Html to xaml converter c#

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: HtmlXamlConverter.cs // // Copyright [C] Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: Prototype for Html - Xaml conversion // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace HTMLConverter { using System; using System.Xml; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Windows; // DependencyProperty using System.Windows.Documents; // TextElement /// /// HtmlToXamlConverter is a static class that takes an HTML string /// and converts it into XAML /// public static class HtmlToXamlConverter { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods /// /// Converts an html string into xaml string. /// /// /// Input html which may be badly formated xml. /// /// /// true indicates that we need a FlowDocument as a root element; /// false means that Section or Span elements will be used /// dependeing on StartFragment/EndFragment comments locations. /// /// /// Well-formed xml representing XAML equivalent for the input html string. /// public static string ConvertHtmlToXaml[string htmlString, bool asFlowDocument] { // Create well-formed Xml from Html string XmlElement htmlElement = HtmlParser.ParseHtml[htmlString]; // Decide what name to use as a root string rootElementName = asFlowDocument ? HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_FlowDocument : HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Section; // Create an XmlDocument for generated xaml XmlDocument xamlTree = new XmlDocument[]; XmlElement xamlFlowDocumentElement = xamlTree.CreateElement[null, rootElementName, _xamlNamespace]; // Extract style definitions from all STYLE elements in the document CssStylesheet stylesheet = new CssStylesheet[htmlElement]; // Source context is a stack of all elements - ancestors of a parentElement List sourceContext = new List[10]; // Clear fragment parent InlineFragmentParentElement = null; // convert root html element AddBlock[xamlFlowDocumentElement, htmlElement, new Hashtable[], stylesheet, sourceContext]; // In case if the selected fragment is inline, extract it into a separate Span wrapper if [!asFlowDocument] { xamlFlowDocumentElement = ExtractInlineFragment[xamlFlowDocumentElement]; } // Return a string representing resulting Xaml xamlFlowDocumentElement.SetAttribute["xml:space", "preserve"]; string xaml = xamlFlowDocumentElement.OuterXml; return xaml; } /// /// Returns a value for an attribute by its name [ignoring casing] /// /// /// XmlElement in which we are trying to find the specified attribute /// /// /// String representing the attribute name to be searched for /// /// public static string GetAttribute[XmlElement element, string attributeName] { attributeName = attributeName.ToLower[]; for [int i = 0; i /// String representing value enclosed in quotation marks /// internal static string UnQuote[string value] { if [value.StartsWith["\""] && value.EndsWith["\""] || value.StartsWith["'"] && value.EndsWith["'"]] { value = value.Substring[1, value.Length - 2].Trim[]; } return value; } #endregion Internal Methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods /// /// Analyzes the given htmlElement expecting it to be converted /// into some of xaml Block elements and adds the converted block /// to the children collection of xamlParentElement. /// /// Analyzes the given XmlElement htmlElement, recognizes it as some HTML element /// and adds it as a child to a xamlParentElement. /// In some cases several following siblings of the given htmlElement /// will be consumed too [e.g. LIs encountered without wrapping UL/OL, /// which must be collected together and wrapped into one implicit List element]. /// /// /// Parent xaml element, to which new converted element will be added /// /// /// Source html element subject to convert to xaml. /// /// /// Properties inherited from an outer context. /// /// /// /// /// Last processed html node. Normally it should be the same htmlElement /// as was passed as a paramater, but in some irregular cases /// it could one of its following siblings. /// The caller must use this node to get to next sibling from it. /// private static XmlNode AddBlock[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlNode htmlNode, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { if [htmlNode is XmlComment] { DefineInlineFragmentParent[[XmlComment]htmlNode, /*xamlParentElement:*/null]; } else if [htmlNode is XmlText] { htmlNode = AddImplicitParagraph[xamlParentElement, htmlNode, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } else if [htmlNode is XmlElement] { // Identify element name XmlElement htmlElement = [XmlElement]htmlNode; string htmlElementName = htmlElement.LocalName; // Keep the name case-sensitive to check xml names string htmlElementNamespace = htmlElement.NamespaceURI; if [htmlElementNamespace != HtmlParser.XhtmlNamespace] { // Non-html element. skip it // Isn't it too agressive? What if this is just an error in html tag name? // TODO: Consider skipping just a wparrer in recursing into the element tree, // which may produce some garbage though coming from xml fragments. return htmlElement; } // Put source element to the stack sourceContext.Add[htmlElement]; // Convert the name to lowercase, because html elements are case-insensitive htmlElementName = htmlElementName.ToLower[]; // Switch to an appropriate kind of processing depending on html element name switch [htmlElementName] { // Sections: case "html": case "body": case "div": case "form": // not a block according to xhtml spec case "pre": // Renders text in a fixed-width font case "blockquote": case "caption": case "center": case "cite": AddSection[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; // Paragraphs: case "p": case "h2": case "h2": case "h3": case "h4": case "h5": case "h6": case "nsrtitle": case "textarea": case "dd": // ??? case "dl": // ??? case "dt": // ??? case "tt": // ??? AddParagraph[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; case "ol": case "ul": case "dir": // treat as UL element case "menu": // treat as UL element // List element conversion AddList[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; case "li": // LI outside of OL/UL // Collect all sibling LIs, wrap them into a List and then proceed with the element following the last of LIs htmlNode = AddOrphanListItems[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; case "img": AddImage[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; case "table": // hand off to table parsing function which will perform special table syntax checks // DISABLE TABLES [it seems like they don't work most of the time] // AddTable[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; case "tbody": case "tfoot": case "thead": case "tr": case "td": case "th": // Table stuff without table wrapper // TODO: add special-case processing here for elements that should be within tables when the // parent element is NOT a table. If the parent element is a table they can be processed normally. // we need to compare against the parent element here, we can't just break on a switch goto default; // Thus we will skip this element as unknown, but still recurse into it. case "style": // We already pre-processed all style elements. Ignore it now case "meta": case "head": case "title": case "script": // Ignore these elements break; default: // Wrap a sequence of inlines into an implicit paragraph htmlNode = AddImplicitParagraph[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; } // Remove the element from the stack Debug.Assert[sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == htmlElement]; sourceContext.RemoveAt[sourceContext.Count - 1]; } // Return last processed node return htmlNode; } // ............................................................. // // Line Breaks // // ............................................................. private static void AddBreak[XmlElement xamlParentElement, string htmlElementName] { // Create new xaml element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlLineBreak = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_LineBreak, _xamlNamespace]; xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlLineBreak]; if [htmlElementName == "hr"] { XmlText xamlHorizontalLine = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode["----------------------"]; xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlHorizontalLine]; xamlLineBreak = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_LineBreak, _xamlNamespace]; xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlLineBreak]; } } // ............................................................. // // Text Flow Elements // // ............................................................. /// /// Generates Section or Paragraph element from DIV depending whether it contains any block elements or not /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html element to be converted /// /// /// properties inherited from parent context /// /// /// /// true indicates that a content added by this call contains at least one block element /// private static void AddSection[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Analyze the content of htmlElement to decide what xaml element to choose - Section or Paragraph. // If this Div has at least one block child then we need to use Section, otherwise