Mang bầu tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

Vậy là nàng không có thai?

So you have not conceived?

Việc có thai ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến bản thân các em và những người thân

Pregnancy dramatically affects both the girl and her loved ones

Mọi người đều nghĩ em đang có thai.

They all think I'm expecting.

Em tôi đang có thai!

He's pregnant!

Tai nạn ở chỗ là mẹ của Sammy có thai.

The accident was that Sammy's mom got pregnant.

Em có thai rồi.

I'm pregnant.

Cho đến khi em có thai.

Once you're pregnant.

Cô ta không có thai.

She's not pregnant.

Em vẫn chưa hiểu tại sao chị lại phải có thai?

I still don't understand why I have to be pregnant.

Bọn tớ phang nhau như JAV mà tớ không có thai được.

We've been banging like bunnies, and I can't get pregnant.

Mẹ, cổ có thai.

Mom, she's pregnant.

Và tôi tưởng tôi không có thai chứ.

And I thought I wasn't pregnant.

Vậy là Ashley có thai à?

So Ashley was pregnant?

Có lẽ nó bắt đầu bằng việc cô ấy có thai như thế nào.

Maybe it starts with how she gets pregnant.

Em có thai?

You're pregnant?

Mình có thai rồi!

I'm pregnant!

Phụ nữ có thai và đang cho con bú cũng nên tránh xa trà xanh .

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid green tea .

Có thai nhiều lần.

Pregnant Store.

Cô đang có thai?

You're expecting?

Cô đang có thai. đặc biệt là khi đang trong ca trực 13 tiếng.

I was wondering why you switched to decaf, especially while working a 13-hour shift.

Cô ấy muốn có thai, và anh đã tấn công cô ấy.

She wanted to get pregnant, you assaulted her.

Và rồi sau đó mẹ nói với ông ấy là mẹ có thai.

And then I told him I was pregnant.

Bụng tôi phình lên trông như một người có thai mấy tháng.

My stomach became so bloated that I looked as if I were several months pregnant.

Thật không tin là cô đã có thai đấy

I can't believe you're pregnant.

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[Định nghĩa của pregnant từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press]

Các ví dụ của pregnant


This may be helpful when preparing a pregnant patient for transition from coumadin to heparin.

Perinatal infection was defined as culture-confirmed infection in a pregnant woman or a newborn.

For ambulatory patients [children or pregnant women], teleconsultations were more costly.

The other half of the sample were still going steady at the time that the woman discovered she was pregnant.

Again this provides evidence that more rural than urban women get pregnant soon after marriage.

Linked with marriage statistics subsequent to the census date, the estimates can provide approximations to marriage rates of pregnant and/or non-pregnant non-married women.

For the women continuing, there were only eleven [28 %] making their first hospital visit by the time they were 14 weeks pregnant.

Women with other than trivial complaints were excluded from further participation, as were those who took oestrogens or progestins and those who became pregnant.

However, these estimates rely heavily on studies involving pregnant women.

There is also particular attention to categories of patient such as prepubertal children, adolescents, males and pregnant women.

However, in the pregnant ewe a more progressive infection may establish in the gravid uterus.

She has referred two pregnant women to us, and we see her most days at the surgery.

Of the 134 women over the age of 45 years, 21 [15*7 %] had never been pregnant.

First, women who have never been pregnant are likely to be contraceptive drifters, probably because their assessment of the probability of pregnancy is unrealistic.

Following that decision, an unprecedented campaign was launched by consumers [pregnant women], interested providers of care, and the mass media [6].

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