Lỗi previous mapsource not found là lỗi gì năm 2024

Ok, this is slightly dodgy, so it's for people who have legit but damaged copies of mapsource and need to re-install it...

I've just tried to re-install mapsource from an old cd, but the bugger is scratched beyond repair [20 mins with toothpaste and a soft cloth made it get a lot further through before it failed to read a needed file, but my copy is FUBAR'd ]

So, what next? To instal Mapsource latest version, you need a previous installation...ie, you cant in theory do it without an OEM cd/dvd.

What you do is this;

Go to the Garmin site and download the latest version of the mapsource updater HERE

Stick it in a folder somewhere, then un-rar it.

Find MSMAIN.msi, run it....then, afterwards, run the setup.exe, and mapsource will install with no problems.

It won't have any mapping, so it won't open, but at least you're up and running if you can't get your old mapsource cd to work

Hope it helps someone

  • 2

Brilliant - useful tip...

Classic case of necessity being the mother of all invention !!

Time well spent...

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Hi Bill,

or any one else...

I saw this post when Fanum wrote it and remembered it till today. I am trying to install mapsource onto my new laptop without using the oilder versions...

by un rar I presume you mean un zip... tried running the file but it comes up with an error. So I can't un rar it....

And I presume if and when I manage to un rar it that the file msmain is within the un rar files...

Cheers, If I get it to work I will post up a more detailed solution as I don't want to have to load V9 files to be using 2011....

Cheers Bill hope you are well

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Just tried one Bin it wont work as it is an exe file and it'll only un rar a rar file....

On top of that all the Garmin CD / DVD that I have found up till now are update ones so I am a bit stuck.

Not a real problem though as it has been a while since I got a route together. But would be nice to have it sorted for the 20/9/2011 for the third west cork run....

so any ideas how to explode an exe fils which wont work due to me not having ;apsource on my laptop would be welcomed....

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Bit puzzling... maybe someone near ya? Daithi?

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    Bit puzzling... maybe someone near ya? Daithi?

That is always a possibility but in any case if Bill said it works I am sure it does, just need to find out how to extract the files from the exe file...

  • 8

Try the instructions here, sounds the same as the OP but may help you.

Worked for me when doing a clean install to my netbook, then did an online mapping update to get the mapping data written to the hard disk.

  • 9

Thanks, have since found world map and installed that, all under way at the moment

  • 10

Worldmap won't give you very decent coverage, it has major roads only and even then they're not quite where they should be most of the time.

If you have lifetime updates, a onetime update in the last year or have purchased a new GPS in the last 90 days you can do an online update and opt to save the mapping to your PC. If it's beyond that it might be worth phoning Garmin and checking if they'll unlock an expired onetime update or the original mapping on your GPS for a while to allow you to reinstall after a PC failure and rebuild.

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