use Paragraph bool htmlElementContainsBlocks = false; for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling] { if [htmlChildNode is XmlElement] { string htmlChildName = [[XmlElement]htmlChildNode].LocalName.ToLower[]; if [HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement[htmlChildName]] { htmlElementContainsBlocks = true; break; } } } if [!htmlElementContainsBlocks] { // The Div does not contain any block elements, so we can treat it as a Paragraph AddParagraph[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } else { // The Div has some nested blocks, so we treat it as a Section // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Section, _xamlNamespace]; ApplyLocalProperties[xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/true]; // Decide whether we can unwrap this element as not having any formatting significance. if [!xamlElement.HasAttributes] { // This elements is a group of block elements whitout any additional formatting. // We can add blocks directly to xamlParentElement and avoid // creating unnecessary Sections nesting. xamlElement = xamlParentElement; } // Recurse into element subtree for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode != null ? htmlChildNode.NextSibling : null] { htmlChildNode = AddBlock[xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } // Add the new element to the parent. if [xamlElement != xamlParentElement] { xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlElement]; } } } /// /// Generates Paragraph element from P, H1-H7, Center etc. /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html element to be converted /// /// /// properties inherited from parent context /// /// /// /// true indicates that a content added by this call contains at least one block element /// private static void AddParagraph[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Paragraph, _xamlNamespace]; ApplyLocalProperties[xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/true]; // Recurse into element subtree for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling] { AddInline[xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } // Add the new element to the parent. xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlElement]; } /// /// Creates a Paragraph element and adds all nodes starting from htmlNode /// converted to appropriate Inlines. /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// /// /// XmlNode starting a collection of implicitly wrapped inlines. /// /// /// properties inherited from parent context /// /// /// /// true indicates that a content added by this call contains at least one block element /// /// /// The last htmlNode added to the implicit paragraph /// private static XmlNode AddImplicitParagraph[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlNode htmlNode, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Collect all non-block elements and wrap them into implicit Paragraph XmlElement xamlParagraph = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Paragraph, _xamlNamespace]; XmlNode lastNodeProcessed = null; while [htmlNode != null] { if [htmlNode is XmlComment] { DefineInlineFragmentParent[[XmlComment]htmlNode, /*xamlParentElement:*/null]; } else if [htmlNode is XmlText] { if [htmlNode.Value.Trim[].Length > 0] { AddTextRun[xamlParagraph, htmlNode.Value]; } } else if [htmlNode is XmlElement] { string htmlChildName = [[XmlElement]htmlNode].LocalName.ToLower[]; if [HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement[htmlChildName]] { // The sequence of non-blocked inlines ended. Stop implicit loop here. break; } else { AddInline[xamlParagraph, [XmlElement]htmlNode, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } } // Store last processed node to return it at the end lastNodeProcessed = htmlNode; htmlNode = htmlNode.NextSibling; } // Add the Paragraph to the parent // If only whitespaces and commens have been encountered, // then we have nothing to add in implicit paragraph; forget it. if [xamlParagraph.FirstChild != null] { xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlParagraph]; } // Need to return last processed node return lastNodeProcessed; } // ............................................................. // // Inline Elements // // ............................................................. private static void AddInline[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlNode htmlNode, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { if [htmlNode is XmlComment] { DefineInlineFragmentParent[[XmlComment]htmlNode, xamlParentElement]; } else if [htmlNode is XmlText] { AddTextRun[xamlParentElement, htmlNode.Value]; } else if [htmlNode is XmlElement] { XmlElement htmlElement = [XmlElement]htmlNode; // Check whether this is an html element if [htmlElement.NamespaceURI != HtmlParser.XhtmlNamespace] { return; // Skip non-html elements } // Identify element name string htmlElementName = htmlElement.LocalName.ToLower[]; // Put source element to the stack sourceContext.Add[htmlElement]; switch [htmlElementName] { case "a": // DISABLE LINKS // AddHyperlink[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; AddSpanOrRun[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; case "img": AddImage[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; break; case "br": case "hr": AddBreak[xamlParentElement, htmlElementName]; break; default: if [HtmlSchema.IsInlineElement[htmlElementName] || HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement[htmlElementName]] { // Note: actually we do not expect block elements here, // but if it happens to be here, we will treat it as a Span. AddSpanOrRun[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } break; } // Ignore all other elements non-[block/inline/image] // Remove the element from the stack Debug.Assert[sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == htmlElement]; sourceContext.RemoveAt[sourceContext.Count - 1]; } } private static void AddSpanOrRun[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Decide what XAML element to use for this inline element. // Check whether it contains any nested inlines bool elementHasChildren = false; for [XmlNode htmlNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlNode != null; htmlNode = htmlNode.NextSibling] { if [htmlNode is XmlElement] { string htmlChildName = [[XmlElement]htmlNode].LocalName.ToLower[]; if [HtmlSchema.IsInlineElement[htmlChildName] || HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement[htmlChildName] || htmlChildName == "img" || htmlChildName == "br" || htmlChildName == "hr"] { elementHasChildren = true; break; } } } string xamlElementName = elementHasChildren ? HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Span : HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Run; // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/xamlElementName, _xamlNamespace]; ApplyLocalProperties[xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/false]; // Recurse into element subtree for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling] { AddInline[xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } // Add the new element to the parent. xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlElement]; } // Adds a text run to a xaml tree private static void AddTextRun[XmlElement xamlElement, string textData] { // Remove control characters for [int i = 0; i 0] { xamlElement.AppendChild[xamlElement.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode[textData]]; } } private static void AddHyperlink[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Convert href attribute into NavigateUri and TargetName string href = GetAttribute[htmlElement, "href"]; if [href == null] { // When href attribute is missing - ignore the hyperlink AddSpanOrRun[xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } else { // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Hyperlink, _xamlNamespace]; ApplyLocalProperties[xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/false]; string[] hrefParts = href.Split[new char[] { '#' }]; if [hrefParts.Length > 0 && hrefParts[0].Trim[].Length > 0] { xamlElement.SetAttribute[HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Hyperlink_NavigateUri, hrefParts[0].Trim[]]; } if [hrefParts.Length == 2 && hrefParts[1].Trim[].Length > 0] { xamlElement.SetAttribute[HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Hyperlink_TargetName, hrefParts[1].Trim[]]; } // Recurse into element subtree for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling] { AddInline[xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } // Add the new element to the parent. xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlElement]; } } // Stores a parent xaml element for the case when selected fragment is inline. private static XmlElement InlineFragmentParentElement; // Called when html comment is encountered to store a parent element // for the case when the fragment is inline - to extract it to a separate // Span wrapper after the conversion. private static void DefineInlineFragmentParent[XmlComment htmlComment, XmlElement xamlParentElement] { if [htmlComment.Value == "StartFragment"] { InlineFragmentParentElement = xamlParentElement; } else if [htmlComment.Value == "EndFragment"] { if [InlineFragmentParentElement == null && xamlParentElement != null] { // Normally