Nikon 55 1.2 sc đánh giá năm 2024

In general, we can say that all modifications have the same optical scheme, only slightly different due to different enlightenment and different MDF. Versions from 1972 should be more resistant to flare and create a more contrasting image due to the presence of multilayer enlightenment. In special publications you can still find prototypes of some lenses, which may differ from those described.

There are still very rare Nippon Kogaku Japan Nikkor-O Auto 1: 1.2 f = 55mm [aka Oscillo-Nikkor, CRT Nikkor, Nikkor M = 1/5] with Leica M39 thread, created for special purposes and not related to the 50-55 / 1,2 mirror lens range.

Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2

Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2 [K], from this review, is Non-ai lens and, without its alteration [AI-conversion], there will be problems when trying to install on certain CZK Nikon. Information on this issue, with an exact list of cameras that do not require alteration to install it, can be found in the section Pre-ai. The copy from this review has already passed AI-conversion and works on cameras without problems Nikon D80, Nikon AF N8008s и Nikon D700... How to use manual lenses on modern Nikon digital signal centers can be found in the section ''.

Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2

Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2 is very well assembled, with a beautiful chrome insert ring, between the aperture control ring and the focus ring. The focus ring is rubberized and rotates approximately 230 degrees [ 50mm 1: 1.2 AI-S with this worse]. MDF is 50 cm, and the maximum macro is 1: 7.3. The lens has marks for focusing distance in meters and feet, depth of field scale, mark for shooting in the infrared spectrum. The F numbers and DOF lines have different colors and correspond to each other, which is typical for older Nikkor lenses. Diaphragm has 7 petals, which affects the 'nuts' in the blur zone. Aperture closes to F / 16. The thread for the filters is the usual 52 mm. Such a lens weighs 410 grams.

Senior cameras correctly perceive and fit into EXIF aperture values: 1.2, 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0, 16.0. On the lens itself, you can only find values ​​for 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0, 16.0.

Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2 on the ZK

The fastest 'classic' Nikon lens for everyday shooting is the Nippon Kogaku Japan Nikkor-N Auto 1: 1.1 f = 5cm [and Nikkor-NC modification] for rangefinder cameras, created back in 1956. Nowadays, it is more of a collectible rarity than a real tool for creativity.

But the most aperture lens of all ever produced by Nikon is Nippon Kogaku Japan TV-Nikkor 1: 0.9 f = 35mm, created for fluoroscopy. It has no practical interest, for it is simply unrealistic to find. At the same time, more than 50 lenses were produced in the 55-1,2 / 400.000 series, and finding them on the secondary market is not difficult.

Oddly enough, modern Nikon SLR cameras lack F / 1.2 lenses [and lower] with auto focus. Of the available autofocus lenses and such aperture can only be called Nikon 1 Nikkor 32mm 1: 1.2 Nreleased for Nikon 1 Series system cameras only.

Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2

Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2 can be used on full-frame and cropped cameras. On Nikon DX cameras EGF will be 82,5 mm, which is good for portrait photography. The lens is quite sharp in the center of the frame at f/1.2, but due to the low depth of field, chromatic aberrations [in particular strong freezing] and spherical aberrations, the image often seems too 'soft'. If you cover the aperture, then the image returns to normal. On open apertures, the edges and corners of the image suffer greatly from coma [light sources turn into a kind of umbrella]. The lens normally tolerates back and side light, although, of course, it can catch glare. It has strong vignetting at f/1.2 [on FX cameras] and imperceptible distortion.

It is worth noting the bokeh of the lens. True, the circles of confusion, which are obtained from light sources in front of the zone of sharpness, are obtained with cropped edges [an example is in the gallery]. On open diaphragms, ordinary seven-sided 'nuts' are obtained.

Here link to the archive with the originals —349 MB, 42 photos in format RAW, photo parameters in the gallery of the site and archive are indicated here.

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My experience It is very difficult to work with F / 1.2, when sighting through JVI I only succeeded in every 5th shot. I used half a year Nikon Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.2 AI-Swhich I like better than version 55 / 1.2, however I sold it as it is only suitable for leisurely creative shooting. The difference in geometric aperture between F / 1.2 and F / 1.4 is only 1/3 stop [about 36%], whether such an increase in performance is needed - everyone must decide for themselves. Usually manual lenses of class 50-52-53-55-58 / 1.2 are bought for video shooting, where focusing is performed using the camera display. Considering that Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2 [which at least turned 2014 years old in 36] costs the same as a new one Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.4G - I recommend the last one for purchase. Of course, those who know exactly why they need an F / 1.2 lens will be guided by other considerations :]

In Radozhiv you can still find an interesting article about all fifty fifty Nikon autofocus.


Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1: 1.2 is a super fast lens with good picture. A real 'creative lens'.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval. Training/Consultations | Youtube | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Telegram

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