Lỗi outlook 2010 contacting ssl.gstatic.com ui v1 icons common

On some occasions Microsoft 365 Office applications might open a popup with “Contacting server for information” and preventing interaction while active.

To try and sort this annoyance, here are some of most common procedures that should help sorting this issue.

1. How to close the popup

If you need to close the popup, you can follow the steps below to terminate the application. Open data and documents might be lost by doing so.

  1. Press CTRL+Shift+ESC to open Task Manager.
  2. Select the application that is currently blocked
  3. Press End Task.

2. Repair Office installation

Head to Start > Settings > Applications, find and select your “Microsoft 365” or “Microsoft Office” application suite entry and press “Modify“.

Though it will take a while, you should select “Online Repair” and hit “Repair“. Don’t forget to close all your open applications.

3. Outlook – Disable HTML images download

A common cause for this issue within Microsoft Outlook is HTTP images downloading, when opening or forwarding emails.

To prevent this behavior you’ll need to edit the Windows registry as follows:

  1. Press Windows key
  2. Type regedit.exe
  3. Right Click on regedit and run as administrator
  4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\{VERSION MAY VARY}\Common
  5. Right click on Common > New > DWORD [32-bit] > enter BlockHTTPImages and set the value to 1
  6. Restart the computer

4. Disable Office files sync setting in OneDrive

Find the OneDrive icon in your taskbar’s system tray and right click it.


Press Settings and in the menu select Settings.

Open the “Office” tab and uncheck the sincronization option.

If any of these helped or if you found any other way to sort this issue, let us know in the comments!

outlook error[ contacting:\\ssl.gstatic.com\ui\v1\icons\common.]

that can occur when an email references an image located on the Internet without specifying a protocol or referencing to a local network share that isn't available. That is why you see \\ssl.... instead of //ssl... The timeout may take up to 60 seconds. You can then delete it or move it to a different folder in case it currently is the first message in your Inbox folder.

please do as follows:

  1. Go to File Menu
  2. Choose "Options"
  3. Click on last menu "Trust Center" from left-hand side
  4. Click on "Trust Center Settings" button
  5. Check Off "Don't download pictures automatically in HTML e-mail message or RSS items"

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Ah ssl.gstatic.com ui v1 icons common. It can be a real pain to try and connect to these pesky little things and even more of a hassle when it doesn’t work. I know the feeling all too well and I’m here to help you get through it. Let’s take a look at some of the causes of unsuccessful connection and how to fix them.

Causes of Unsuccessful Connection

Sometimes the connection fails because of a simple misconfiguration. Other times it can be caused by a firewall or antivirus blocking the connection. In any case there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

Cause Solution Misconfiguration Check the settings and make sure they are correct. Firewall or Antivirus Temporarily disable the firewall or antivirus and try to connect again.

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Verifying SSL-A Primer

Ah the age-old question – should we or shouldn’t we? Of course when it comes to the matter of verifying SSL the clear consensus among technical folks is an unequivocal yes. After all the way an SSL certificate works is rather simple. All incoming requests for a secure connection are encrypted meaning that confidential data and personal info such as usernames and passwords are kept safe from hacking attempts.

But verifying SSL certificates can be a bit of a bamboozle. Don’t worry though – we’ll help you navigate the choppy cybersecurity waters. To get started all you need to do is provide the correct SSL certificate information and verify its authenticity. Sadly there’s no shortcut to this process. But if you follow the steps outlined below you’ll soon be verifying SSL connections with the ease and aplomb of a seasoned pro.

First look for the SSL certificate in your web browser. It should be easy enough to spot – usually it’ll be the green padlock icon in the address bar. If it’s not there it means that the website you’re trying to access doesn’t have an SSL certificate. So make sure that the website you’re using has an SSL certificate before you even begin.

Next double check that the certificate is valid and up to date. This can be done by clicking on the padlock icon and verifying the information. It’s important to note that expired certificates won’t be displayed in the address bar. Keep an eye out for the blue or grey colour of the padlock icon – this indicates that the certificate is outdated or fake.

Finally find out what encryption algorithms are being used by the website. Most websites use either RC4-128 or AES-256. If you’re not sure which algorithm is being used head over to the HTTPS Everywhere website to find out more.

And that’s it – you can now confidently verify SSL connections. Armed with this knowledge you can now rest easy knowing that your confidential data is safe and secure. As they say knowledge is power – and verifying SSL is no exception.

Understanding UI v1 Icons

While you’re browsing the web for whatever it is you need it’s likely that you’ll come across some strange-looking little images that give you pause. We’ve all been there pondering what this image could possibly mean as it sits on our pages taunting us with its simplicity yet profound sense of mystery. But fear not you have happened upon UI v1 Icons! Created by Google and used across their many web portals UI v1 Icons represent a wide range of visuals that serve an oftentimes subtle but incredibly important role in digital messaging. Read on to learn more about these mysterious symbols and why understanding them is the key to a successful web experience.

At the most basic level UI v1 icons are designed to bridge the gap between digital communication and the physical world. The internet is a global marketplace for sharing information so using visual language that transcends geographic and linguistic boundaries is key to effective communication. By using UI v1 icons as a universal language it allows users to not only understand what they’re viewing online but to interact with what they’re seeing in a meaningful way.

So what is a UI v1 icon exactly? In its simplest form it’s a small graphic that can be used to represent a concept idea or action. This image could represent anything from a camera to a shopping cart and all the concepts in between. By seeing this visual representation a user can quickly recognize an action or idea and interact with it accordingly.

UI v1 icons are created with an eye towards minimumism; each image is designed to communicate a single complex concept in the simplest way possible. By utilizing color shape and size UI v1 icons are able to convey a message without sacrificing aesthetic. This allows the icons to be used in any digital context from website navigation to search engine results and everywhere in between.

Google’s UI v1 icons are now used extensively across many of its web portals from Google Drive to Gmail and YouTube. Thanks to the wide range of visuals available users can now interact with complex concepts without having to worry about being confused or overwhelmed by text-heavy interfaces.

Now that you understand UI v1 Icons you can use them to your advantage to quickly recognize symbols and interact more efficiently with the web. Using the right icon can make all the difference when it comes to messaging online so make sure you understand their language – and unlock the world of possibilities!

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’ve been having trouble contacting ssl.gstatic.com ui v1 icons common don’t fret – here are a few tricks to try before you throw in the towel and surrender to tech frustration!

First things first – have you checked to make sure your device is connected to the internet? If not establishing a stable connection could do the trick.

Next if you are sure your device is connected to the web try clearing your browser cache as it can sometimes interfere with your devices’s network communication.

If that still doesn’t do the trick consider checking to make sure your device meets the necessary system requirements.

Lastly if all else fails you can try running comprehensive scans on your machine to make sure there aren’t any underlying issues that need to be addressed.

No matter what you do it’s important to not get too vexed. Technology can be a tar baby of stress but by keeping a level head and applying some of these tips you can just about always find a solution to your tech woes!

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