this cannot happen if comments produced by correct copying code // in Word or IE, but when it is produced manually then fragment boundary // markers can be inconsistent. In this case StartFragment takes precedence, // but if it is not set, then we get the value from EndFragment marker. InlineFragmentParentElement = xamlParentElement; } } } // Extracts a content of an element stored as InlineFragmentParentElement // into a separate Span wrapper. // Note: when selected content does not cross paragraph boundaries, // the fragment is marked within private static XmlElement ExtractInlineFragment[XmlElement xamlFlowDocumentElement] { if [InlineFragmentParentElement != null] { if [InlineFragmentParentElement.LocalName == HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Span] { xamlFlowDocumentElement = InlineFragmentParentElement; } else { xamlFlowDocumentElement = xamlFlowDocumentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Span, _xamlNamespace]; while [InlineFragmentParentElement.FirstChild != null] { XmlNode copyNode = InlineFragmentParentElement.FirstChild; InlineFragmentParentElement.RemoveChild[copyNode]; xamlFlowDocumentElement.AppendChild[copyNode]; } } } return xamlFlowDocumentElement; } // ............................................................. // // Images // // ............................................................. private static List BlockContainers = new List { Xaml_FlowDocument, Xaml_TableCell, Xaml_ListItem, Xaml_Section }; private static void AddImage[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[/*prefix:*/null, /*localName:*/HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Image, _xamlNamespace]; ApplyLocalProperties[xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/false]; if [!xamlElement.HasAttribute[Xaml_MaxHeight] && !xamlElement.HasAttribute[Xaml_MaxWidth]] { xamlElement.SetAttribute["Stretch", BlockContainers.Contains[xamlParentElement.Name] ? "UniformToFill" : "None"]; } XmlElement container = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[ null, BlockContainers.Contains[xamlParentElement.Name] ? "BlockUIContainer" : "InlineUIContainer", _xamlNamespace]; container.AppendChild[xamlElement]; xamlParentElement.AppendChild[container]; } // ............................................................. // // Lists // // ............................................................. /// /// Converts Html ul or ol element into Xaml list element. During conversion if the ul/ol element has any children /// that are not li elements, they are ignored and not added to the list element /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html ul/ol element to be converted /// /// /// properties inherited from parent context /// /// /// private static void AddList[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlListElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { string htmlListElementName = htmlListElement.LocalName.ToLower[]; Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlListElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // Create Xaml List element XmlElement xamlListElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_List, _xamlNamespace]; // Set default list markers if [htmlListElementName == "ol"] { // Ordered list xamlListElement.SetAttribute[HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle, Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Decimal]; } else { // Unordered list - all elements other than OL treated as unordered lists xamlListElement.SetAttribute[HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle, Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Disc]; } // Apply local properties to list to set marker attribute if specified // TODO: Should we have separate list attribute processing function? ApplyLocalProperties[xamlListElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/true]; // Recurse into list subtree for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlListElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling] { if [htmlChildNode is XmlElement && htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "li"] { sourceContext.Add[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode]; AddListItem[xamlListElement, [XmlElement]htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; Debug.Assert[sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == htmlChildNode]; sourceContext.RemoveAt[sourceContext.Count - 1]; } else { // Not an li element. Add it to previous ListBoxItem // We need to append the content to the end // of a previous list item. } } // Add the List element to xaml tree - if it is not empty if [xamlListElement.HasChildNodes] { xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlListElement]; } } /// /// If li items are found without a parent ul/ol element in Html string, creates xamlListElement as their parent and adds /// them to it. If the previously added node to the same xamlParentElement was a List, adds the elements to that list. /// Otherwise, we create a new xamlListElement and add them to it. Elements are added as long as li elements appear sequentially. /// The first non-li or text node stops the addition. /// /// /// Parent element for the list /// /// /// Start Html li element without parent list /// /// /// Properties inherited from parent context /// /// /// XmlNode representing the first non-li node in the input after one or more li's have been processed. /// private static XmlElement AddOrphanListItems[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlLIElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { Debug.Assert[htmlLIElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "li"]; XmlElement lastProcessedListItemElement = null; // Find out the last element attached to the xamlParentElement, which is the previous sibling of this node XmlNode xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling = xamlParentElement.LastChild; XmlElement xamlListElement; if [xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling != null && xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling.LocalName == Xaml_List] { // Previously added Xaml element was a list. We will add the new li to it xamlListElement = [XmlElement]xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling; } else { // No list element near. Create our own. xamlListElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_List, _xamlNamespace]; xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlListElement]; } XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlLIElement; string htmlChildNodeName = htmlChildNode == null ? null : htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[]; // Current element properties missed here. //currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlLIElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet]; // Add li elements to the parent xamlListElement we created as long as they appear sequentially // Use properties inherited from xamlParentElement for context while [htmlChildNode != null && htmlChildNodeName == "li"] { AddListItem[xamlListElement, [XmlElement]htmlChildNode, inheritedProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; lastProcessedListItemElement = [XmlElement]htmlChildNode; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; htmlChildNodeName = htmlChildNode == null ? null : htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[]; } return lastProcessedListItemElement; } /// /// Converts htmlLIElement into Xaml ListItem element, and appends it to the parent xamlListElement /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml List element to which the converted td/th should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html li element to be converted /// /// /// Properties inherited from parent context /// private static void AddListItem[XmlElement xamlListElement, XmlElement htmlLIElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[xamlListElement != null]; Debug.Assert[xamlListElement.LocalName == Xaml_List]; Debug.Assert[htmlLIElement != null]; Debug.Assert[htmlLIElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "li"]; Debug.Assert[inheritedProperties != null]; Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlLIElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; XmlElement xamlListItemElement = xamlListElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_ListItem, _xamlNamespace]; // TODO: process local properties for li element // Process children of the ListItem for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlLIElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode != null ? htmlChildNode.NextSibling : null] { htmlChildNode = AddBlock[xamlListItemElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } // Add resulting ListBoxItem to a xaml parent xamlListElement.AppendChild[xamlListItemElement]; } // ............................................................. // // Tables // // ............................................................. /// /// Converts htmlTableElement to a Xaml Table element. Adds tbody elements if they are missing so /// that a resulting Xaml Table element is properly formed. /// /// /// Parent xaml element to which a converted table must be added. /// /// /// XmlElement reprsenting the Html table element to be converted /// /// /// Hashtable representing properties inherited from parent context. /// private static void AddTable[XmlElement xamlParentElement, XmlElement htmlTableElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[htmlTableElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "table"]; Debug.Assert[xamlParentElement != null]; Debug.Assert[inheritedProperties != null]; // Create current properties to be used by children as inherited properties, set local properties Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlTableElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // TODO: process localProperties for tables to override defaults, decide cell spacing defaults // Check if the table contains only one cell - we want to take only its content XmlElement singleCell = GetCellFromSingleCellTable[htmlTableElement]; if [singleCell != null] { // Need to push skipped table elements onto sourceContext sourceContext.Add[singleCell]; // Add the cell's content directly to parent for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = singleCell.