Hướng dẫn print n times python

How do I print a number n times in Python?

I can print 'A' 5 times like this:

print['A' * 5] AAAAA

but not 10, like this:

print[10 * 5] 50

I want the answer to be 10 10 10 10 10

How do I escape the mathematical operation in print[]?

I am not asking how to print the string '10' n times, I am asking how to print the number 10 n times.

asked May 11, 2019 at 15:49


3051 gold badge7 silver badges13 bronze badges


10*5 actually does multiplication and ends up giving you 50, but when you do '10 '*5, the * operator performs the repetition operator, as you see in 'A' * 5 for example

print['10 ' * 5]

Output will be 10 10 10 10 10

Or you can explicitly convert the int to a string via str[num] and perform the print operation

print[[str[10]+' '] * 5]

answered May 11, 2019 at 15:50

If you have the number as a variable:

number = 10
print["f{number} " * 5]

Or without f-strings:

number = 10
print[[str[number]] + ' '] * 5]

If you just want to print a number many times, just handle it as as string:

print["10 " * 5]

answered May 11, 2019 at 15:51


20.1k6 gold badges55 silver badges86 bronze badges

This trick only works for strings.

print['10' * 5]

Will print:


That's because the * operator is overloaded for the str class to perform string repetition.

answered May 11, 2019 at 15:50


19.4k6 gold badges32 silver badges43 bronze badges

How can I repeat a string multiple times, multiple times? I know I can use a for loop, but I would like to repeat a string x times per row, over n rows.

Nội dung chính

  • How do you write multiple times in Python?
  • How do you print your name 10 times in Python?
  • How do you print multiple prints in Python?
  • How do you print a name 5 times in Python?

For example, if the user enters 2, the output would be:


Where x equals 2, and n equals 4.

Gino Mempin

20.8k24 gold badges84 silver badges111 bronze badges

asked Jun 9, 2011 at 13:20


If you want to print something = '@' 2 times in a line, you can write this:

print[something * 2]

If you want to print 4 lines of something, you can use a for loop:

for i in range[4]:

Martin Thoma

113k148 gold badges570 silver badges873 bronze badges

answered Jun 9, 2011 at 13:38


5381 gold badge3 silver badges6 bronze badges


for i in range[3]:
    print "Your text here"


for i in range[3]:
    print["Your text here"]

answered Jun 9, 2011 at 13:23


20.2k6 gold badges68 silver badges79 bronze badges


It amazes me that this simple answer did not occur in the previous answers.

In my viewpoint, the easiest way to print a string on multiple lines, is the following :

print["Random String \n" * 100], where 100 stands for the number of lines to be printed.

answered Oct 1, 2019 at 11:28

Timbus CalinTimbus Calin

12.4k4 gold badges36 silver badges54 bronze badges

So I take it if the user enters 2, you want the output to be something like:



To get that, you would need something like:

rows = 4
times_to_repeat = int[raw_input["How many times to repeat per row? "]

for i in range[rows]:
    print "!" * times_to_repeat

That would result in:

How many times to repeat per row?
>> 4

I have not tested this, but it should run error free.


1,1956 silver badges18 bronze badges

answered Jun 10, 2011 at 1:08

Josh HuntJosh Hunt

13.9k26 gold badges76 silver badges98 bronze badges

EDIT: Old answer erased in response to updated question.

You just store the string in a variable:

separator = "!" * int[raw_input["Enter number: "]]
print separator
print separator
print separator

answered Jun 9, 2011 at 13:32

rows = int[input['How many stars in each row do you want?']]
columns = int[input['How many columns do you want?']]
i = 0

for i in range[columns]: 
    print ["*" * rows]

i = i + 1


1,11012 silver badges20 bronze badges

answered Oct 12, 2018 at 9:56


The question is a bit unclear can't you just repeat the for loop?


for i in a:
    print i

for i in a:
    print i

answered Jun 9, 2011 at 13:24

Fredrik PihlFredrik Pihl

43.4k7 gold badges81 silver badges130 bronze badges


def repeat_char_rows_cols[char, rows, cols]:
    return [char*cols + '\n']*rows

>>> print[repeat_char_rows_cols['@', 4, 2]]

answered Jun 10, 2011 at 17:32


89.1k29 gold badges136 silver badges201 bronze badges

For example if you want to repeat a word called "HELP" for 1000 times the following is the best way.

word = ['HELP']
repeat = 1000 * word

Then you will get the list of 1000 words and make that into a data frame if you want by using following command

word_data =pd.DataFrame[repeat]
word_data.columns = ['list_of_words'] #To change the column name 

answered May 29, 2015 at 12:13


212 silver badges5 bronze badges

# this will print the word[w] , n times in separte lines

answered Jun 26, 2021 at 4:22

How do you write multiple times in Python?

How to Repeat a String Multiple Times in Python.

Problem Formulation and Solution Overview..

Method 1: Use print[] and multiplication operator..

Method 2: Use a For Loop and range[].

Method 3: Use the input[] function..

Method 4: Use itertools.repeat[].

Method 5: Use a DataFrame..


Regex Humor..

How do you print your name 10 times in Python?

Example: count = 0; while count < 10: print["My name is Vidyut"] count += 1 else: print[“String is printed ten times!”]

How do you print multiple prints in Python?

To print multiple variables in Python, use the print[] function. The print[*objects] is a built-in Python function that takes the *objects as multiple arguments to print each argument separated by a space.

How do you print a name 5 times in Python?


Here comes the program..

Using loop. for i in range[5]: print["My name is abcd."].

Without using loop. print["My name is abcd.\n"*5] When strings are multiplied with any number [n] , the new string formed becomes the original string repeated n times..

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