Hướng dẫn get parent folder php

In PHP, what would be the cleanest way to get the parent directory of the current running script relative to the www root? Assume I have:

$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == '/relative/path/to/script/index.php'

Or just:

$something_else == '/relative/path/to/script/'

And I need to get /relative/path/to/ with slashes properly inserted. What would you suggest? A one liner is preferred.


I need to get a path relative to the www root, dirname[__FILE__] gives me an absolute path in the filesystem so that won't work. $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] on the other hand 'starts' at the www root.

asked Dec 10, 2009 at 16:08

Tatu UlmanenTatu Ulmanen

121k33 gold badges183 silver badges182 bronze badges

If your script is located in /var/www/dir/index.php then the following would return:

dirname[__FILE__]; // /var/www/dir


dirname[ dirname[__FILE__] ]; // /var/www


This is a technique used in many frameworks to determine relative paths from the app_root.

File structure:


index.php is my dispatcher/boostrap file that all requests are routed to:

define[ROOT_PATH, dirname[__FILE__] ]; // /var/www

library.php is some file located an extra directory down and I need to determine the path relative to the app root [/var/www/].

$path_current = dirname[ __FILE__ ]; // /var/www/subdir
$path_relative = str_replace[ROOT_PATH, '', $path_current]; // /subdir

There's probably a better way to calculate the relative path then str_replace[] but you get the idea.

answered Dec 10, 2009 at 16:09

Mike BMike B

31.6k13 gold badges85 silver badges111 bronze badges


As of PHP 5.3.0 you can use __DIR__ for this purpose.

The directory of the file. If used inside an include, the directory of the included file is returned. This is equivalent to dirname[__ FILE__].

See PHP Magic constants.

C:\www>php --version
PHP 5.5.6 [cli] [built: Nov 12 2013 11:33:44]
Copyright [c] 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright [c] 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

C:\www>php -r "echo __DIR__;"

answered Jan 29, 2014 at 9:08

To get the parentdir of the current script.

$parent_dir = dirname[__DIR__];

answered Apr 17, 2014 at 17:25


1111 silver badge3 bronze badges

If I properly understood your question, supposing your running script is


This would give you the parent directory of your running script relative to the document www:

$parent_dir = dirname[dirname[$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']]] . '/';
//$parent_dir will be '/relative/path/to/'

If you want the parent directory of your running script relative to server root:

$parent_dir = dirname[dirname[$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']]] . '/';
//$parent_dir will be '/root/some/path/relative/path/to/'

answered May 9, 2011 at 19:19

Marco DemaioMarco Demaio

32.7k33 gold badges126 silver badges157 bronze badges


I Hope this will help you.

echo getcwd[].'
'; // getcwd[] will return current working directory echo dirname[getcwd[],1].'
'; echo dirname[getcwd[],2].'
'; echo dirname[getcwd[],3].'

Output :


answered Jun 2, 2017 at 10:38

Vignesh KMVignesh KM

1,7861 gold badge17 silver badges23 bronze badges

Fugly, but this will do it:

substr[$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strpos[$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],basename[$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']]]]


15k24 gold badges105 silver badges139 bronze badges

answered Aug 30, 2013 at 20:37


511 silver badge1 bronze badge

$dir = dirname[$file] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

answered Dec 10, 2009 at 16:10


Here is what I use since I am not running > 5.2

function getCurrentOrParentDirectory[$type='current']
    if [$type == 'current'] {
        $path = dirname[__FILE__];  
    } else {
        $path = dirname[dirname[__FILE__]];
    $position = strrpos[$path, '/'] + 1;
    return substr[$path, $position];

Double dirname with file as suggested by @mike b for the parent directory, and current directory is found by just using that syntax once.

Note this function only returns the NAME, slashes have to be added afterwards.

answered Jun 11, 2013 at 0:49


9,0527 gold badges38 silver badges80 bronze badges

This is a function that I use. Created it once so I always have this functionality:

function getDir[]{
    $directory = dirname[__FILE__];
    $directory = explode["/",$directory];
    $findTarget = 0;
    $targetPath = "";
    foreach[$directory as $dir]{
        if[$findTarget == 1]{
            $targetPath = "".$targetPath."/".$dir."";
        if[$dir == "public_html"]{
            $findTarget = 1;
    return "//www.".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."".$targetPath."";

answered Feb 11, 2017 at 5:25


Try this. Works on both windows or linux server..


answered Jan 15, 2014 at 9:37

This is also a possible solution

$relative = '/relative/path/to/script/';
$absolute = __DIR__. '/../' .$relative;

answered Jun 3, 2015 at 11:12

I hope this will help

function get_directory[]{
    $s = empty[$_SERVER["HTTPS"]] ? '' : [$_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on"] ? "s" : "";
    $protocol = substr[strtolower[$_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]], 0, strpos[strtolower[$_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]], "/"]] . $s;
    $port = [$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80"] ? "" : [":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]];
return $protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname[$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']];
define["ROOT_PATH", get_directory[]."/" ];

answered Mar 2, 2018 at 2:10

Got it myself, it's a bit kludgy but it works:

substr[dirname[$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']], 0, strrpos[dirname[$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']], '/'] + 1]

So if I have /path/to/folder/index.php, this results in /path/to/.

answered Dec 10, 2009 at 17:55

Tatu UlmanenTatu Ulmanen

121k33 gold badges183 silver badges182 bronze badges


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