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode != null ? htmlChildNode.NextSibling : null] { htmlChildNode = AddBlock[xamlParentElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } Debug.Assert[sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == singleCell]; sourceContext.RemoveAt[sourceContext.Count - 1]; } else { // Create xamlTableElement XmlElement xamlTableElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_Table, _xamlNamespace]; // Analyze table structure for column widths and rowspan attributes ArrayList columnStarts = AnalyzeTableStructure[htmlTableElement, stylesheet]; // Process COLGROUP & COL elements AddColumnInformation[htmlTableElement, xamlTableElement, columnStarts, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // Process table body - TBODY and TR elements XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlTableElement.FirstChild; while [htmlChildNode != null] { string htmlChildName = htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[]; // Process the element if [htmlChildName == "tbody" || htmlChildName == "thead" || htmlChildName == "tfoot"] { // Add more special processing for TableHeader and TableFooter XmlElement xamlTableBodyElement = xamlTableElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_TableRowGroup, _xamlNamespace]; xamlTableElement.AppendChild[xamlTableBodyElement]; sourceContext.Add[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode]; // Get properties of Html tbody element Hashtable tbodyElementLocalProperties; Hashtable tbodyElementCurrentProperties = GetElementProperties[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, currentProperties, out tbodyElementLocalProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // TODO: apply local properties for tbody // Process children of htmlChildNode, which is tbody, for tr elements AddTableRowsToTableBody[xamlTableBodyElement, htmlChildNode.FirstChild, tbodyElementCurrentProperties, columnStarts, stylesheet, sourceContext]; if [xamlTableBodyElement.HasChildNodes] { xamlTableElement.AppendChild[xamlTableBodyElement]; // else: if there is no TRs in this TBody, we simply ignore it } Debug.Assert[sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == htmlChildNode]; sourceContext.RemoveAt[sourceContext.Count - 1]; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } else if [htmlChildName == "tr"] { // Tbody is not present, but tr element is present. Tr is wrapped in tbody XmlElement xamlTableBodyElement = xamlTableElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_TableRowGroup, _xamlNamespace]; // We use currentProperties of xamlTableElement when adding rows since the tbody element is artificially created and has // no properties of its own htmlChildNode = AddTableRowsToTableBody[xamlTableBodyElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, columnStarts, stylesheet, sourceContext]; if [xamlTableBodyElement.HasChildNodes] { xamlTableElement.AppendChild[xamlTableBodyElement]; } } else { // Element is not tbody or tr. Ignore it. // TODO: add processing for thead, tfoot elements and recovery for td elements htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } } if [xamlTableElement.HasChildNodes] { xamlParentElement.AppendChild[xamlTableElement]; } } } private static XmlElement GetCellFromSingleCellTable[XmlElement htmlTableElement] { XmlElement singleCell = null; for [XmlNode tableChild = htmlTableElement.FirstChild; tableChild != null; tableChild = tableChild.NextSibling] { string elementName = tableChild.LocalName.ToLower[]; if [elementName == "tbody" || elementName == "thead" || elementName == "tfoot"] { if [singleCell != null] { return null; } for [XmlNode tbodyChild = tableChild.FirstChild; tbodyChild != null; tbodyChild = tbodyChild.NextSibling] { if [tbodyChild.LocalName.ToLower[] == "tr"] { if [singleCell != null] { return null; } for [XmlNode trChild = tbodyChild.FirstChild; trChild != null; trChild = trChild.NextSibling] { string cellName = trChild.LocalName.ToLower[]; if [cellName == "td" || cellName == "th"] { if [singleCell != null] { return null; } singleCell = [XmlElement]trChild; } } } } } else if [tableChild.LocalName.ToLower[] == "tr"] { if [singleCell != null] { return null; } for [XmlNode trChild = tableChild.FirstChild; trChild != null; trChild = trChild.NextSibling] { string cellName = trChild.LocalName.ToLower[]; if [cellName == "td" || cellName == "th"] { if [singleCell != null] { return null; } singleCell = [XmlElement]trChild; } } } } return singleCell; } /// /// Processes the information about table columns - COLGROUP and COL html elements. /// /// /// XmlElement representing a source html table. /// /// /// XmlElement repesenting a resulting xaml table. /// /// /// Array of doubles - column start coordinates. /// Can be null, which means that column size information is not available /// and we must use source colgroup/col information. /// In case wneh it's not null, we will ignore source colgroup/col information. /// /// /// /// private static void AddColumnInformation[XmlElement htmlTableElement, XmlElement xamlTableElement, ArrayList columnStartsAllRows, Hashtable currentProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Add column information if [columnStartsAllRows != null] { // We have consistent information derived from table cells; use it // The last element in columnStarts represents the end of the table for [int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex /// XmlElement representing Xaml Table element to which the converted column group should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html colgroup element to be converted /// /// Properties inherited from parent context /// private static void AddTableColumnGroup[XmlElement xamlTableElement, XmlElement htmlColgroupElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlColgroupElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // TODO: process local properties for colgroup // Process children of colgroup. Colgroup may contain only col elements. for [XmlNode htmlNode = htmlColgroupElement.FirstChild; htmlNode != null; htmlNode = htmlNode.NextSibling] { if [htmlNode is XmlElement && htmlNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "col"] { AddTableColumn[xamlTableElement, [XmlElement]htmlNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } } } /// /// Converts htmlColElement into Xaml TableColumn element, and appends it to the parent /// xamlTableColumnGroupElement /// /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html col element to be converted /// /// /// properties inherited from parent context /// /// /// private static void AddTableColumn[XmlElement xamlTableElement, XmlElement htmlColElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { Hashtable localProperties; Hashtable currentProperties = GetElementProperties[htmlColElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; XmlElement xamlTableColumnElement = xamlTableElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_TableColumn, _xamlNamespace]; // TODO: process local properties for TableColumn element // Col is an empty element, with no subtree xamlTableElement.AppendChild[xamlTableColumnElement]; } /// /// Adds TableRow elements to xamlTableBodyElement. The rows are converted from Html tr elements that /// may be the children of an Html tbody element or an Html table element with tbody missing /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml TableRowGroup element to which the converted rows should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing the first tr child of the tbody element to be read /// /// /// Hashtable representing current properties of the tbody element that are generated and applied in the /// AddTable function; to be used as inheritedProperties when adding tr elements /// /// /// /// /// /// XmlNode representing the current position of the iterator among tr elements /// private static XmlNode AddTableRowsToTableBody[XmlElement xamlTableBodyElement, XmlNode htmlTRStartNode, Hashtable currentProperties, ArrayList columnStarts, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[xamlTableBodyElement.LocalName == Xaml_TableRowGroup]; Debug.Assert[currentProperties != null]; // Initialize child node for iteratimg through children to the first tr element XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlTRStartNode; ArrayList