How to subtract fractions in python

Last update on August 19 2022 21:51:39 [UTC/GMT +8 hours]

Python Math: Exercise-46 with Solution

Write a Python program to add, subtract, multiply and divide two fractions.

Sample Solution:-

Python Code:

import fractions

f1 = fractions.Fraction[2, 3]
f2 = fractions.Fraction[3, 7]

print['{} + {} = {}'.format[f1, f2, f1 + f2]]
print['{} - {} = {}'.format[f1, f2, f1 - f2]]
print['{} * {} = {}'.format[f1, f2, f1 * f2]]
print['{} / {} = {}'.format[f1, f2, f1 / f2]]

Sample Output:

2/3 + 3/7 = 23/21                                                                                             
2/3 - 3/7 = 5/21                                                                                              
2/3 * 3/7 = 2/7                                                                                               
2/3 / 3/7 = 14/9


Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a Python program to create the fraction instances of decimal numbers.
Next: Write a Python program to convert a floating point number [PI] to an approximate rational value on the various denominator.

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Python: Tips of the Day

Find the most frequent element in a list:

test = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 4]
print[max[set[test], key = test.count]]


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I am trying to add two fractions in python

if input 1/4 + 1/4, I am expecting 1/2 result

I built a fraction class with an __add__ method for addition

from fractions import gcd

class fraction:
    def __init__[self, numerator, denominator]:
        self.num = numerator
        self.deno = denominator
    def __add__[self, other]:
        self.sumOfn = self.num + other.num
        self.sumOfd = gcd[self.deno,other.deno]
        return[self.sumOfn, self.sumOfd]


However I am getting 2,4 as output, which is actually 1/2, just not simplified. How could I fix that problem ?

from AddFraction import PlusFraction

class MinusFraction[PlusFraction]:

    def __init__[self, fractions]:

    def doSubtract[self]:

        self.answer = self.new_numerators[0]
        for count in range[1, len[self.new_numerators]]: self.answer -= self.new_numerators[count]

        return {'numerator':self.answer, 'denominator':self.lcm}

from SubtractFraction import MinusFraction

numerators   = [9, 3, 5, 7]
denominators = [2, 4, 12, 18]
fractions = {'numerators':numerators, 'denominators':denominators}

print['\n    Solving:\n']

for numerator in fractions['numerators']: print['{:13d}'.format[numerator], end='']
print['{}{:>12}'.format['\n'' '], end='']
for wasted in range[len[numerators]-1]: print['{}'.format['-     +      '], end='']
for denominator in fractions['denominators']: print['{:13d}'.format[denominator], end=''

sub_fract = MinusFraction[fractions]
fraction = sub_fract.doSubtract[]

print['{:>25}'.format['Answer   =   -']]


How do you add and subtract fractions in Python?

Initialize variables of numerator and denominator..
Take user input of two fraction..
Find numerator using this condition [n1*d2] +[d1*n2 ] where n1,n2 are numerator and d1 and d2 are denominator..
Find denominator using this condition [d1*d2] for lcm..
Calculate GCD of a this new numerator and denominator..

How do you solve fractions in Python?

You have two options:.
Use float.as_integer_ratio[] : >>> [0.25].as_integer_ratio[] [1, 4] [as of Python 3.6, you can do the same with a decimal. Decimal[] object.].
Use the fractions.Fraction[] type: >>> from fractions import Fraction >>> Fraction[0.25] Fraction[1, 4].

How do you reduce a Fraction in Python?

Reduce Fractions Function Python.
A function that reduces/simplifies fractions using the Euclidean Algorithm, in Python..
def reducefract[n, d]:.
'''Reduces fractions. n is the numerator and d the denominator. '''.
def gcd[n, d]:.
while d != ... .
t = d..

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