Hướng dẫn most_common function in python

Given the data set, we can find k number of most frequent words.

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  • Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.
  • How do I find the most frequent words in a Python file?
  • How do I find the most frequent words in a text file?
  • How do I find the most common data in Python?
  • How do you find duplicate words in a text file Python?

The solution of this problem already present as Find the k most frequent words from a file. But we can solve this problem very efficiently in Python with the help of some high performance modules.

In order to do this, we’ll use a high performance data type module, which is collections. This module got some specialized container datatypes and we will use counter class from this module.

Examples :

Input : "John is the son of John second. 
         Second son of John second is William second."
Output : [['second', 4], ['John', 3], ['son', 2], ['is', 2]]

Explanation :
1. The string will converted into list like this :
    ['John', 'is', 'the', 'son', 'of', 'John', 
     'second', 'Second', 'son', 'of', 'John', 
     'second', 'is', 'William', 'second']
2. Now 'most_common[4]' will return four most 
   frequent words and its count in tuple. 

Input : "geeks for geeks is for geeks. By geeks
         and for the geeks."
Output : [['geeks', 5], ['for', 3]]

Explanation :
most_common[2] will return two most frequent words and their count.

Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.

Approach :

  1. Import Counter class from collections module.
  2. Split the string into list using split[], it will return the lists of words.
  3. Now pass the list to the instance of Counter class
  4. The function 'most-common[]' inside Counter will return the list of most frequent words from list and its count.

Below is Python implementation of above approach :

from collections import Counter

data_set = "Welcome to the world of Geeks " \

"This portal has been created to provide well written well" \

"thought and well explained solutions for selected questions " \

"If you like Geeks for Geeks and would like to contribute " \

"here is your chance You can write article and mail your article " \

" to contribute at geeksforgeeks org See your article appearing on " \

"the Geeks for Geeks main page and help thousands of other Geeks. " \

split_it = data_set.split[]

Counter = Counter[split_it]

most_occur = Counter.most_common[4]


Output :

[['Geeks', 5], ['to', 4], ['and', 4], ['article', 3]]

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    Python provides inbuilt functions for creating, writing, and reading files. Two types of files can be handled in python, normal text files, and binary files [written in binary language,0s and 1s].

    • Text files: In this type of file, Each line of text is terminated with a special character called EOL [End of Line], which is the new line character [‘\n’] in python by default.
    • Binary files: In this type of file, there is no terminator for a line, and the data is stored after converting it into machine-understandable binary language.

    Here we are operating on the .txt file in Python. Through this program, we will find the most repeated word in a file.


    • We will take the content of the file as input.
    • We will save each word in a list after removing spaces and punctuation from the input string.
    • Find the frequency of each word.
    • Print the word which has a maximum frequency.

    Input File:

    Below is the implementation of the above approach:


    file = open["gfg.txt","r"]

    frequent_word = ""

    frequency = 0 

    words = []

    for line in file:

        line_word = line.lower[].replace[',',''].replace['.',''].split[" "]; 

        for w in line_word: 


    for i in range[0, len[words]]: 

        count = 1

        for j in range[i+1, len[words]]: 

            if[words[i] == words[j]]: 

                count = count + 1

        if[count > frequency]: 

            frequency = count; 

            frequent_word = words[i]; 

    print["Most repeated word: " + frequent_word]

    print["Frequency: " + str[frequency]]



    Most repeated word: well
    Frequency: 3

    How do I find the most frequent words in a Python file?

    Approach :.

    Import Counter class from collections module..

    Split the string into list using split[], it will return the lists of words..

    Now pass the list to the instance of Counter class..

    The function 'most-common[]' inside Counter will return the list of most frequent words from list and its count..

    How do I find the most frequent words in a text file?

    This can be done by opening a file in read mode using file pointer. Read the file line by line. Split a line at a time and store in an array. Iterate through the array and find the frequency of each word and compare the frequency with maxcount.

    How do I find the most common data in Python?

    Use the max[] Function of FreqDist[] to Find the Most Common Elements of a List in Python. You can also use the max[] command of FreqDist[] to find the most common list elements in Python. For this, you import the nltk library first.

    How do you find duplicate words in a text file Python?

    In this post, we will learn how to find the duplicate words in a file in Python..

    Open the file in read mode..

    Initialize two empty set. ... .

    Iterate through the lines of the file with a loop..

    For each line, get the list of words by using split..

    Iterate through the words of each line by using a loop..

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