activeRowSpans = null; if [columnStarts != null] { activeRowSpans = new ArrayList[]; InitializeActiveRowSpans[activeRowSpans, columnStarts.Count]; } while [htmlChildNode != null && htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] != "tbody"] { if [htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "tr"] { XmlElement xamlTableRowElement = xamlTableBodyElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_TableRow, _xamlNamespace]; sourceContext.Add[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode]; // Get tr element properties Hashtable trElementLocalProperties; Hashtable trElementCurrentProperties = GetElementProperties[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, currentProperties, out trElementLocalProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // TODO: apply local properties to tr element AddTableCellsToTableRow[xamlTableRowElement, htmlChildNode.FirstChild, trElementCurrentProperties, columnStarts, activeRowSpans, stylesheet, sourceContext]; if [xamlTableRowElement.HasChildNodes] { xamlTableBodyElement.AppendChild[xamlTableRowElement]; } Debug.Assert[sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == htmlChildNode]; sourceContext.RemoveAt[sourceContext.Count - 1]; // Advance htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } else if [htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "td"] { // Tr element is not present. We create one and add td elements to it XmlElement xamlTableRowElement = xamlTableBodyElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_TableRow, _xamlNamespace]; // This is incorrect formatting and the column starts should not be set in this case Debug.Assert[columnStarts == null]; htmlChildNode = AddTableCellsToTableRow[xamlTableRowElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, columnStarts, activeRowSpans, stylesheet, sourceContext]; if [xamlTableRowElement.HasChildNodes] { xamlTableBodyElement.AppendChild[xamlTableRowElement]; } } else { // Not a tr or td element. Ignore it. // TODO: consider better recovery here htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } } return htmlChildNode; } /// /// Adds TableCell elements to xamlTableRowElement. /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml TableRow element to which the converted cells should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing the child of tr or tbody element from which we should start adding td elements /// /// /// properties of the current html tr element to which cells are to be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing the current position of the iterator among the children of the parent Html tbody/tr element /// private static XmlNode AddTableCellsToTableRow[XmlElement xamlTableRowElement, XmlNode htmlTDStartNode, Hashtable currentProperties, ArrayList columnStarts, ArrayList activeRowSpans, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // parameter validation Debug.Assert[xamlTableRowElement.LocalName == Xaml_TableRow]; Debug.Assert[currentProperties != null]; if [columnStarts != null] { Debug.Assert[activeRowSpans.Count == columnStarts.Count]; } XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlTDStartNode; double columnStart = 0; double columnWidth = 0; int columnIndex = 0; int columnSpan = 0; while [htmlChildNode != null && htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] != "tr" && htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] != "tbody" && htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] != "thead" && htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] != "tfoot"] { if [htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "td" || htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "th"] { XmlElement xamlTableCellElement = xamlTableRowElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement[null, Xaml_TableCell, _xamlNamespace]; sourceContext.Add[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode]; Hashtable tdElementLocalProperties; Hashtable tdElementCurrentProperties = GetElementProperties[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, currentProperties, out tdElementLocalProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; // TODO: determine if localProperties can be used instead of htmlChildNode in this call, and if they can, // make necessary changes and use them instead. ApplyPropertiesToTableCellElement[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, xamlTableCellElement]; if [columnStarts != null] { Debug.Assert[columnIndex = 0]; columnIndex++; } Debug.Assert[columnIndex 0]; Debug.Assert[columnIndex + columnSpan /// XmlElement representing Xaml TableCell element to which the converted data should be added /// /// /// XmlElement representing the start element of data to be added to xamlTableCellElement /// /// /// Current properties for the html td/th element corresponding to xamlTableCellElement /// private static void AddDataToTableCell[XmlElement xamlTableCellElement, XmlNode htmlDataStartNode, Hashtable currentProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[xamlTableCellElement.LocalName == Xaml_TableCell]; Debug.Assert[currentProperties != null]; for [XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlDataStartNode; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode != null ? htmlChildNode.NextSibling : null] { // Process a new html element and add it to the td element htmlChildNode = AddBlock[xamlTableCellElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, stylesheet, sourceContext]; } } /// /// Performs a parsing pass over a table to read information about column width and rowspan attributes. This information /// is used to determine the starting point of each column. /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html table whose structure is to be analyzed /// /// /// ArrayList of type double which contains the function output. If analysis is successful, this ArrayList contains /// all the points which are the starting position of any column in the table, ordered from left to right. /// In case if analisys was impossible we return null. /// private static ArrayList AnalyzeTableStructure[XmlElement htmlTableElement, CssStylesheet stylesheet] { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[htmlTableElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "table"]; if [!htmlTableElement.HasChildNodes] { return null; } bool columnWidthsAvailable = true; ArrayList columnStarts = new ArrayList[]; ArrayList activeRowSpans = new ArrayList[]; Debug.Assert[columnStarts.Count == activeRowSpans.Count]; XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlTableElement.FirstChild; double tableWidth = 0; // Keep track of table width which is the width of its widest row // Analyze tbody and tr elements while [htmlChildNode != null && columnWidthsAvailable] { Debug.Assert[columnStarts.Count == activeRowSpans.Count]; switch [htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[]] { case "tbody": // Tbody element, we should analyze its children for trows double tbodyWidth = AnalyzeTbodyStructure[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, columnStarts, activeRowSpans, tableWidth, stylesheet]; if [tbodyWidth > tableWidth] { // Table width must be increased to supported newly added wide row tableWidth = tbodyWidth; } else if [tbodyWidth == 0] { // Tbody analysis may return 0, probably due to unprocessable format. // We should also fail. columnWidthsAvailable = false; // interrupt the analisys } break; case "tr": // Table row. Analyze column structure within row directly double trWidth = AnalyzeTRStructure[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, columnStarts, activeRowSpans, tableWidth, stylesheet]; if [trWidth > tableWidth] { tableWidth = trWidth; } else if [trWidth == 0] { columnWidthsAvailable = false; // interrupt the analisys } break; case "td": // Incorrect formatting, too deep to analyze at this level. Return null. // TODO: implement analysis at this level, possibly by creating a new tr columnWidthsAvailable = false; // interrupt the analisys break; default: // Element should not occur directly in table. Ignore it. break; } htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } if [columnWidthsAvailable] { // Add an item for whole table width columnStarts.Add[tableWidth]; VerifyColumnStartsAscendingOrder[columnStarts]; } else { columnStarts = null; } return columnStarts; } /// /// Performs a parsing pass over a tbody to read information about column width and rowspan attributes. Information read about width /// attributes is stored in the reference ArrayList parameter columnStarts, which contains a list of all starting /// positions of all columns in the table, ordered from left to right. Row spans are taken into consideration when /// computing column starts /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html tbody whose structure is to be analyzed /// /// /// ArrayList of type double which contains the function output. If analysis fails, this parameter is set to null /// /// /// Current width of the table. This is used to determine if a new column when added to the end of table should /// come after the last column in the table or is actually splitting the last column in two. If it is only splitting /// the last column it should inherit row span for that column /// /// /// Calculated width of a