How will you convert an integer to a character in python?

In Python, a char can either be defined as an ASCII value or, if the char carries digits only, as the number it represents. In ASCII, a particular numerical value is given to different characters and symbols for computers to store and manipulate.

To find an ASCII value of a character, use the ord[] function. Let’s see how to convert ASCII value to character value.

To convert int to char in Python, use the chr[] method. The chr[] is a built-in Python method that returns a character [a string] from an integer [it represents the Unicode code point of the character].




The chr[] method takes a single parameter which is an integer.

Return Value

The chr[] function returns a character [a string] whose Unicode code point is the integer.


Let’s use the chr[] function to convert int to a character.






And we get the characters the output concerning its ASCII value. The chr[] method returns a character whose Unicode point is num, an integer.

Integer passed to chr[] is out of the range.

If we pass the negative value to the chr[] function then it returns ValueError: chr[] arg not in range[0x110000].



Traceback [most recent call last]:
  File "/Users/krunal/Desktop/code/pyt/database/", line 7, in 
ValueError: chr[] arg not in range[0x110000]

An integer we have passed is outside the range, and then the method returns a ValueError.

Convert a list of integers to characters

To create a list in Python, use the [ ] and add the values inside it.

listA = [69, 72, 78, 81, 90, 99]

for number in listA:
    char = chr[number]
    print["Character of ASCII value", number, "is ", char]


Character of ASCII value 69 is  E
Character of ASCII value 72 is  H
Character of ASCII value 78 is  N
Character of ASCII value 81 is  Q
Character of ASCII value 90 is  Z
Character of ASCII value 99 is  c

Convert Python char to int

To convert char to int in Python, use the ord[] method. The ord[] is a built-in Python function that returns a number representing the Unicode code of a specified character.





To convert int to character, use the chr[] function. To convert integer to character, use the ord[] function.

That is it for this tutorial.

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    In Python an integer can be converted into a string using the built-in str[] function. The str[] function takes in any python data type and converts it into a string. But use of the str[] is not the only way to do so. This type of conversion can also be done using the “%s” keyword, the .formatfunction or using f-stringfunction.

    Below is the list of possible ways to convert an integer to string in python:

    1. Using str[] function 

    Syntax: str[integer_value]



    num = 10

    print["Type of variable before convertion : ", type[num]] 

    converted_num = str[num]

    print["Type After convertion : ",type[converted_num]]


    Type of variable before convertion :  
    Type After convertion :  

    2. Using “%s” keyword

    Syntax: “%s” % integer



    num = 10

    print["Type of variable before convertion : ", type[num]] 

    converted_num = "% s" % num

    print["Type after convertion : ", type[converted_num]]


    Type of variable before convertion :  
    Type after convertion :  

    3. Using .format[] function

    Syntax: ‘{}’.format[integer]



    num = 10

    print["Type before convertion : ", type[num]] 

    converted_num = "{}".format[num]

    print["Type after convertion :",type[converted_num]]


    Type before convertion :  
    Type after convertion : 

    4. Using f-string

    Syntax: f'{integer}’



    num = 10

    print["Type before convertion : ",type[num]] 

    converted_num = f'{num}'

    print["Type after convetion : ", type[converted_num]]


    Type before convertion :  
    Type after convetion :  

                                                                                                                        5. Using __str__[] method 

    Syntax:  Integer.__str__[]


    num = 10

    print["Type before convertion : ",type[num]] 

    converted_num = num.__str__[]

    print["Type after convetion : ", type[converted_num]]


    Type before convertion :  
    Type after convetion :  

    How do you convert integers to characters?

    Example 2: int to char by using forDigit[] We can also use the forDigit[] method of the Character class to convert the int type variable into char type. Notice the expression, char a = Character. forDigit[num1, 10];

    How will you convert an integer to an Unicode character in Python?

    Python library's chr[] function converts Unicode character associated to any interger which is between 0 an 0x10ffff.

    How do you get a character from a number in Python?

    chr [] is a built-in function in Python that is used to convert the ASCII code into its corresponding character. The parameter passed in the function is a numeric, integer type value. The function returns a character for which the parameter is the ASCII code.

    How do you convert int to text in Python?

    In Python an integer can be converted into a string using the built-in str[] function. The str[] function takes in any python data type and converts it into a string. But use of the str[] is not the only way to do so. This type of conversion can also be done using the “%s” keyword, the .

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