Javascript ternary operator empty string

I've looked at somewhat similar questions like this or this but they are answering a different question as they look at assignment operations. For example my code is

!item.completed ? addTask[item] : null

as I would like to execute a certain function if condition is met or do nothing if it's not met. My question is what would be considered a good practice to pass as an 'empty' 2nd expression?

I saw a lot of people using null, on the other hand I think that using an empty string '' is also a valid option as since there is no assignment happening an empty string is faster to type and doesn't seem to have any cons.

asked Dec 2, 2016 at 20:51


You could use logical or ||

item.completed || addTask[item] 

answered Dec 2, 2016 at 20:53

Nina ScholzNina Scholz

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I think this is not a good use of the ternary operator.

I'd either do:

if [!item.completed] addTask[item];


!item.completed && addTask[item];

answered Dec 2, 2016 at 20:54


41.7k5 gold badges70 silver badges88 bronze badges

You could use:

!item.completed && addTask[item];

There's no point using a ternary if you don't need it.


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answered Dec 2, 2016 at 20:54

The conditional [ternary] operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark [?], then an expression to execute if the condition is truthy followed by a colon [:], and finally the expression to execute if the condition is falsy. This operator is frequently used as an alternative to an if...else statement.

Try it


condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse



An expression whose value is used as a condition.


An expression which is executed if the condition evaluates to a truthy value [one which equals or can be converted to true].


An expression which is executed if the condition is falsy [that is, has a value which can be converted to false].


Besides false, possible falsy expressions are: null, NaN, 0, the empty string [""], and undefined. If condition is any of these, the result of the conditional expression will be the result of executing the expression exprIfFalse.


A simple example

const age = 26;
const beverage = age >= 21 ? "Beer" : "Juice";
console.log[beverage]; // "Beer"

Handling null values

One common usage is to handle a value that may be null:

const greeting = [person] => {
  const name = person ? : "stranger";
  return `Howdy, ${name}`;

console.log[greeting[{ name: "Alice" }]];  // "Howdy, Alice"
console.log[greeting[null]];             // "Howdy, stranger"

Conditional chains

The ternary operator is right-associative, which means it can be "chained" in the following way, similar to an if … else if … else if … else chain:

function example[] {
  return condition1 ? value1
        : condition2 ? value2
        : condition3 ? value3
        : value4;

This is equivalent to the following if...else chain.

function example[] {
  if [condition1] {
    return value1;
  } else if [condition2] {
    return value2;
  } else if [condition3] {
    return value3;
  } else {
    return value4;


ECMAScript Language Specification
# sec-conditional-operator

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

What is ?: In JavaScript?

The conditional [ternary] operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark [ ? ], then an expression to execute if the condition is truthy followed by a colon [ : ], and finally the expression to execute if the condition is falsy.

Does ternary operator check for undefined?

A ternary operator is very similar to an if/else statement. If the condition [ myVar === undefined ] returns true , the value to the left of the colon is returned, otherwise the value to the right is returned.

Does JavaScript have Elvis operator?

2020 Update. JavaScript now has equivalents for both the Elvis Operator and the Safe Navigation Operator.

What is null coalescing operator in JavaScript?

The nullish coalescing operator [ ?? ] is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined , and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.

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