tbody. /// In case of non-analizable column width structure return 0; /// private static double AnalyzeTbodyStructure[XmlElement htmlTbodyElement, ArrayList columnStarts, ArrayList activeRowSpans, double tableWidth, CssStylesheet stylesheet] { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[htmlTbodyElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "tbody"]; Debug.Assert[columnStarts != null]; double tbodyWidth = 0; bool columnWidthsAvailable = true; if [!htmlTbodyElement.HasChildNodes] { return tbodyWidth; } // Set active row spans to 0 - thus ignoring row spans crossing tbody boundaries ClearActiveRowSpans[activeRowSpans]; XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlTbodyElement.FirstChild; // Analyze tr elements while [htmlChildNode != null && columnWidthsAvailable] { switch [htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[]] { case "tr": double trWidth = AnalyzeTRStructure[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, columnStarts, activeRowSpans, tbodyWidth, stylesheet]; if [trWidth > tbodyWidth] { tbodyWidth = trWidth; } break; case "td": columnWidthsAvailable = false; // interrupt the analisys break; default: break; } htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } // Set active row spans to 0 - thus ignoring row spans crossing tbody boundaries ClearActiveRowSpans[activeRowSpans]; return columnWidthsAvailable ? tbodyWidth : 0; } /// /// Performs a parsing pass over a tr element to read information about column width and rowspan attributes. /// /// /// XmlElement representing Html tr element whose structure is to be analyzed /// /// /// ArrayList of type double which contains the function output. If analysis is successful, this ArrayList contains /// all the points which are the starting position of any column in the tr, ordered from left to right. If analysis fails, /// the ArrayList is set to null /// /// /// ArrayList representing all columns currently spanned by an earlier row span attribute. These columns should /// not be used for data in this row. The ArrayList actually contains notation for all columns in the table, if the /// active row span is set to 0 that column is not presently spanned but if it is > 0 the column is presently spanned /// /// /// Double value representing the current width of the table. /// Return 0 if analisys was insuccessful. /// private static double AnalyzeTRStructure[XmlElement htmlTRElement, ArrayList columnStarts, ArrayList activeRowSpans, double tableWidth, CssStylesheet stylesheet] { double columnWidth; // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[htmlTRElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "tr"]; Debug.Assert[columnStarts != null]; Debug.Assert[activeRowSpans != null]; Debug.Assert[columnStarts.Count == activeRowSpans.Count]; if [!htmlTRElement.HasChildNodes] { return 0; } bool columnWidthsAvailable = true; double columnStart = 0; // starting position of current column XmlNode htmlChildNode = htmlTRElement.FirstChild; int columnIndex = 0; double trWidth = 0; // Skip spanned columns to get to real column start if [columnIndex = columnStart]; if [[double]columnStarts[columnIndex] == columnStart] { // The new column may be in a spanned area while [columnIndex 0] { activeRowSpans[columnIndex] = [int]activeRowSpans[columnIndex] - 1; Debug.Assert[[int]activeRowSpans[columnIndex] >= 0]; columnIndex++; columnStart = [double]columnStarts[columnIndex]; } } } while [htmlChildNode != null && columnWidthsAvailable] { Debug.Assert[columnStarts.Count == activeRowSpans.Count]; VerifyColumnStartsAscendingOrder[columnStarts]; switch [htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[]] { case "td": Debug.Assert[columnIndex /// XmlElement representing Html td element whose width is to be read /// /// /// Starting position of current column /// private static double GetNextColumnStart[XmlElement htmlTDElement, double columnStart] { double columnWidth; double nextColumnStart; // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[htmlTDElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "td" || htmlTDElement.LocalName.ToLower[] == "th"]; Debug.Assert[columnStart >= 0]; nextColumnStart = -1; // -1 indicates inability to calculate columnStart width columnWidth = GetColumnWidth[htmlTDElement]; if [columnWidth == -1] { nextColumnStart = -1; } else { nextColumnStart = columnStart + columnWidth; } return nextColumnStart; } private static double GetColumnWidth[XmlElement htmlTDElement] { string columnWidthAsString; double columnWidth; columnWidthAsString = null; columnWidth = -1; // Get string valkue for the width columnWidthAsString = GetAttribute[htmlTDElement, "width"]; if [columnWidthAsString == null] { columnWidthAsString = GetCssAttribute[GetAttribute[htmlTDElement, "style"], "width"]; } // We do not allow column width to be 0, if specified as 0 we will fail to record it if [!TryGetLengthValue[columnWidthAsString, out columnWidth] || columnWidth == 0] { columnWidth = -1; } return columnWidth; } /// /// Calculates column span based the column width and the widths of all other columns. Returns an integer representing /// the column span /// /// /// Index of the current column /// /// /// Width of the current column /// /// /// ArrayList repsenting starting coordinates of all columns /// private static int CalculateColumnSpan[int columnIndex, double columnWidth, ArrayList columnStarts] { // Current status of column width. Indicates the amount of width that has been scanned already double columnSpanningValue; int columnSpanningIndex; int columnSpan; double subColumnWidth; // Width of the smallest-grain columns in the table Debug.Assert[columnStarts != null]; Debug.Assert[columnIndex = 0]; Debug.Assert[columnWidth > 0]; columnSpanningIndex = columnIndex; columnSpanningValue = 0; columnSpan = 0; subColumnWidth = 0; while [columnSpanningValue 0]; return columnSpan; } /// /// Verifies that values in columnStart, which represent starting coordinates of all columns, are arranged /// in ascending order /// /// /// ArrayList representing starting coordinates of all columns /// private static void VerifyColumnStartsAscendingOrder[ArrayList columnStarts] { Debug.Assert[columnStarts != null]; double columnStart; columnStart = -0.01; for [int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex /// XmlElement representing Xaml element to which properties are to be applied /// /// /// Hashtable representing local properties of Html element that is converted into xamlElement /// private static void ApplyLocalProperties[XmlElement xamlElement, Hashtable localProperties, bool isBlock] { bool marginSet = false; string marginTop = "0"; string marginBottom = "0"; string marginLeft = "0"; string marginRight = "0"; bool paddingSet = false; string paddingTop = "0"; string paddingBottom = "0"; string paddingLeft = "0"; string paddingRight = "0"; string borderColor = null; bool borderThicknessSet = false; string borderThicknessTop = "0"; string borderThicknessBottom = "0"; string borderThicknessLeft = "0"; string borderThicknessRight = "0"; IDictionaryEnumerator propertyEnumerator = localProperties.GetEnumerator[]; while [propertyEnumerator.MoveNext[]] { switch [[string]propertyEnumerator.Key] { case "font-family": // Convert from font-family value list into xaml FontFamily value // DISABLE FONT-FAMILY xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_FontFamily, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; break; case "font-style": xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_FontStyle, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; break; case "font-variant": // Convert from font-variant into xaml property break; case "font-weight": xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_FontWeight, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; break; case "font-size": // Convert from css size into FontSize /* DISABLE FONT-SIZE double length = 0; if [!TryGetLengthValue[[string]propertyEnumerator.Value, out length]] { TryGetLengthValue[Xaml_FontSize_Medium, out length]; } xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_FontSize, length.ToString[]]; */ break; case "color": SetPropertyValue[xamlElement, TextElement.ForegroundProperty, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; break; case "background-color": SetPropertyValue[xamlElement, TextElement.BackgroundProperty, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; break; case "text-decoration-underline": if [!isBlock] { if [[string]propertyEnumerator.Value == "true"] { // DISABLE UNDERLINES // xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_TextDecorations, Xaml_TextDecorations_Underline]; } } break; case "text-decoration-none": case "text-decoration-overline": case "text-decoration-line-through": case "text-decoration-blink": // Convert from all other text-decorations values if [!isBlock] { } break; case "text-transform": // Convert from text-transform into xaml property break; case "text-indent": if [isBlock] { // DISABLE TEXT-INDENT // xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_TextIndent, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; } break; case "text-align": if [isBlock] { xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_TextAlignment, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; } break; case "width": if [xamlElement.Name == Xaml_Image] { double