3971 gold badge4 silver badges9 bronze badges

Calculate percentage from user Input in Python #

To calculate percentage from user input:

  1. Convert the input values to floats.
  2. Use the division / operator to divide one number by another.
  3. Multiply the quotient by 100 to get the percentage.
  4. The result shows what percent the first number is of the second.


# 👇️ if you need to format an input value to 1 or more decimal places user_input = input['Type a percentage, e.g. 10: '] result = f'{float[user_input] / 100:.1%}' print[result] # 👉️ 10.0% # ---------------------------------------- # 👇️ make sure to convert input[] result to float[] def is_what_percent_of[num_a, num_b]: return [num_a / num_b] * 100 print[is_what_percent_of[25, 75]] # 👉️ 33.33 print[is_what_percent_of[15, 93]] # 👉️ 16.12903.. print[round[is_what_percent_of[15, 93], 2]] # 👉️ 16.13 # -------------------------------------------------- def get_percentage_increase[num_a, num_b]: return [[num_a - num_b] / num_b] * 100 print[get_percentage_increase[60, 30]] # 👉️ 100.0 print[get_percentage_increase[40, 100]] # 👉️ -60.0 # -------------------------------------------------- def get_remainder[num_a, num_b]: return num_a % num_b print[get_remainder[50, 15]] # 👉️ 5 print[get_remainder[50, 20]] # 👉️ 10

The first example uses a formatted string literal to format an input value to 1 or more decimal places.


user_input = input['Type a percentage, e.g. 10: '] result = f'{float[user_input] / 100:.1%}' print[result] # 👉️ 10.0% result = f'{float[user_input] / 100:.2%}' print[result] # 👉️ 10.00%

Formatted string literals [f-strings] let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f.

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces - {expression}.

We are also able to use the format specification mini-language in expressions in f-strings.


my_float = 0.79 result_1 = f'{my_float:.1%}' print[result_1] # 👉️ 79.0% result_2 = f'{my_float:.2%}' print[result_2] # 👉️ 79.00%

If you need to calculate what percent one number is of another, divide one number by the other and multiply the result by 100.


def is_what_percent_of[num_a, num_b]: return [num_a / num_b] * 100 num1 = float[input['Enter a number: ']] # 👉️ 25 num2 = float[input['Enter another number: ']] # 👉️ 75 result = is_what_percent_of[num1, num2] print[result] # 👉️ 33.33333333333333 print[round[result, 2]] # 👉️ 33.33

Make sure to use the float[] class to convert the input strings to floating-point numbers.

The input[] function is guaranteed to return a string even if the user enters a number.

Use the round[] function if you need to round the result to N decimal places.

The round function returns the number rounded to ndigits precision after the decimal point.

Note that if you try to divide by 0, you'd get a ZeroDivisionError.

If you need to get the percentage increase from one number to another, use the following function.


def get_percentage_increase[num_a, num_b]: return [[num_a - num_b] / num_b] * 100 print[get_percentage_increase[60, 30]] # 👉️ 100.0 print[get_percentage_increase[40, 100]] # 👉️ -60.0

The first example shows that the percentage increase from 60 to 30 is 100 %.

And the second example shows that the percentage increase from 40 to 100 is -60%.

If you always need to get a positive number, use the abs[] function.


def get_percentage_increase[num_a, num_b]: return abs[[num_a - num_b] / num_b] * 100 print[get_percentage_increase[60, 30]] # 👉️ 100.0 print[get_percentage_increase[40, 100]] # 👉️ 60.0

The abs function returns the absolute value of a number. In other words, if the number is positive, the number is returned, and if the number is negative, the negation of the number is returned.

How do you do percentages in Python?

Use the division / operator to divide one number by another. Multiply the quotient by 100 to get the percentage. The result shows what percent the first number is of the second.

How do you express a number in percentage in Python?

percentage = str[round[x*100]] + '%' print[percentage]

How do you add a percent to a string in Python?

The %s operator allows you to add value into a python string. The %s signifies that you want to add string value into the string, it is also used to format numbers in a string.

How do you print a value in Python with percentages?

Using %% Character to Escape Percent Sign in Python To print percentage sign, we can escape using the percentage sign twice instead of once. See the code below. By using the percentage sign twice [ %% ], we can overcome the error.

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