kuwaiting là gì - Nghĩa của từ kuwaiting

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

muslim country
On 19 June 1961, Kuwait became an independent state and since then it has been changing to the best because of petrol as the main income and exporting incom on 1990 kuwait was attacked by iraq and the invasion lasted for 7 monthes and took civilians [300] as prisoners of war sadly they died god rest their souls .. kuwait became free because of the actions of fellow arab countries and america now kuwait is a good peaceful country with allies all over the world and kuwait is known for helping poor countries in need in africa/asia
kuwait is improving none-stop now !


Guy : DUDE where u from ?
ME : kuwait
Guy : so u live in tents and ride camels ?
ME : no u fucktard we live in houses and we ride cars
ME : again no fucktard just because someone acts in the name of islam doesnt mean they are right MORON
Guy : sorry
ME : NOW GO !!
Guy *runs away*

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

The only country in the world where you have to pay $100 for a bottle of scotch.


Before you move to Kuwait, make sure you know how to Brew your own beer, make your own wine and grow you own gunja.

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

A rich country with a mix of ex-pats from some parts of the world. The Kuwaiti people are snobby, some are really racist...specially against Indian and Philippians. Its hot during the summer and chilly to the bare bones during the winter. Its wealth comes from Oil and sells a bitch load to the US and European countries. and other parts of the world. Some bitches are hot in Kuwait...but the fat people stand out too much. There are alot of people who are open minded, who travel and live abroad....those people are more notably known as "hathar" [7athar in kuwaiti araboo] which means those who do not hold on to traditional beliefs. Oprah openly stated that she hated kuwaities. It was funny..A rich country, no tax, cheap ciggs, enough ganjah and alcohol to keep the people busy.....hey! i'd hate this mafuck'n country if i wasnt kuwaiti too.


Jack: Ay man are you mexican? The Kuwaiti: nah brah i'm from Kuwait. Jack: Awwh hella tight, cuz i was about to say...a mexican wearing Armani one day and polo the next...and a gucci wallet

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

An ass-backwards nation of the Arabian Gulf which decides to maintain a pretense of a modern first world state whilst languishing in the guidelines of an 8th century theocracy.

e.g. No alcohol, internet and movies are censored [in case they offend "Islamic Values"], etc...


X: Where do you live?

Y: Kuwait

x: You poor bastard. sympathetic pat on shoulder

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

Rich country located on the Arabian gulf, mostly known for its hospitality, fancy cars and exportation of 14% of the worlds oil. Kuwaiti's enjoy free health care and education and to top it all no taxes. Kuwaiti's really do live a life of luxury. It is constantly called the worlds "Beverly Hills". According to Porsche 27% of the cars they export go to Kuwait annually, thus making it the country with most porsche's on its streets.


Jack: Hey, where are you from? Zaid: Kuwait Jack: Awesome! I'd kill to be Kuwaiti.

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

It's the time a military member waits in the country of Kuwait to either go home to the US or to go into Iraq, usually a period of stasis or limbo when nothing is happening.


Military guy calling forward to his unit in Iraq to let them know he's going to be a couple of days over on his leave, "Dude, I was supposed to fly out last week but the plane broke so I'm Kuwaiting till they have another one up"

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

where you go buy a video game in just 10 dinars.


guy 1: im going to buy the new game
guy 2: how much?
guy 1: 10 dinars
guy 2: wtf? you mean 50 dinars
guy 1: fuck no u piece of shit, where not in usa where it cost $50, where in kuwait where u buy 1.50 dinars just for a big mac meal
guy 2: we must be rich
guy 1: we are

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

The greatest country on Earth, better than the UK and its knife crime, better than the US and its gun crime, better than Australia and its funny YouTubers, better than Ireland and its drinking culture, and better than Canada and its kind and very welcoming inhabitants. In Kuwait, you can do the following: go snorkeling, look for treasure, fish, race fast ass cars that are found everywhere, collect guns, form a small militia, kill the locals, go to several magical pillars and make fun of the map makers for adding magic, kill boss locals, starve to death, and dehydrate to death. Kuwait is a place for men, women, and children, excluding everybody from Detroit, Rhode Island, and Ottoe, Nebraska. Come to Kuwait, today.


Kuwait is the greatest place on Earth and may Allah's light shine upon you all.

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

Kuwait is a country in the middle east and its king -Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah- must under all circumstances be called King and lord of Mars. It is also essential that all delegates representing Kuwait be referred to as "Grand amazing advisors of the omnipotent king of the seven seas".


Kuwatian: We love our delegates of Kuwait! And therefore we call them they are Most outstanding, awesome, and omnipotent lords!

kuwaiting có nghĩa là

Kuwait is a country with a lot of oil, Trump is even jealous, most of the people in the country are snobby and selfish [I should know, I'm kuwaiti] and kids are most likely to beat you up for walking in the street. There are 'poor people' in the country but poor people are usually expats and expats who can only afford really cheap apartments in Hawally. There are almost no homeless people, the only people who are homeless are the ones who have something mentally wrong with them, not kidding, you can find them sitting outside your house or asking for a ride to a far location while eating a sandwich without closing their mouths. Believe it or not, kuwaitis have maids that stay with them for at least 2 years, these maids give us an excuse to be lazy and most of the time very mean towards them when they do a shit job, i mean, sometimes they deserve to be shouted at, cuz they do a shit job and only use their phones all day and get paid hundreds every month.


You: You're Kuwaiti?
Me: Yes
You: Do you beat your maids??
Me: What? No, shes actually very good compared to others, at least she doesn't run off with our money and belongings and then proceeds to burn the house down.

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