Hướng dẫn generate html from java

How is it possible to generate HTML file using Servlet/JSP?

I'm using Spring MVC to create a service. This service would get some data from the database. Then I'd like it to read a JSP template from somewhere else, not from WEB-INF. There are attributes which are the data from the database that would be passed in upon reading this template. Then it should return a string which includes the source of JSP. This string should now contain the data which replaces the JSP variables. Finally, this string should be written to a file [.html file].

I can't find a tutorial about it. Instead, i noticed mostly the JSP file is being dispatched as response and displayed on the browser.

Please help. Thannks.

asked Apr 11, 2019 at 9:43



Congratulations! You have just developed a web page by using Spring.

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