Multiple line comment in html

Here is my html code.


I need to comment from to


3572 silver badges21 bronze badges

asked Nov 6, 2017 at 13:57


Use this to comment in HTML | source

So you have:

EDIT: Sorry did not realize it was CSS only. Fixed my answer.

EDIT 2: I've looked into your question again and noticed that Pete removed an important question of yours, which part you wanted to cross out. The code below should be exactly what you want.


answered Nov 6, 2017 at 13:59


3572 silver badges21 bronze badges


In HTML you can comment multiple lines of code with:

answered Nov 6, 2017 at 14:07


771 silver badge8 bronze badges


MultiLine comments are allowed in html using the

However do note that comment within a comment i.e. nested comment is not supported in the same way in HTML

    Sample of ineligible multiline comment that can span 
    across multiple lines within the html doc.

In order to nest a comment, replace "--" with "- -". During un-nest, reverse the procedure. This is because the "--" is forbidden.

    Sample of eligible multiline comment that can span 
    across multiple lines within the html doc.

answered Feb 4, 2021 at 4:26

Sed comments are lines where the first non-white character is a "#." On many systems, sed can have only one comment, and it must be the first line of the script.

In HTML a comment is placed between

Note that most scripts ignore this comment style, as it used to help hide scripts from browsers that didn't support scripts.

so in scripts you use other commenting markings.
in js for example you can use // or /* and */

// this is a one line comment in js

this is a multi line comment in js

If your page passes other parsing or uses other scripts, you may need to use other markings or tags

answered Nov 6, 2017 at 14:26

How do you insert a multi

You can comment multiple lines just by placing them between /* and */.

How do you comment out lines in HTML?

To “comment out” a button — or any HTML element— simply wrap the element in the< !

How do you specify single line and multi

You can create a single line comment by putting -- at the start and --> at the end of your comment. You can also make a multi-line comment in HTML by adding at the end of your multi-line comment.

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