Hướng dẫn awesome php security

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Web Application Security


This document will list possible security threats to the Web application, explanation and preventive measures.

  1. Footprinting
  2. Scanning
  3. SQL injection
  4. File Upload
  5. Session Hijacking and Session fixation
  6. Remote file inclusion
  7. XSS
  8. eval[]
  9. Cross-Site Request Forgery [CSRF]
  10. Clickjacking
  11. Parameter Tempering

How to know if a site is Vulnerable?

Following are free software that will scan and list potential threats to the system as per the software coding standard and server configuration.

  1. Vega
  3. XSSer, BeEF and SQL Map -Test XSS, Script injection, and MySQL injection

Best Practices for Web Application Security

  • Disable certain usernames from being used like 'test', 'test123', 'admin', and 'root'

  • Use automated test code [Eg. PHP QuickCheck]

  • Be mindful while creating project structure. Make sure to put upload dir outside of Webroot to prevent public access.

  • Use Package or Library available in packagist.org instead of creating a new one.

  • Maintain user login table [log in date, time, IP].

  • Run the manual test in a certain period of time or after a significant update.

  • Disable unused PHP module [eg. shell_exec, system, passthru ] from php.ini for performance and security.

  • Put a .htaccess with the following content in upload directory to prevent the execution of PHP file. Instead, it will download the file.

  • Always set uploaded file permission to a minimum or non-executable [0644].

  • Scramble uploaded file names and extensions

PHP Backdoors

PHP hidden scripts such as c99, c99madshell, and r57 for bypassing all authentication and access the server on demand are called PHP Backdoors script. This will give them almost every access like download, upload, control to the server, database, and mail server.

To prevent this follow all preventive measure and search for those script in your server time to time.

 grep -iR 'c99' /var/www/html/
 grep -iR 'r57' /var/www/html/
 find /var/www/html/ -name \*.php -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep c99
 grep -RPn "[passthru|shell_exec|system|base64_decode|fopen|fclose|eval]" /var/www/html/


Follow OWASP secure coding practices and their checklist for testing for any vulnerabilities [ //www.owasp.org].

PHPSC [ //phpsec.org/] group of PHP experts dedicated to promoting secure programming practices within the PHP community. Members of the PHPSC seek to educate PHP developers about security through a variety of resources, including documentation, tools, and standards.

Tác giả: Dương Nguyễn Phú Cường

Ngày đăng: Hồi xưa đó

Potential security threats

They are basically two groups of people that can attack your system

  • Hackers – with the intent to gain access to unauthorized data or disrupt the application
  • Users – they may innocently enter wrong parameters in forms which can have negative effects on a website or web application.

The following are the kinds of attacks that we need to look out for. SQL Injection – This type of attack appends harmful code to SQL statements. This is done using either user input forms or URLs that use variables. The appended code comments the condition in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement. The appended code can also;

  • insert a condition that will always be true
  • delete data from a table
  • update data in a table
  • This type of attack is usually used to gain unauthorized access to an application.

Cross-site scripting – this type of attack inserts harmful code usually JavaScript. This is done using user input forms such as contact us and comments forms. This is done to;

  • Retrieve sensitive information such as cookies data
  • Redirect the user to a different URL.
  • Other threats can include – PHP code injection, Shell Injection, Email Injection, Script Source Code Disclosure etc.

PHP Application Security Best Practices

Let’s now look at some of the PHP Security best practices that we must consider when developing our applications.

The strip_tags functions removes HTML, JavaScript or PHP tags from a string. This function is useful when we have to protect our application against attacks such as cross site scripting. Let’s consider an application that accepts comments from users.

Assuming you have saved comments.php in the phptuts folder, browse to the URL //localhost/phptuts/comments.php

Let’s assume you receive the following as the user input   alert['Your site sucks!'];

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