How to search text in pdf file using php

Search PDF files for text in PHP

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Sample PHP code for using PDFTron SDK to search text on PDF pages using regular expressions. The TextSearch utility class builds on functionality available in TextExtractor to simplify most common search operations. Learn more about our PHP PDF Library and PDF Indexed Search Library.

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2022 by PDFTron Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Consult LICENSE.txt regarding license information.

// Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
$input_path = getcwd()."/../../TestFiles/";
$output_path = $input_path."Output/";

	PDFNet::GetSystemFontList();    // Wait for fonts to be loaded if they haven't already. This is done because PHP can run into errors when shutting down if font loading is still in progress.

	$doc = new PDFDoc($input_path."credit card numbers.pdf");

	$txt_search = new TextSearch();
	$mode = TextSearch::e_whole_word | TextSearch::e_page_stop;
	$pattern = "joHn sMiTh";

	//call Begin() method to initialize the text search.
	$txt_search->Begin( $doc, $pattern, $mode );

	$step = 0;
	//call Run() method iteratively to find all matching instances.
	while ( true )
		$searchResult = $txt_search->Run();
		if ( $searchResult->IsFound() )
			if ( $step == 0 )
			{	//step 0: found "John Smith"
				//note that, here, 'ambient_string' and 'hlts' are not written to, 
				//as 'e_ambient_string' and 'e_highlight' are not set.

				echo nl2br($searchResult->GetMatch()."'s credit card number is: \n");

				//now switch to using regular expressions to find John's credit card number
				$mode = $txt_search->GetMode();
				$mode |= TextSearch::e_reg_expression | TextSearch::e_highlight;
				$pattern = "\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}"; //or "(\\d{4}-){3}\\d{4}"

			else if ( $step == 1 )
				//step 1: found John's credit card number
				echo nl2br("  ".$searchResult->GetMatch()."\n");
				//note that, here, 'hlts' is written to, as 'e_highlight' has been set.
				//output the highlight info of the credit card number.
				$hlts = $searchResult->GetHighlights();
				while ( $hlts->HasNext() )
					echo nl2br("The current highlight is from page: ".$hlts->GetCurrentPageNumber()."\n");

				//see if there is an AMEX card number
				$pattern = "\\d{4}-\\d{6}-\\d{5}";

			else if ( $step == 2 )
				//found an AMEX card number
				echo nl2br("\nThere is an AMEX card number:\n  ".$searchResult->GetMatch()."\n");

				//change mode to find the owner of the credit card; supposedly, the owner's
				//name proceeds the number
				$mode = $txt_search->GetMode();
				$mode |= TextSearch::e_search_up;
				$pattern = "[A-z]++ [A-z]++";

			else if ( $step == 3 )
				//found the owner's name of the AMEX card
				echo nl2br("Is the owner's name:\n  ".$searchResult->GetMatch()."?\n");

				//add a link annotation based on the location of the found instance
				$hlts = $searchResult->GetHighlights();
				while ( $hlts->HasNext() )
					$cur_page= $doc->GetPage($hlts->GetCurrentPageNumber());
					$quadsInfo = $hlts->GetCurrentQuads();

					for ( $i = 0; $i < $quadsInfo->size(); ++$i )
						//assume each quad is an axis-aligned rectangle
						$q = $quadsInfo->get($i);
						$x1 = min(min(min($q->p1->x, $q->p2->x), $q->p3->x), $q->p4->x);
						$x2 = max(max(max($q->p1->x, $q->p2->x), $q->p3->x), $q->p4->x);
						$y1 = min(min(min($q->p1->y, $q->p2->y), $q->p3->y), $q->p4->y);
						$y2 = max(max(max($q->p1->y, $q->p2->y), $q->p3->y), $q->p4->y);
						$hyper_link = Link::Create($doc->GetSDFDoc(), new Rect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2), 
										Action::CreateURI($doc->GetSDFDoc(), ""));
				$doc->Save($output_path."credit card numbers_linked.pdf", SDFDoc::e_linearized);

		else if ( $code == TextSearch::e_page )
			//you can update your UI here, if needed

How do I search for words in a PDF text?

When a PDF is opened in the Acrobat Reader (not in a browser), the search window pane may or may not be displayed. To display the search/find window pane, use "Ctrl+F".

Can you search a PDF for text?

How to search for a word in a PDF using any PDF reader. Open any PDF with your default PDF reader. Press CTRL+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac). In the text box, enter your search term.

Can PHP read a PDF file?

PHP passes the PDF files to read it on the browser.

How do you do a search in a PDF?

Choose Edit > Find (Ctrl/Command+F). Type the text you want to search for in the text box on the Find toolbar. To replace text, click Replace With to expand the toolbar, then type the replacement text in the Replace With text box. Finds only occurrences of the complete word you type in the text box.