Hướng dẫn sqrt python w3schools

❮ Math Methods


Find the square root of different numbers:

# Import math Library
import math

# Return the square root of different numbers
print [math.sqrt[9]]
print [math.sqrt[25]]
print [math.sqrt[16]]

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Definition and Usage

The math.sqrt[] method returns the square root of a number.

Note: The number must be greater than or equal to 0.


Parameter Values

x Required. A number to find the square root of. If the number is less than 0, it returns a ValueError. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError

Technical Details

Return Value:Python Version:
A float value, representing the square root of a number

❮ Math Methods

❮ cmath Methods


Find the square root of a complex number:

#Import cmath Library
import cmath

#Return the square root of a complex number
print [cmath.sqrt[2 + 3j]]
print [cmath.sqrt[15]]

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Definition and Usage

The cmath.sqrt[] method returns the square root of a complex number.

Note: The number must be greater than or equal to 0.


Parameter Values

x Required. A number to find the square root of. If the number is less than 0, it returns a ValueError. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError

Technical Details

Return Value:Python Version:
A complex value, representing the square root of a complex number

❮ cmath Methods

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