width = double.PositiveInfinity; if [TryGetLengthValue[[string]propertyEnumerator.Value, out width]] { xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_MaxWidth, width.ToString[]]; } } break; case "height": if [xamlElement.Name == Xaml_Image] { double Height = double.PositiveInfinity; if [TryGetLengthValue[[string]propertyEnumerator.Value, out Height]] { xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_MaxHeight, Height.ToString[]]; } } break; case "src": xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_Source, [string]propertyEnumerator.Value]; break; case "margin-top": marginSet = true; marginTop = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "margin-right": marginSet = true; marginRight = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "margin-bottom": marginSet = true; marginBottom = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "margin-left": marginSet = true; marginLeft = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "padding-top": paddingSet = true; paddingTop = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "padding-right": paddingSet = true; paddingRight = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "padding-bottom": paddingSet = true; paddingBottom = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "padding-left": paddingSet = true; paddingLeft = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; // NOTE: css names for elementary border styles have side indications in the middle [top/bottom/left/right] // In our internal notation we intentionally put them at the end - to unify processing in ParseCssRectangleProperty method case "border-color-top": borderColor = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "border-color-right": borderColor = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "border-color-bottom": borderColor = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "border-color-left": borderColor = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "border-style-top": case "border-style-right": case "border-style-bottom": case "border-style-left": // Implement conversion from border style break; case "border-width-top": borderThicknessSet = true; borderThicknessTop = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "border-width-right": borderThicknessSet = true; borderThicknessRight = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "border-width-bottom": borderThicknessSet = true; borderThicknessBottom = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "border-width-left": borderThicknessSet = true; borderThicknessLeft = [string]propertyEnumerator.Value; break; case "list-style-type": if [xamlElement.LocalName == Xaml_List] { string markerStyle; switch [[[string]propertyEnumerator.Value].ToLower[]] { case "disc": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Disc; break; case "circle": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Circle; break; case "none": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_None; break; case "square": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Square; break; case "box": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Box; break; case "lower-latin": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_LowerLatin; break; case "upper-latin": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_UpperLatin; break; case "lower-roman": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_LowerRoman; break; case "upper-roman": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_UpperRoman; break; case "decimal": markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Decimal; break; default: markerStyle = HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Disc; break; } xamlElement.SetAttribute[HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_List_MarkerStyle, markerStyle]; } break; case "float": case "clear": if [isBlock] { // Convert float and clear properties } break; case "display": break; } } /* // DISABLE MARGIN, PADDING, BORDERS if [isBlock] { if [marginSet] { ComposeThicknessProperty[xamlElement, Xaml_Margin, marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom]; } if [paddingSet] { ComposeThicknessProperty[xamlElement, Xaml_Padding, paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom]; } if [borderColor != null] { // We currently ignore possible difference in brush colors on different border sides. Use the last colored side mentioned xamlElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_BorderBrush, borderColor]; } if [borderThicknessSet] { ComposeThicknessProperty[xamlElement, Xaml_BorderThickness, borderThicknessLeft, borderThicknessRight, borderThicknessTop, borderThicknessBottom]; } } */ } // Create syntactically optimized four-value Thickness private static void ComposeThicknessProperty[XmlElement xamlElement, string propertyName, string left, string right, string top, string bottom] { // Xaml syntax: // We have a reasonable interpreation for one value [all four edges], two values [horizontal, vertical], // and four values [left, top, right, bottom]. // switch [i] { // case 1: return new Thickness[lengths[0]]; // case 2: return new Thickness[lengths[0], lengths[1], lengths[0], lengths[1]]; // case 4: return new Thickness[lengths[0], lengths[1], lengths[2], lengths[3]]; // } string thickness; double l, r, t, b; TryGetLengthValue[left, out l]; TryGetLengthValue[right, out r]; TryGetLengthValue[top, out t]; TryGetLengthValue[bottom, out b]; // We do not accept negative margins l = Math.Max[l, 0]; r = Math.Max[r, 0]; t = Math.Max[t, 0]; b = Math.Max[b, 0]; if [l == r && t == b] { if [l == t] { thickness = l.ToString[]; } else { thickness = l + "," + t; } } else { thickness = l + "," + t + "," + r + "," + b; } xamlElement.SetAttribute[propertyName, thickness]; } private static void SetPropertyValue[XmlElement xamlElement, DependencyProperty property, string stringValue] { System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter typeConverter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter[property.PropertyType]; try { object convertedValue = typeConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString[stringValue]; if [convertedValue != null] { xamlElement.SetAttribute[property.Name, stringValue]; } } catch [Exception] { } } /// /// Analyzes the tag of the htmlElement and infers its associated formatted properties. /// After that parses style attribute and adds all inline css styles. /// The resulting style attributes are collected in output parameter localProperties. /// /// /// /// /// set of properties inherited from ancestor elements. Currently not used in the code. Reserved for the future development. /// /// /// returns all formatting properties defined by this element - implied by its tag, its attributes, or its css inline style /// /// /// /// /// returns a combination of previous context with local set of properties. /// This value is not used in the current code - inntended for the future development. /// private static Hashtable GetElementProperties[XmlElement htmlElement, Hashtable inheritedProperties, out Hashtable localProperties, CssStylesheet stylesheet, List sourceContext] { // Start with context formatting properties Hashtable currentProperties = new Hashtable[]; IDictionaryEnumerator propertyEnumerator = inheritedProperties.GetEnumerator[]; while [propertyEnumerator.MoveNext[]] { currentProperties[propertyEnumerator.Key] = propertyEnumerator.Value; } // Identify element name string elementName = htmlElement.LocalName.ToLower[]; string elementNamespace = htmlElement.NamespaceURI; // update current formatting properties depending on element tag localProperties = new Hashtable[]; switch [elementName] { // Character formatting case "i": case "italic": case "em": localProperties["font-style"] = "italic"; break; case "b": case "bold": case "strong": case "dfn": localProperties["font-weight"] = "bold"; break; case "u": case "underline": localProperties["text-decoration-underline"] = "true"; break; case "font": /* // DISABLE FONT ATTRIBUTES string attributeValue = GetAttribute[htmlElement, "face"]; if [attributeValue != null] { localProperties["font-family"] = attributeValue; } attributeValue = GetAttribute[htmlElement, "size"]; if [attributeValue != null] { double fontSize = double.Parse[attributeValue] * [12.0 / 3.0]; if [fontSize < 1.0] { fontSize = 1.0; } else if [fontSize > 1000.0] { fontSize = 1000.0; } localProperties["font-size"] = fontSize.ToString[]; } */ string attributeValue = GetAttribute[htmlElement, "color"]; if [attributeValue != null] { localProperties["color"] = attributeValue; } break; case "samp": localProperties["font-family"] = "Courier New"; // code sample localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_XXSmall; localProperties["text-align"] = "Left"; break; case "sub": break; case "sup": break; // Hyperlinks case "a": // href, hreflang, urn, methods, rel, rev, title // Set default hyperlink properties break; case "acronym": break; // Paragraph formatting: case "p": // Set default paragraph properties break; case "div": // Set default div properties break; case "pre": localProperties["font-family"] = "Courier New"; // renders text in a fixed-width font localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_XXSmall; localProperties["text-align"] = "Left"; break; case "blockquote": localProperties["margin-left"] = "16"; break; case "h2": localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_XXLarge; break; case "h2": localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_XLarge; break; case "h3": localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_Large; break; case "h4": localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_Medium; break; case "h5": localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_Small; break; case "h6": localProperties["font-size"] = Xaml_FontSize_XSmall; break; // List properties case "ul": localProperties["list-style-type"] = "disc"; break; case "ol": localProperties["list-style-type"] = "decimal"; break; case "img": localProperties["src"] = GetAttribute[htmlElement, "src"]; localProperties["width"] = GetAttribute[htmlElement, "width"]; localProperties["height"] = GetAttribute[htmlElement, "height"]; break; case "table": case "body": case "html": break; } // Override html defaults by css attributes - from stylesheets and inline settings HtmlCssParser.GetElementPropertiesFromCssAttributes[htmlElement, elementName, stylesheet, localProperties, sourceContext]; // Combine local properties with context to create new current properties propertyEnumerator = localProperties.GetEnumerator[]; while [propertyEnumerator.MoveNext[]] { currentProperties[propertyEnumerator.Key] = propertyEnumerator.Value; } return currentProperties; } /// /// Extracts a value of css attribute from css style definition. /// /// /// Source csll style definition /// /// /// A name of css attribute to extract /// /// /// A string rrepresentation of an attribute value if found; /// null if there is no such attribute in a given string. /// private static string GetCssAttribute[string cssStyle, string attributeName] { // This is poor man's attribute parsing. Replace it by real css parsing if [cssStyle != null] { string[] styleValues; attributeName = attributeName.ToLower[]; // Check for width specification in style string styleValues = cssStyle.Split[';']; for [int styleValueIndex = 0; styleValueIndex /// Source string value of a length. /// /// /// private static bool TryGetLengthValue[string lengthAsString, out double length] { length = Double.NaN; if [lengthAsString != null] { lengthAsString = lengthAsString.Trim[].ToLower[]; // We try to convert currentColumnWidthAsString into a double. This will eliminate widths of type "50%", etc. if [lengthAsString.EndsWith["pt"]] { lengthAsString = lengthAsString.Substring[0, lengthAsString.Length - 2]; if [Double.TryParse[lengthAsString, out length]] { length = [length * 96.0] / 72.0; // convert from points to pixels } else { length = Double.NaN; } } else if [lengthAsString.EndsWith["px"]] { lengthAsString = lengthAsString.Substring[0, lengthAsString.Length - 2]; if [!Double.TryParse[lengthAsString, out length]] { length = Double.NaN; } } else if [lengthAsString.EndsWith["%"]] { lengthAsString = lengthAsString.Substring[0, lengthAsString.Length - 1]; if [!Double.TryParse[lengthAsString, out length]] { length = Double.NaN; } double medium = 0; TryGetLengthValue[Xaml_FontSize_Medium, out medium]; length = medium * [length / 100]; } else { if [!Double.TryParse[lengthAsString, out length]] // Assuming pixels { length = Double.NaN; } } } return !Double.IsNaN[length]; } // ................................................................. // // Pasring Color Attribute // // ................................................................. private static string GetColorValue[string colorValue] { // TODO: Implement color conversion return colorValue; } /// /// Applies properties to xamlTableCellElement based on the html td element it is converted from. /// /// /// Html td/th element to be converted to xaml /// /// /// XmlElement representing Xaml element for which properties are to be processed /// /// /// TODO: Use the processed properties for htmlChildNode instead of using the node itself /// private static void ApplyPropertiesToTableCellElement[XmlElement htmlChildNode, XmlElement xamlTableCellElement] { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert[htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "td" || htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower[] == "th"]; Debug.Assert[xamlTableCellElement.LocalName == Xaml_TableCell]; // set default border thickness for xamlTableCellElement to enable gridlines xamlTableCellElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_TableCell_BorderThickness, "1,1,1,1"]; xamlTableCellElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_TableCell_BorderBrush, Xaml_Brushes_Black]; string rowSpanString = GetAttribute[[XmlElement]htmlChildNode, "rowspan"]; if [rowSpanString != null] { xamlTableCellElement.SetAttribute[Xaml_TableCell_RowSpan, rowSpanString]; } } #endregion Private Methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Constants // // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // The constants reprtesent all Xaml names used in a conversion public const string Xaml_FlowDocument = "FlowDocument"; public const string Xaml_Run = "Run"; public const string Xaml_Span = "Span"; public const string Xaml_Hyperlink = "Hyperlink"; public const string Xaml_Hyperlink_NavigateUri = "NavigateUri"; public const string Xaml_Hyperlink_TargetName = "TargetName"; public const string Xaml_Section = "Section"; public const string Xaml_List = "List"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle = "MarkerStyle"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_None = "None"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Decimal = "Decimal"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Disc = "Disc"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Circle = "Circle"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Square = "Square"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Box = "Box"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_LowerLatin = "LowerLatin"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_UpperLatin = "UpperLatin"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_LowerRoman = "LowerRoman"; public const string Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_UpperRoman = "UpperRoman"; public const string Xaml_ListItem = "ListItem"; public const string Xaml_LineBreak = "LineBreak"; public const string Xaml_Paragraph = "Paragraph"; public const string Xaml_Image = "Image"; public const string Xaml_Margin = "Margin"; public const string Xaml_Padding = "Padding"; public const string Xaml_BorderBrush = "BorderBrush"; public const string Xaml_BorderThickness = "BorderThickness"; public const string Xaml_Table = "Table"; public const string Xaml_TableColumn = "TableColumn"; public const string Xaml_TableRowGroup = "TableRowGroup"; public const string Xaml_TableRow = "TableRow"; public const string Xaml_TableCell = "TableCell"; public const string Xaml_TableCell_BorderThickness = "BorderThickness"; public const string Xaml_TableCell_BorderBrush = "BorderBrush"; public const string Xaml_TableCell_ColumnSpan = "ColumnSpan"; public const string Xaml_TableCell_RowSpan = "RowSpan"; public const string Xaml_Width = "Width"; public const string Xaml_Height = "Height"; public const string Xaml_MaxWidth = "MaxWidth"; public const string Xaml_MaxHeight = "MaxHeight"; public const string Xaml_Brushes_Black = "Black"; public const string Xaml_FontFamily = "FontFamily"; public const string Xaml_Source = "Source"; public const string Xaml_FontSize = "FontSize"; public const string Xaml_FontSize_XXLarge = "22pt"; // "XXLarge"; public const string Xaml_FontSize_XLarge = "20pt"; // "XLarge"; public const string Xaml_FontSize_Large = "18pt"; // "Large"; public const string Xaml_FontSize_Medium = "16pt"; // "Medium"; public const string Xaml_FontSize_Small = "12pt"; // "Small"; public const string Xaml_FontSize_XSmall = "10pt"; // "XSmall"; public const string Xaml_FontSize_XXSmall = "8pt"; // "XXSmall"; public const string Xaml_FontWeight = "FontWeight"; public const string Xaml_FontWeight_Bold = "Bold"; public const string Xaml_FontStyle = "FontStyle"; public const string Xaml_Foreground = "Foreground"; public const string Xaml_Background = "Background"; public const string Xaml_TextDecorations = "TextDecorations"; public const string Xaml_TextDecorations_Underline = "Underline"; public const string Xaml_TextIndent = "TextIndent"; public const string Xaml_TextAlignment = "TextAlignment"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields static string _xamlNamespace = "//"; #endregion Private Fields } }

How convert HTML to XAML?

Convert Html To Xaml.
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Right click on one or more Html file[s] on your desktop and select Convert with Filestar..
Type convert to xaml in the search box..
Press Convert..

Is XAML like HTML?

XAML treats layout as part of the markup content whereas HTML and CSS treat it as part of the styling. With XAML, you do the content, some of the functionality and the layout in the C# markup, and do only styling in the style section.

What is XAML?

XAML stands for Extensible Application Markup Language. It's a simple and declarative language based on XML. In XAML, it very easy to create, initialize, and set properties of an object with hierarchical relations. It is mainly used for designing GUIs.

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