Hướng dẫn python escape double quotes

I have a python dictionary e.g.:

Nội dung chính

  • Escape quotes from a string in python
  • Escape from single quote in a string in Python
  • Escape from double quote in a string in Python
  • About the author
  • How do you escape a double quote in a string in Python?
  • How do you escape a quote from a string?
  • How do you handle an apostrophe in a string in Python?
  • How do I put single quotes in a string in Python?

[{"pk":"1","name":"John","size":"1/4" "},{},{},etc]

That size is 1/4 inch,how would I "escape" that quote? So it still would display it as 1/4",

Its a list of things, so I cant just manually code it like 1/4\", I tried replace['"','\"']

EDIT: The orginal list is a textfield in my Django models:

[{'pk': '91', 'size': '', 'name': 'Thread Flat For BF', 'quantity': '2'}, {'pk': '90', 'size': '', 'name': 'Blade Holders Straight ', 'quantity': '26'},{'size':'3"','name':'2m 1/4" Round bar', 'quantity':'43'},{'size':'5','name':'2m 1/8" Round bar', 'quantity':'4'}]

Next step I have to prepare the list for jQuery, so I replace like this so its in the correct syntax for json. mat_list = manufactured_part.material_list.replace["'",'"']

Then I have this list:

[{"pk": "91", "size": "", "name": "Thread Flat For BF", "quantity": "2"}, {"pk": "90", "size": "", "name": "Blade Holders Straight ", "quantity": "26"},{"size':"3"","name':"2m 1/4" Round bar", "quantity":"43"},{"size":"5","name":"2m 1/8" Round bar", "quantity":"4"}]

So now the list is sent to the template and I loop through it with jquery, but the list is broken because of the " in the strings.

SO...I need to escape those " for the list to work, otherwise it has an obvious syntax error.

Hope this makes sense now.


In this Python tutorial, we are going to show you how to escape quotes from a string in Python. This is really a great problem [ actually an irritating problem ] when you are having a quote in your string.

The reason is that a single quote or double quote itself is a special character we use in our Python program.
In many cases, it has been seen that you want to print a string or you want to work with a string. But the problem you face when there are one or more quotes in that string.

In Python programming when you run a program it starts checking the codes. Whenever quote is found the quote is treated as a special defined character. Thus it creates a problem for us.

Let us understand the problem and its solution with some easy examples.

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Escape quotes from a string in python

Look at the below string:

Hello, I don't like single quote at all

Now you have to print it out in Python. What will you do first if you don’t know about the problem with a single quote in a string?

The print syntax in python is:

print[' ']

Put anything in that single quotes to print. You may also use double quotes.

Escape from single quote in a string in Python

If you use the below code:

  print['hello I don't like single quote at all']

The output will be:

  print['hello I don't like single quote at all']
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Run this code online
Because of that single quote, you will get an error like this.

don’t – here just because of this single quote we are getting an error. So we need to escape from this single quote.


  1. Put the string in between double quotes instead of single quotes.
  2. Put the escaping character before the single quote in the string.

You can use the first solution like this:

print["hello I don't like single quote at all"]


hello I don't like single quote at all

Process finished with exit code 0

Run the code
Here is the Second solution:

In Python, the backslash is an escaping character.

So you can use it like the below:

print['hello I don\'t like single quote at all']


hello I don't like single quote at all

Process finished with exit code 0

Escape from double quote in a string in Python

Now suppose you have to print the below line:

She said, “You are looking nice”. And I smiled

You can do the below:

print["She said, \"You are looking nice\". And I smiled"]

Or you can also do this:

print['She said, "You are looking nice". And I smiled']

The output for both of those will be same as below:

She said, "You are looking nice". And I smiled

Process finished with exit code 0

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Programing languages are quite friendly with quotes. Almost all programming languages use quotes to get input from the user, print a string or just a value, or assign a string to a variable. Whatever the need is, quotes always come in handy in all situations, but it becomes quite a hassle when it comes to printing quotes itself. If we put quotes inside a string, a run time error will be generated.

For example, if we try to execute a print statement with extra quotes in it that we want to be printed with the string, print[“Python is a very “easy” language”], it will generate a run time error. This is because Python will take “Python is a very ” as one string followed by an ‘easy’ word which is not in a string, followed by a second string “language”. This is not what we intended, but Python understands it this way. The reason is “escape” quotes are special characters in python or any other programming language.

However, nothing is impossible in the world of programming. This tutorial will guide us on how we can put quotes in a string. There are various ways of including quotes character “” inside of a string, though we are going to discuss the three easiest ways for python string escape quotes. Let us begin the learning process.

Example 1

Python has the simplest way of putting quotes in a string: putting a string in a single quote ‘’ which is commonly known as apostrophe and putting double quotes within the string. This way, the compiler will not generate an error and print the double quotes “” within a string. Start a string with a single quote ‘, add the string with escape quotes and end the string with another single quote ‘ like this; print[‘Python is a very “easy” language’].

This way, Python will print the escape quotes without generating any error. Here is an example code to print the quotes within a string. We can assign a string to a variable and then print the variable, or we simply execute the print command containing the string; both will generate the same output. Let us see the code.

s = ‘Python is a very “easy” language’


print[‘Python is a very “easy” language’]

The output of the above displayed code is as follow:

Example 2

In the next example, we are going to learn the use of backslash characters followed by any type of quotes, i.e., single, or double, to print the quotes in a string. When a backslash is used with a special character, the python simply prints the special character and discards the backslash character. This concept is recognized as an escape sequence. The backslash \ character followed by any special character will be printed as it is, even the backslash itself.

For example, we want to print a backslash within a string, so we need to escape it with another backslash; in other words, put \\ in a string like this, print[“Print the backslash \\”]. Here is the code for string escape quotes using the backslash character. Again, the string can be put into a variable, and that variable can be printed or simply execute the print command containing the string to be printed.

s = “Python is a very \“easy\” language”


print[“Python is a very \“easy\” language”]

Here is the output of the code given above.

Example 3

Another simple way to deal with escape quotes is to put triple quotes around the string. Once we put the string within the triple quotes, we can print any special character without getting any error. Here is the example code:

s = """Python is a very “easy” language"""


print["""Python is a very “easy” language"""]

The output of the above code will be:


Here, we have learned about python string escape quotes. We have gone through different methods for a string escape sequence. The first one is simply putting the string with escape quotes inside single quotes and the second way is to use the backslash special character with other special characters to get them printed in a string. Lastly, we used an example in which we put tripe quotes around the string.

Hello, I am a freelance writer and usually write for Linux and other technology related content

How do you escape a double quote in a string in Python?

By using the escape character \" we are able to use double quotes to enclose a string that includes text quoted between double quotes. ... How To Format Text in Python 3..

How do you escape a quote from a string?

Single quotes need to be escaped by backslash in single-quoted strings, and double quotes in double-quoted strings. Alternative forms for the last two are '⁠\u{nnnn}⁠' and '⁠\U{nnnnnnnn}⁠'.

How do you handle an apostrophe in a string in Python?

As for how to represent a single apostrophe as a string in Python, you can simply surround it with double quotes [ "'" ] or you can escape it inside single quotes [ '\'' ].

How do I put single quotes in a string in Python?

To quote a string in Python use single quotation marks inside of double quotation marks or vice versa. For instance: example1 = "He said 'See ya' and closed the door." example2 = 'They said "We will miss you" as he left.

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